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Posts posted by Apech

  1. Yea!!!


    Yeah, that song was recorded by many different artists. And yes, I remember it well. I had to do a search on it. Here is what I found from Wiki:


    "I'm an Old Cow Hand (from the Rio Grande)" is a comic song written by Johnny Mercer for the film "Rhythm on the Range" and sung by its star, Bing Crosby. The Crosby recording with Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra was a hit in 1936.


    That kind of song normally goes into a separate category called "Cowboy Songs". They are one of the roots of Country Music that evolved during the 1940s.


    Bing Crosby! Marbles have I ever mention that:



    it would go with your hair ... if you had any that is.


    Dorothy Lamour was quite a babe really.

  2. Hehehe.


    Well, y'all did produce the Beatles and Ringo did do one Country Album.


    Actually, if you go back to the early 1900s in America most country music sounded like the music from the Isles. Heavy with the Irish, of course, but folk music none-the-less.


    When I was a kid I lived for a bit in the states and I remember this:




    I was very, very young.


    So country music is in my soul after all :lol:.



    I know very little about Hermes and even less about Thoth. Would you care to enlighten me on what their role in mythology actually was?

    You mentioned something about Hermes being thrice born into Thoth? What is the relevance to present day events?




    Hermes is the Greek god of wisdom seen as a winged messenger and known as Mercury by the Romans. Thoth (Djehuti in Egyptian) is the Egyptian god of wisdom inventor of writing, mathematics, medicine and so on. Usually portrayed as having the head of an ibis or baboon and linked to the moon. His centre of worship was in Khemenu in middle Egypt.


    One of his titles was 'three times great' ... this is also echoed in in the name of the Hermetic writer Hermes Trismegistos (Hermes the thrice great) who wrote the Emerald Tablet amongst other things.

  4. There are limits, my dear friend. Hehehe.


    Yes Apech, there are limits in the Manifest universe. An orange can never be an apple.


    Never heard of Cox's Orange Pippin ... tis an apple!!!!



  5. Hi,


    I wanted to answer your poll but found that I didn't really fit any of the categories ... some of the terms I didn't recognize either ... maybe you should put 'other' ... which although it is not very informative would tell you how many people responding wanted a new category.



  6. Hi Stig,


    That was a very long post! I read it but can't remember every point you made ... but you are clearly passionate about this subject. I agree that self moderation is the ideal and I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with that statement. No-one on here anyway. Obviously this is why we often offer the reported poster an opportunity to self-edit and very rarely edit anything anyway - even if it is thought to break the 'rules'.


    I don't agree with the generally accepted (?) notion that TTBs has got more negative, childish or bad tempered ... or whatever ... I see the opposite. It seems to me there is a general growing acceptance that the 'no insult' and respect the other poster approach is helpful and constructive to good debate and not the other way around. Within this I, like Mal don't want to see the passion die ... so strong language as such has never been an no no ... just insults.


    If there is to be self-moderation then presumably people posting would need their own personal ethos against which they judged their own post. Rather in the way you might distinguish ethics (a personal belief system or set of values) form morals (values imposed by society). One thing I don't understand then is what actually happens if a member of this community refuses to respect others and maybe indulges in a bit of trolling. What is the sanction? How would the community exclude this person ... or take whatever action without moderators?


    If I have missed the point , forgive me.

    • Like 2

  7. Well. What can I say? I agree with you.


    Well, okay, one little disagreement. I have on a couple occasions during meditation totally lost my mind. But that never lasted very long. Kinda' like an awake dreamless sleep.


    We were thinking it might be more often than that. :lol:

  8. ....


    I agree with you. We cannot say that Tao is without consciousness.


    There are some pretty good scientific explanations as to where our consciousness came from but I am not qualified to speak to that.


    Nothing is of not the Tao. Hehehe. I just had to say that. (Yes, many things are of not the Way.)


    But I don't consider consciousness a direct attribute of Tao, it is an evolved attribute. It is my understanding that consciousness requires at least a brain with (self)awareness.


    I'm out of words for the moment. Hehehe.


    Out of words! You! Huh! I suppose it had to happen :)


    I don't think it is true that there are satisfactory scientific explanations of consciousness. They may be able to map how the brain evolved but that is not the same thing. Actually the main failing of science in general is to be able to explain consciousness.


    I don't want to hijack this thread which is about objective reality ... but I think it is important to remember that if we are going to use this term for what we consider to be 'real' then we have to include sentience/consciousness since above all we know that we are conscious ... in fact we know this more for certain than anything else since it is our awareness which allows us to perceive the objective reality.


    Because you don't like to link the Tao to consciousness ... you feel more comfortable with the idea of impersonality. I suspect this may be a reaction (rejection of) the Judeo-Christian 'God as a person' ... far enough but don't throw the baby out with bath water just yet. Better to look for what the Taoist Classics say anyway ... not that I know the answer to this. :) There may be a way to count consciousness is without that grey beard in the sky.

  9. Very interesting thanks.


    There's no doubt in my mind that there are two effects going on in archeology. One is a kind of projection of a set of assumptions by the the archeologist onto whatever evidence may be found. The Victorians were very prone to this, the British were always trying to say that the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans were somehow like them (mostly because they were all Empire builders at one time or another and this was seen as the 'way' civilization). Much was suppressed including a lot to do with sexuality or difficult stuff which ran counter to the idea of 'superior races'. This was so the Victorians could justify their own existence basically. It was not so much a conscious conspiracy as an unconscious blinkered view.


    The other effect is darker. This is active governmental suppression. I believe this is geared to preventing us knowing who we really are ... stopping us having a true perspective on ourselves which would make us harder to govern.