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Posts posted by Apech

  1. Hi Thomsun,


    Welcome to TTBs - suggest you post your question as a topic in Taoist discussion ... you'll probably get plenty of answers ... all you will have to do is decide if you agree with any of them.



  2. I'm interested how you reconcile your interpretation of the TTC with lines such as:


    Ch 5:

    "Heaven and Earth are impartial [are inhumane/not kind]; They see the ten thousand things as straw dogs.

    The sage is impartial [is inhumane/not kind]; He sees the people as straw dogs. "


    - TS


    Hi TS,


    We've discussed that one at length - read the thread(s) on it maybe someone has already answered your question.




    Thanks for that answer!!!! Great. The path is not easy.

  3. This chapter makes me think about how difficult it is to follow the Tao - especially in worldly pressured situations. The world seems to demand certainty (where often it doesn't really exist) and being subtle doesn't wash. I saw a film today with Will Smith called Pursuit of Happiness (didn't really like the film cos the end just seemed to justify the system) but as a character he was being pressurized by forces into being corporate man - pushing himself into something unnatural ... and I thought how bad that is - but when the answer is something fluid and subtle (evasive) how does it get the strength to 'be' in that kind of environment.


    (sorry if this doesn't make sense)

  4. guys.. Firefox with Adblock!


    Yes I think that's the answer - I checked with my other browser (Safari) and I do get annoying adds. So Firefox with adblock ... that is our new mantra!


    P.S. yes I dropped the 7 it was very 2010 I thought.


    PPS. I am going to move this to tech support its not really a Book Club thing.

  5. Everybody - we're having some nice discussions about the individual chapters of the Tao up in the pinned Tao Te Ching topic. We're just not getting enough participation. This is some good meaty stuff. Please join us?




    Yep I started by joining in but all my recent sessions have been moderation activity thanks to certain other threads :angry: - I'll try to get back to it.

  6. From the period when I practiced vajrayana (karma kagyu) I can't imagine receiving teachings online - maybe shedra type study of the philosophical view but not transmissions ... I'm not saying this doesn't have any value but I would try to meet my teacher and develop a personal connection as without that I'm sure how much benefit can develop.

  7. Interesting synchronicity, the book (9 1/2 Mystics) I'm reading has this line, 'The end of philosophy is the beginning of wisdom'. I've been chewing on it for a while.


    Would you say in Western terms the Sage is academic, whereas in Eastern terms the Sage is a mystic? Or in the East is he a combination? Or, on the third hand in Traditional Chinese should we start academic and progress to mystic??







    Plenty of western philosophers have been mystics - but quite often it has been hidden by academics/the Church - because this type of thinking was suppressed in the west - while in the est this didn't happen as much.

  8. Those are some of the ugliest scones I've ever seen in my life. Looks aren't everything, but seriously! :o



    I suggest the moderation rules should be changed to the following, which are more in line with todays current trends:


    Causes for moderation action:


    * Making personal insults of other members cakes

    * Stalking and unduly harassing other members for recipes

    * Profanity and vulgar language when discussing baking(in particular, cakes)

    * Threatening other members cakes in any way

    * Discrimination whether based on gender, race, religion, culture or cakes

    * Posting images of cakes that would be deemed offensive to the general public (i.e. Mals scones)

    * Unwarranted spam & cake

    * Links to malicious biscuits

    * Links to websites that would violate these guidelines (i.e. http://www.recipes4cakes.com/ )

    * Illegal content (ie: undercooked cakes)

    * Content that jeopardizes someone's jam rolly polley.

    * Excessively and deliberately hijacking someones gateau

    * Overtly and incessantly trying to convert others to biscuits as opposed to cakes (any one who tries this will be moved to 'cake corner' forthwith)




    Don't think that we have not considered these moderation options. Offense against a jam rolly polley is clearly a crime against all puddings in general. I believe this has been discussed in the International Court of Baking Rights and is actually law punishable by immersion in Angel Delight (or other blanc mange type product.)

