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Posts posted by Apech

  1. Stig i did not address you directly precisely because its not your personal problem. its mods problem as a group. something went very wrong with you guys.


    between your "half-wits ..toilet..garbage"; mal's considering "cheerleader" an insult (wtf?); taomeow creepy "sword sheethed..unsheethed..half-sheethed" it is precisely you guys against us.


    you see, we dont like to feel that we are potential half-wits or varmint to be skewered. there are already 7-8 ppl who raised their voices, guess how many are unhappy but just to passive to say something?


    you guys have succeded in creating a toxic enviroment, that is the long and short of it.


    There's voices in favour of moderation also.


    The moderation is done in accordance with published rules. I don't relate to this 'toxic environment' can you explain more?

  2. Dear All,


    I have recently joined the ranks of the Mod Squad ... I was asked and felt rather honoured to be honest because I like and use this forum a lot. I haven't had to admonish anyone or suspend anyone yet and hope that I won't have to too often.


    What I can say as a newboy mod is that there is no hidden agenda here - if there was I wouldn't do it. Sean wanted to keep and good level of debate and to cut out the personal abuse and name calling. Its a bit hard to sustain a Board on Taoism if everyone is bitching I think you will agree.


    Sean has given me no 'instructions' except to enjoy myself (!?!) and that's it really. The main issue is personal abuse and attacks. Its OK to criticize what someone is saying but don't attack the person posting. If nothing else - you have to remember (mostly) you don't know them or very much about them - so you can't analyse their motives and so on. So its best not to try.


    I don't remember the cheerleader/Cat thing so I can't comment on that. If you feel the moderation has stepped out of line or is over the top then I am sure we can rely on you all to express your feelings. They will be taken seriously.





    • Like 2

  3. As A voice of moderation...

    We all have our own distinct views of what Is true to us.

    I do believe we are all united within the Tao, in a presently

    disheveled oneness, existing whether we believe it or not.

    The whole reason I was impressed with Taoism is the whole of IT.





    "Disheveled oneness" I love that! I cultivate being disheveled everyday in my manner and attire! :lol:


    I am only heveled (is that a word?) at weddings and funerals.

  4. The last two posts is one of the reasons I will not go any deeper into any specific religion. It is not my intention to credit or discredit any specific religion or religions in general.


    Yes, it is fair to challenge statements of opinion.




    I feel a bit offended being included in this! I was trying to point out that someone expressing a sincerely held belief (even though they may be mistaken) is not a liar ... which is what GiH seemed to be implying.


    I do try to respect other peoples religious beliefs because I think that even though I may not subscribe to their view it is likely to include some truth - or element of truth - and also I choose to respect the person (even though this may be challenging sometimes).

  5. Tao of the Afro,


    Welcome to you. A Christian Taoist should find a lot of things to discuss on here. I would suggest you look around on the discussion section for qi gong and nei gong (there is a search facility) - if you can't find anything interesting just post a new topic of your own. You are guaranteed some answers - but then you have to pick which one's resonate with you.





  6. Much Zen got caught up in what appears to be a Zhentog interpretation of yogacara texts. Or the idea of an absolute oneness of everything, based upon a misinterpretation of experience and texts. Not all of Zen seems to have done this, or not all masters within Zen or Chan.




    Is not Zen a yogacara (citta mattra) school not part of madhyamaka (sp?) so I am not sure that analysis works. I mean I don't see it is a misinterpretation but more a different view - 'mind/experience only'.

  7. Have you read JC book? Level 4 (of 72) is described a little bit in there. He says that is the level where one has to be prepared to die since he says many have trying to achieve it. It seems to be the complete and utter merging of Yin and Yang in the Dan Tian. But I do not recall if he said there was more danger after a certain age.


    Ok thanks - no I haven't read the book I just wanted to get an idea of what people are talking about.

  8. I still say it's a trap for people like him.


    What is? Drink you mean? It affects different people very differently. They have found a genetic propensity in some who react strongly to drink. Others can drink and it doesn't mean much.

  9. B.S. A rationalization.


    No he's right ... in Tibetan Buddhism its inebriation (i.e. damaging consciousness) that is the problem and not the drink. So unless you specifically take a vow not tot drink at all its ok in moderation.

  10. I'm glad we are still discussing Taoism in this Taoism thread.


    I'm also glad that there are Buddhist threads on this forum where Buddhist concepts can be freely discussed.


    Yes, I had to go back and check the thread title - I got confused. I think we may need a hermetically sealed dependent origination thread so we don't get leakage.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  11. Inoran,


    Hi and welcome.


    Many people have had these types of problems and gone through what you are going through. I suggest you do a search in the discussion forum and see what you can find. Otherwise you could start a topic on this.


    Good luck and take it easy.

