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Posts posted by Apech

  1. I can't accept any of the arguments made here about CC. With the exception of Magical Passes - which I regard as a commercial enterprise - all the books are startlingly alive and full of ideas which have an immediate impact on the reader (supposing the reader is receptive to them). He himself on the other hand shows all the qualities of a man not up to the task ... the task being that of acting as the Nagual for others. Its not the 'lies' but the manipulation and sexual jealousy (the Wallace book) that demonstrate this ... in fact this mirrors exactly the fate of the so called three-pronged Nagual which he is supposed to have become in the books.


    In the books there are a multitude of accurate and meaningful observations and practices which are, no matter how much he a a writer may have lied, in themselves true. I do not accept that the assemblage point is a fantasy as another poster put it and his descriptions of altered states of consiousness ring true (although in the later books the 'blue scout' and the flyers do seem to be the products of increasing imbalance).


    I have no way of proving it or otherwise but I have always felt that CC did meet someone - (or possibly some people) - who did know what they were doing - and this inspired him and gave him valid teachings. What failed was his attempt to perpetuate those teachings properly. I do not accept that the whole of what is in the books is just bits and pieces gleaned from other writers and sources. Some of it is just too accurate.

  2. On the news today that hackers have closed down Mastercard and other sites which have withdrawn services from Wikileaks - also hacked the lawyers website apparently. Its more interesting to see how the cyber-battle pans out than any of the content of the leaks. This kind of thing is more or less inevitable once the internet is there - I'm just surprised its taken so long to get to this point.

  3. The Wikileaks thing is interesting but I don't think it's as significant as people make out. I cannot imagine the diplomats being able to carry on their business without being able to brief and comment in confidence. Now they know that stuff can be leaked they will just find a new encrypted or secure way to keep chatting - which is what (most of the time) we want them to be doing. Nothing is new under the heavens - its just the technology that has got bigger and possibly better.

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    Now we can correctly understand the passage and translate it as it was meant - practical:







    Heaven and Earth do not have a kernel (REN) and use all things as straw dogs

    The ruler is not humane (REN) and uses even nobility as straw dogs

    Heaven and Earth space, is it not like bellows?

    Empty but inexhaustible, cycles and evermore produces.

    Rather than be exhausted by verbality, its better to guard your EMPTY centre.


    So the passage ends with practical precept on emptiness within, while cyclicality within is left for another passage.


    I'm a bit confused and don't read Chinese. Are the two readings of REN justified by the text? i.e 'kernel' and 'humane'. If not why the difference? Why is it 'nobility' and not 'people' who are straw dogs?

  5. Hello Allan,


    First I hate the word cultivate. It seems to be the exact opposite of what Tao Teh Ching teaches. How do you cultivate something if it's supposed to grow naturally? Hey I'm going to let these grapes grow naturally, but I'm going to cultivate them! That's like pouring a glass of water and saying you've cultivated the glass.




    But... but you do cultivate grapes if you want them to grow!

  6. I think its good to have such a wide range of contacts and views on here. You can read about all sorts of stuff that you would find it hard to come across normally. Great to chat with like minded people or at least people who share some of the same interests. Its a good support to practice but no substitute for practice. You have to get on with your own work.


    What other people have achieved or done means little to me ... I am only really concerned about my own progress and understanding ... good luck to them ... that's it.

  7. Until you guys started debating whether the posts were actually relevant to Ch. 3 - I thought the discussion was relevant to Ch. 3. So on this occasion I don't agree with Rene (though I usually do). Anyone can start a thread/topic it doesn't have to be a Mod.


    I would see an argument for at some point going through the Chapter threads and moving out the tangential discussion - but this could be controversial and so should only be done with general agreement. My reason for this is so a new member can easily click on and get the full range of views for study purposes without distraction.


    I see nothing else to moderate on here (although Aaron/Twinner is leading).

  8. It is a tradition of all (nearly all?) cultures that the sage advises the king e.g. Merlin and Arthur ... and so on. There is nothing so strange for Lao Tzu to do the same. All Shakespeare's history plays can be seen as a kind of dialogue about power and responsibility. Even today in our so-called democracies we still invest in our elected leaders the awful responsibility of life and death. Bush and Blair committed many to death - both our own and our 'enemies' and also the innocent. We cannot pretend that that these things do not exist or bury our heads in the sand. Lao Tzu is talking about the real world not a politically correct one.