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Posts posted by Apech

  1. I think faith is just a very deep instinctive belief. For example, I have faith in the gravity. It means I believe in the gravity so much that I don't even contemplate its absence. I don't think about it. I just walk around as if gravity is true and it is. So I don't distinguish faith from belief in a big way because I think beliefs come in various strengths and depths and strong deep beliefs can be called faith.





    Surely any 'belief' gravity is reinforced by the empirical experience of falling over or dropping things. Is that still a belief?

  2. I cant quite put my finger on what it is here that just doesnt seem very 'high level' about this, right from the very start....


    "Stick erect penis into a vagina"


    yes, any old vagina will do obviously ... I thought perhaps it would be nice if the penis and vagina went out on a couple dates first ... "Hi I'm Dick, " "Pleased to meet you my names Conny" ... that sort of thing.



    Spiritual and non-religious people are slightly better, but they too fall into "one size fits all" method nonsense. For example look at the obsession with kundalini. How does kundalini challenge assumptions? I doesn't. In fact kundalini systems are themselves based on assumptions and presuppositions about mind and reality. It's much better to actually explore one's own mind via a testing than to assume something about it, and just keep doing it over and over as a daily practice.




    Hurrah! Gold I may start believing in you!

  4. You missed 'Charm 101' at school didn't you!


    It's not nearly as good/bad(take your pick)as a painting I once did. I showed my girlfriend at the time my painting and asked her what she thought about it, it was a geometric abstract, she said "it makes me sick!", I actually thought she meant 'makes me sick' as in she disliked it intensely, but she then told me "no, I mean when I look at it I physically want to vomit! It makes me feel like vomiting!". Needless to say that was one of the highest compliments I've ever gotten for one of my creative works, still today I swell with pride every time I think of it. Your bowel movement is just another string in my bow. :D


    Was it an ordinary painting or a nagual painting? The ability to produce violent physical reactions at a distance is an impressive siddhi. Much better than those distant orgasms that Drew used to go on about. You could market this nausea gong and make a small fortune not to mention the carrot recycling potential (why is it always carrots that are left over ... perhaps the TTC has the answer I must check).




    Ok, I'm done, some of us have to go to work. I think you'll agree that it's entirely possible to create an authentic spiritual work based on true Indian, whatever kind, beliefs and traditions.


    I found your story compelling and yet at the same time deeply moving ... so deeply in fact that I had to rush to the bathroom ... you may well have proved a point ... CC was in truth a genius.

  6. I dont think 5elTao has been perfunctory.


    Being objective is all well and good, but the fact is, either Castaneda doesnt smell right to you, or he does.


    I like a coyote as much as the next adaptable student, but CC to me smells all wrong, so I wont eat his food.


    This is not very nice to hear for those that revere him, but this is a reality. Logic only gets you so far.


    Some people feel their deeper intelligence says 'yes' to CC and some people say 'nope'.


    To me he reeks of bad attitude. Idk if this is partly something to do with my brand of femininity and his brand of attitude to women. I dont like the way he lies, the energy behind it. I dont neccesarily have an issue with lying per se.



    Ultimately, the Shen decides who we receive into ourselves as teacher. In this way, no right, no wrong.


    Either way, nice thread, interesting for lots of reasons.




    That's interesting. In fact I would say I don't like or feel right about CC himself and specially 'the witches' and all that - seen them on youtube doing magical passes ... er ... no thanks ....I've read the Amy Wallace kiss and tell ... which I thought was a stupid book but doubtless factually accurate. He seems sexually jealous and obsessed by his own semen ... which doesn't impress.


    But I get a completely different reaction to the books. This is why I am drawn to think that someone else was involved. Can't prove it but I think there was a DJ or someone at some point in his life. I have found a lot of the insights useful. I read them all when they came out ... they get worse towards the end ... so by the time all the debunking started I wasn't unprepared ... it didn't really bother me and I didn't feel angry/betrayed the way some people do. He opened up shamanism in a way that no one else did. If he borrowed all the ideas from here and there ... then he did ... but I still don't know how he managed those books ... its an extraordinary literary feat if that's what it was. I'd challenge anyone else to do the same and be as effective.

  7. the trouble with you is whiteness and furriness and that egyptian thang.


    How can you say that when it is written in the teachings 'thou shalt be furry, white and walk like an Egyptian' - clearly you need to study these things properly otherwise your chakras will get fuzzy and karma will fizz like diet cola.

  8. My apologies for getting this thread off track!


    Just winding this back a few hours.


    I'm not sure you got this off track single handed Ralis - its takes a few TaoBums to do that :).


    This was quite an interesting thread until people went off on the usual Karma/Dzogchen thing ...


    It would be great if people could avoid telling other posters that there is something wrong with them (or their practice) on the basis of what they have read on here. We don't really know each other, most of us have never met, even if we had it would take some extraordinary genius to work out 'what's wrong' with the other person. So how the hell can anyone know what is up with anyone else on here on the basis of a quickly typed post??? I would suggest caution on this front - I know it would annoy the hell out of me if anyone tried it ... its one of the reasons threads descend into personal abuse ... (and you know what happens then :ninja: ).



    I think that (and I know this is what Buddhist teachings say) Karma is impossible to understand properly from a relative point of view. It is quite a powerful working praxis in my view and also 'explains' or rather provides a working view for all the shit that happens (without the divine judgment thing). Also it tends to make you think twice before being nasty - which must be good.


    I think that some people derive great joy from alcohol - not me I can take it or leave it really - I just get woozy, fall over and pee myself - no great experience. i do think it tends to distort emotions - something to do with being 'water' I guess.


    I was taught that the higher teachings (Mahamudra in this case but also Dzogchen) do uphold the whole of dharma - Four Noble Truths and so on - so I agree with Vaj on this one. However it is also true that someone could attain the state mind without the rest of dharma - but then they wouldn't be Buddhist would they? so why even refer to any Buddhist terms e.g. Dzogchen.


    On one level it is all bollocks - just words - but on another it is what we have, what we work with and what we experience - so its not bollocks at all.