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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Yep! Always the same unfounded arguments which ensued from John Chang videos. What they are not aware of is the real siddhis come from a kundalini awakening which I don't recommend. Far too hot to handle for most!
  2. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    There have been numerous MoPai threads here in the past and without exception the threads crash and burn with several being permanently banned. The same attitude exists with all MoPai wannabes that watched John Chang start a fire without a match along with other so called feats of Qi projection. I know of one MoPai practitioner that needed a heart valve replacement due to excessive strain on the heart. If you watch the cigarette box demo on YouTube you will see the practitioner is straining which can lead to hypertension, and other cardiovascular circulatory problems.
  3. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I know the rules well! Nothing wrong with critiquing with a little levity as long as it doesn't cross the line into ad hominem.
  4. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Claiming there are 8 billion Taoists is a really big stretch!
  5. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    You started it with your obsession of being a fire starter. It is only fair to add levity and criticism to the topic.
  6. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    The Tao has limits? Only when shopping?
  7. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Doesn’t mean you don’t exist, but are an inseparable part of systematic cosmic evolution.
  8. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    You are so sure of yourself which appears to be beyond any of us. How old are you?
  9. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    If you are so much of an expert then why are you here?
  10. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    The point is no separate self, not some illusion of annihilation.
  11. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    Please inform everyone reading how you will pull that one off.
  12. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    A little caveat from my personal experience. If you play with fire you may get burned. Playing with cosmic forces is no joke!
  13. Mopai Neigong

    Why do you want to learn pyrokinesis? Cook dinner with? Because John Chang demonstrated it?
  14. Hyper mobility syndrome curable?

    Have you tried Feldenkrais, Rolfing, or other deep tissue work? It seems you have structural issues. I doubt distance healing would work.
  15. Meditators who dont need sleep(?)

    It was well documented that Sri Aurobindo didn’t sleep for around 30 years.
  16. What are you listening to?

    Never had the privilege of seeing him live. He gave it all to his music! I have a Gibson Les Paul almost exactly like his, but the finish is different.
  17. What are you listening to?

    Been listening to Pink Floyd since 1970!
  18. What is the core?

    In his books. Try rolling your sit bones forward and see what happens to your posture. There should be a slight natural curve in the lower back when the pelvis is rolled forward. That movement will affect the entire spine. I took the Feldenkrais training years ago where I learned this. It is very simple.
  19. What is the core?

    Correct posture originates from the pelvis and has very little to do with strong back. Any book on body mechanics will teach you that. Read Moshe Feldenkaris where he discusses it.