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Posts posted by Apech

  1. Hello everyone,


    My friends wife has had a stroke - a serious one and is paralysed on the right side of her body. It happened Wednesday night. They have said she is 50/50 but I am trying to put our positive energy that she will get through this initial stage. This has happened after open heart surgery- they are using aspirin to disperse the clot.


    I know that what happens after she comes out of intensive care is critical and I wondered if anyone has experience or knowledge of the best alternative therapy for this - to help her try to get back mobility and so on.



  2. Thanks all - I will try my olive oil first since I already have it.




    PS. I vaguely remember from my physics days that oil drops take up electric charge, which I presume they will do when emulsified in this way. There is a famous experiment called Millikan's oil drop for calculating the charge/mass ratio of the electron.

  3. thanks everyone.


    I fear social encounters with people that I used to drugs with.

    Like, whenever my brother and his girl are around, i get uprooted and end up in my head and anxious. They are really fast paced, and I feel like they might take my withdrawn behavior when i'm around them as being snotty and not wanting them around, although it's just my fear. This makes them hint at me being a dick and it makes my fear stronger. It's really hard to stay centered around them because they don't mind verbally and symbolically tipping their meaning towards me being an ass, which isn't what I want to transmit at all.


    and I fear starting conversations with beautiful women. although i'm starting to act from my heart in these situations which helps.


    and my subconscious is really homophobic too. I got to the root of this the other day for the first time in a long while. and my mind instantly spoke," I have no reason to hate them". This really resonated with what I felt was the source, although hate was not the source, it was the fear of my ego losing it's identity as straight. I had some experience a long time ago that my mind attached anger and loss to the homosexual community. So I know my fear and understand it, but realization doesn't let the fears go away.


    at this point in time I just feel the fear. I feel the fear's life. I don't combat it. I will look it in the eye when i'm out in the world. I may take up samadhi in my free time.




    I would suggest, if you are interested to try Tonglen or 'sending and receiving' a Tibetan Buddhist meditation which is part of Lojong Mind Training. It is very simple and you can use people that you have a problem with (as well as those you love) as specific objects for your practice. Apart from anything else it is great for stabilizing the mind/heart and can be if properly applied transformational in your relationship with others. Its better to get instructions from a qualified teacher but an explanation is given here (which I found easily by Googling) - there are more compex versions. Its not a teaching for which you need an empowerment as far as I am aware.




    If you read this link you will see that the Rinpoche concentrates on removing concern for yourself and I do not mean to imply that you have this. However for all of us, our fears arise from hanging on to ego perspective (as I know myself only too well :) .) The point as I understand it is to overcome negative associations which disturb your mind - some of which would be fear, but could be jealousy and so on as well.

  4. Honcho dude!


    This is disconcerting. Poisoned? Ineradicably? With what?


    What did you see when you looked at his soul?


    As for my waterproof, I have to admit it has blue flowers on it. There, now you know. I attempt to remain dignified, nonetheless.



    Blue flowers! What kind of wizard are you? :unsure:

  5. I just want you all to know, those of you who got a first impression of Max that he is sinister, that your first impression was indeed correct. Don't forget what my path is. I've seen his soul.



    As a total outsider to all this - I have no access to Kunlun in the UK (as far as I know) and have only read the website and read discussions on here - 'sinister' of course means 'left handed' and refers to the hidden side of the shield in heraldry (the other side being 'dexter' or shown - the sword wielding hand). So sinister only refers to a particular way of using energy - hidden/dark and does not mean 'evil'. So if you work 'nothing- something - nothing' as has been mentioned, then to someone on another path this might appear sinister.


    I would also like to make the point that actually no teacher gives you anything. What they do is point out to you the presence of energy or reality which is already there. They are allowing you to access the infinite of potential 'within' yourself which your ordinary mind or state of being obscures. All initiatory systems work in this way. Some people who perhaps have achieved greater confidence in their work and have established freer access to deeper states of being can assist others who are less sure about things. Ultimately while teachers are needed, we do things for ourselves. I think this is worth remembering when dealing with 'gurus'.


    Have any other Taobums got interesting waterproofs? I think this should be a theme in itself. :)

  6. Just a thought - nothing new about porn:




    could easily give examples from ancient india, china, japan, rome - you name it. Its always been there - it just that now its easier to find on the internet. If the human mind likes to produce it then where is the 'trap'? Like everything else its in us and not in the porn.

  7. One of my teachers said that because the physical body is 'of the earth' then it was better to let it return to the earth. That is be buried. He said that our bodies would then be 'recycled' by nature. Of course he believed that we are not the body so ultimately what happens to the body after death is not the most important - more important what happens to our consciousness.

  8. What I like most about Taobums is this feeling of a loosely knit group of individuals who are all finding out their own way for themselves. Disagreements and different opinions are ok and so is a sense of humour which brings everyone down to earth. The question about banning mostly prompted a response which did not want to see him banned at all, no matter what people thought of Li Jiong. Personally I am not a great fan of his kind of uncompromising style and I feel that, having trained for a bit under someone a little like that, while there is much to learn from someone who has put so much energy into things, behind that is quite a lot of emotion, particularly anger.


    It is interesting that he effectively ended up banning (or suspending) himself. Why? I would much prefer that he stay, face the questions and answer them ... preferably without the 'third rate' business. But you have to ask why he felt he could not hang around and respond more to the questions being raised.


    I think this reflects well on Taobums itself, not badly. It was a quite a gentle weeding process and not really that aggressive at all. I know practices like Kunlun tend to dominate occasionally but I see in Taobums a genuinely open and diverse community of genuine practitioners. To misquote George Orwell "Onebum bad, Taobums good."

  9. In marble walls as white as milk,

    Lined with skin as soft as silk,

    Within a fountain crystal clear,

    A golden apple doth appear.

    No doors there are to this stronghold,

    Yet thieves break in and steal the gold.


    What am I?



    Sunny side up with fries and ketchup please.