  9. *** Moderation reminder ***


    To all posters on this thread, these are the guidelines:


    Causes for moderation action:


    * Making personal insults of other members

    * Stalking and unduly harassing other members

    * Profanity and vulgar language

    * Threatening other members in any way

    * Discrimination whether based on gender, race, religion, culture or creed

    * Posting images that would be deemed offensive to the general public

    * Unwarranted spam

    * Links to malicious websites

    * Links to websites that would violate these guidelines

    * Illegal content (ie: links to download copyright software)

    * Content that jeopardizes someone's privacy in an unsafe way or is otherwise dangerous to their safety

    * Excessively and deliberately hijacking threads

    * Overtly and incessantly trying to convert others (will be considered as spamming)



    Discrimination is not ok whatever your personal beliefs or intent. Please avoid generalizations based on race which suggest inferiority and so on.


    Thank you.


    *** Mod Apech ***

  10. I feel it's now time to reveal my hidden talent to the world!!


    Whereas I do not have the artistry of Mythmaker, I do feel I am making a valuable contribution to the genre of dragons.


    My piece, is of course, of the 'lesser spotted dragon'.


    My influences are Dali, Monet, Picasso.... in fact all of the really famous ones.


    I will be encouraging critic from all (as long as it's all positive).


    Ps. Please refrain from copying it and trying to sell it off as your own art work.




    Is your dragon coughing from the cigarette or is it lighting up for others?

  11. Moon very bright here tonight.


    Last night a moon-bow ... a ring of light around the moon (caused by ice crystals in upper atmosphere I think).



    BTW my neighbour plants his onions only at a late crescent/new moon - anyone else come across this?

  12. Well.... I think that deserves a response. Where would you put Scones then? Mal mentioned scones, and I quote: Mal - 'scones...'.


    Bearing in mind your new found desire as a 'cake supremacist' should you not have copied Mals word 'scones' to the cake corner?


    And before you say it, yes, I am aware that a scone plays on both teams due to its lack of actual sugar content.


    Mal's scones are his own personal business provided they remain covered in public places.


    I shall look forward to your due course occurring; as you are, yourself, a Masterbaker, it is only fitting.


    Due to a technical fault I am unable to apologize at present. I can however, apologize for not apologizing for what I am not apologizing for.


    Sorry about that.

  13. To whom it may concern(Apech7),


    As I have been very disturbed by heinous copying of a biscuit recipe to 'cake corner' I have spent hours trawling the net to prove that cakes and biscuits do have some relevance to the topic being discussed.


    My search was not in vain, as I came upon a very reputable survey from a secret website that you will not be able to find(due to your lack of website finding experience). Here below is proof positive of the relevance of sex/cakes/biscuits AND Japan:





    There is no need to apologize Apech, I fully understand. We all make mistakes. Let that be an end of it!


    I insist on apologizing and will do so in due course.

  14. I cannot express enough my deepest joy at being copied to 'Cake corner'.


    I do, however, think you have made a gross error of judgement. Uncooked chocolate bars are in fact a 'biscuit' and not a cake. Therefore, it is plain(chocolate)to see that I have been mis-categorized.


    Usually when my biscuits have been misrepresented I would look the other way, yet I find this harder and harder to do these days. I understand that in the world of desserts it is necessary for biscuits to be integrated, however, not at the expense of a biscuits sovereign identity.


    Whereas I recognize a form of biscuit/cake apartheid is not what anyone wants, it is disturbing that uncooked chocolate bars would so quickly be simply added to that section.


    Disturbed and confused.






    Although I uphold the equality of all the varieties of pastries across the world I have to say I found it necessary in this case to take action. I cannot stand by and allow chocolate yumminess to be isolated from the rest of cake-kind and so I unilaterally decided that the definition of cake should encompass the whole of bakery (notwithstanding the uncooked nature of the 'self' of biscuit when understood in terms of Dzogchen) or either that/ or not the cake may be the product of cultivation, that is non-ejaculatory cookery.



    I hope I have clarified the situation.

