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Posts posted by Apech

  1. Found this quote on the net:


    In these few years, from my own practice, I really can feel my connection to the moon, the sun and the five dipper clusters which include the Big Dipper and their internal connections to the human body. For example the big dipper is affiliated with Water of the space five elements, in human body, the kidney and the bladder are affiliated with water. When one practices with the big dipper, the five element qi resonate, the internal qi move in the Kidney and Bladder Channels. I also got hold of a book called "Da Qian Tu Shuo". It introduces the connections between the the stars and the daoist practice, including the Zi Wei Stars system, the Five Dippers, the 28 stars clusters, the Northern Stars and the Southern Stars system.





    from here:


    working with stars

  2. Darin,


    I would like to join with those who celebrate (is that the right word?) how you are.


    How odd that those who say they want no restrictions and openness turn out so intolerant. While you who call yourself prudish are prepared to be tolerant and forgiving. Ironic eh?


    For me I think there is a need to distinguish between whatever school or discipline we may personally belong to and this board - which is as stated quite open to ideas, disagreements and so on and operates under Sean's rules. I enjoy the tangential threads and disagreements but I don't like the abuse (including provocative swear words) but I'll put up with them if it means this place keeps bubbling along. In my understanding harsh speech is most harmful the speaker as it generate disharmony in their energetic body and creates seeds for negative karma. If we were to ask people to change their bevaiour it would be to protect them, not to condemn them. I notice that some are asking for a separate sub forum for cultivation - and if this happened it would disappoint me because I like the stream of consciousness and don't want things boxed off.


    Here's hoping everyone stays.

  3. aha! Cool! Thanks! :)

    So the sun and moon would then be the top two vertebras(atlas and axis), right? Do you know which order the other planets would be in, in relation to the vertebras?



    I read in this book:




    that some traditions of Taoism do celestial projection to 'walk' the constellations. This is to do with the release of the light body.


    Does anyone know if this book is worth buying - I read part of it in the book shop but didn't want to buy it unless it was any good.


    I was impressed by your dream by the way.

  4. Hmm not sure what all the fuss is about as I've posted that vid here several times in the past without any problems. If you feel offended by any of the images in my vid then I'm sorry but I personally get offended by the image of a semi naked dead man on a cross but hey that's just me. :huh:


    Watch the vid, don't watch the vid nobodies forcing anybody although I must say again that there is a certain air of oppression building here. :(



    Nothing pornographic about that video - or are we going to call Hindu temples and a lot of classical art pornographic?


    My big problem is this - is chocolate sponge pudding really nice or not?

  5. In Daoism they are generally connected to the seven stars of Ursa Major.

    There are practices to enbody the stars and, in the various lineages, they can be transposed to various parts of the body - the seven vertebrae are often considered.





    Aha! that's extraordinary because the seven spirits summoned by Anubis are the seven imperishible souls, which are the seven stars of Ursa Major.


    Do you have any more information or know where I can get hold of this???



  6. Hahaa! I liked it though Gossamer!

    Jump on in ! very cool.



    So what was that last line ???

    Ahh? This was it, right?

    "a spirit chaser.


    Hifullutin name for beer!


    Sparkling water..."


    Sparkling water...

    crown of the head, down to toes

    drip,drip,drip,drip, dry!




    drip,drip,drip,drip, dry!

    my seventies nylon shirt

    is weeping in shame.

  7. I want to know about the 7 cervical vertebrae. In the Egyptian system the serpent Neheb-kau swallows seven cobras which give magical power. This serpent is related to the neck - hence seven (because of the neck bones) and so on. Also there are the seven celestial cows which represent 'heavens' or levels of perception. As consciousness or energy rises up the neck these seven perceptual levels are opened up. This energy is characterised by a bull called the bull of heaven. Each of the cows has a name which are given in Ch. 148 of the Book of the Dead if you want to look it up. For instance "Much beloved red of hair".


    What I am not sure of is the exact nature of these levels of perception but is possible, indeed probably that in the Chinese system there is something similar. That is energy centres/meridians and nodes in the neck which link to visual cortex???


    Anyone with knowledge of this or can provide links???



  8. LOL mate ... haiku ... 5 syllables first line, 7 second, and 5 third line. ;)


    this club for squatters

    where are we trying to get

    down paradise road



    down paradise road

    we wander into a bar,

    drinks on us, we cry.





    drinks on us, we cry,

    downing a pint of joy and

    a spirit chaser.



  9. Suggest:


    If you are sitting in chair or posture you need firm support i.e. not pillow. Try telephone directories or something firm built up to the height of the span of your hand - bound up with tape (or similar) or make yourself a small stool out of wood. Sit close to the edge of it and put your tummy slightly forward to give your spine an s shape.