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Everything posted by suninmyeyes

  1. What is desire?

    If there is noone who has desire -- there is no people . It is like a game of life . Desire is bottomless , it exists as possibility , but what doesnt need to be done is swayed by every desire discovered . No need to respond to everything and posses .
  2. Deceived...

    I do not think that it is possible to be egoless totally and remain in human body . Some at least very subtle drive needs to be there , even if that drive manifests as most noble urge . This is only my understanding based on my observations so far . However instead of thinking in terms of an ego , more of a short cut is tracing thoughts and feelings -- where , when and in relation to what do they manifest . If traced all the way , they will dissapear by themselves . They will have nothing to support their life .
  3. Punk's not dead

    It is one of those children game songs , where they do special movements with hands and so on . It rhymes and has a lot made up words , it sings about the hen who has farted and then asks some person how many eggs they want . Deep existential poetry !
  4. What are you watching on Youtube?

    reclaim space
  5. Punk's not dead

    some vintage Balkan punk
  6. How To Heal A Cold With Tao? Or Zen?

    Ginger bath . LOADS of ginger in a very hot water , let soak for a while . Close the door so bathroom is full of ginger steam . Put it in a cheese cloth to avoid messy cleaning afterwards .
  7. Why on earth would one practice more than one system?

    Personally I am curious about other systems , it is interesting , but practise still same one as from begging . Except some qi gong and tai chi in past for cure/rehabilitation due to the accident . ...and learned a lot of useful stuff from it .
  8. interesting

    Scenario - me in the big department store browsing in a sport section - posiblly relevant description of myself -- do not look new age or hippy , or spiritual "chic", do not wear orange clothes or beads or chinese shirt or ying yang symbols or patchuli or chinese slippers or anything even nearly similar whatsoever -- not my style Totally unknown person walks up to me and this is our conversation : Person : Do you know any good Qi Gong classes ? Me :Yes I do -- go on explaining the place and gives contact for it . Person : Oh good . Me : Smiles . Yes it is good class , I reccomend . ...and both of us continue shopping .. Only after it struck as unusual .
  9. Let me think if I want to find out more ... It is an interesting post , thank you -- let me reread it again . I know what you mean by looking as that woman from Iceland , I thought exactly same when watching her that I know what she is doing .
  10. What has been your most humbling experience?

    A close friend of my close friend at 27 had everything going for he , carrear , a partner , travel plans ...until she had a car accident and ended up in coma for long time . After which she lost all abilities to move and cannot do anything by herself for years . She uses computer with her nose . This was and still is a wake up call or all of us who know her .
  11. experimentation

    To try -- gives sense of flexibilty . Failure is when trying is happening at wrong time , that is all . Trying is also a part of being .
  12. ancestral qi

    Hello Taoists , I was reading a bit of the old John Chang thread and stumbeled upon this,which was posted by Sean: ..' My Taoist teacher Liu Ming tells me human beings can not even consciously kill themselves. Taoists believe suicide is a case of unresolved ancestral qi. In effect, an enraged demonic ancestor killing you with your own hands. Whoah.' .. What is unresolved ancestoral qi? It sounds like an interesting theory and I would like to find out more about ancestoral qi and its influence/importance in our life and what does a Taoist do with it,cultivate it or gets rid of it,change it,integrate it,just leave it as it is ...? What do you personally do with it? And how important is it to a practising Taoist? How does it affect you ? Thanks
  13. ancestral qi

    Bump .
  14. I have to find out first if I am an alien per Taomeow theory and if yes we meet for a coffee and a gossip ? Sorry dont drink beer ..
  15. Sirsasana

    Headstands , handstands and backbands are the sacred trinity . Being upside down on regular basis ( but of course being careful in all ways ) is good for the body .
  16. Well it seems that I am an alien or a hybrid in that case , also have two phases , but not those same ones . That explains it than .. What is your theory behind it , would be interesting to find out .
  17. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    Anyway it is interesting to read (misread) a little of everyones ( not all though -- too long ) responses ...
  18. OK what and if even online dating becomes passe at some point...wonder what direction we as humans are moving . Judging by the way system and goverments are nannying and sedating what is left of our humaneness , maybe there is a chance that sex as we know it today will be considered to risky and prohibited ? This is just a wild idea that crossed my mind , but ...
  19. Gosh . Everything changes so fast . Wonder what will be the way to seduce someone in 100 years time , even 30 , 50 years time . 200 years time ? Is there going to be a revival of some vintage techniques ever ?
  20. Practitioners Young to Old

    My first yoga class was when I was 10 years old . My every day spiritual practise started when I was 23, 24 . It was good that I started with more dedication when I did , as the time was just right than . The only thing that I wish to have had understood earlier is where and at what point do my reactions , emotions , likes and dislikes come from and mind workings - it would have saved a lot of confusion .
  21. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    Just to add on a general note again ( this being a spiritual forum ) that cultivation is not only 1 hour of Qi Gong or chanting . It is a change of lifestyle , a revolution on many levels . It is requires constant awarness in whatever is being done during day .
  22. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    It seems like a oversimplification of some possibilities that may work for some . That does not say much does it ?
  23. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    Yes you have a point there , also I think many places in Europe are very different than America culturally . Even some young people that I know in their 20s do not necessary follow this type of behaviour and share this kind of opinions . Again I must stress out that I always belonged to slightly anarchist and art circles with people who are creative and could possibly have a bias that way .. We can only be best that we can be and be careful of what we contribute to make atmosphere better for all of us . This being a spiritual (although I do not like that word ..) forum I feel to put emphasis on that .