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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Am I doing something wrong?

    Since you passed out perhaps seeing a medical professional is a good idea.
  2. So certain are you! The human energy field has been measured, but since you are so certain, I won’t bother to provide links. BTW, there are several personal attacks in your post!
  3. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    In higher elevations with lots of sun wearing tee shirts is the norm. Yesterday it was a high of 60 deg and I wore a tee shirt all day. Felt really warm since the air is thinner with more solar gain. Makes sense to acclimate while working on Wim Hof fundamentals.
  4. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    'To Build A Fire' free on YouTube. There are other versions with larger budgets.
  5. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Santa Fe New Mexico. Dry and sometimes damp depending on the weather.
  6. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    The OP needs to read a few Jack London books which I read growing up. “To Build A Fire” is one that I recommend. Freezing your ass off when your hands are frozen, while trying to strike a match to start a fire, out in the middle of nowhere, is terrifying. One other thing to be aware of is the wood is not always dry. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001QG05QG/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
  7. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    I live at 7000’ elevation in the high desert SW. It can be cold here at times and my light weight down parka does the trick. Win Hof breathing really takes the edge off.
  8. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Requesting for ways to keep warm is materialistic! Figure it out for yourself.
  9. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    I guess the OP is still not convinced. Best boiler money can buy.
  10. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    I'm on the other side of the planet from you and I can feel it now! You might need to tone it down a bit.
  11. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    What does enlightenment have to do with wearing clothes or not? Enlightened or not there are many that I don’t wish to see naked.
  12. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    If the OP wants a really warm goose down parka this is it. Should withstand Antarctic blizzards. https://www.canadagoose.com/us/en/snow-mantra-parka-9501M.html
  13. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Wim Hof and Tummo.
  14. Canna Bums

    Legal in your country?
  15. Canna Bums

    With cloning, genetic drift occurs. Especially, with all the crazy hybridization these days. Just before harvest bud leaves started to dry up. Really pissed me off! My plants were around 4’ each which should have yielded about 2 lbs each.
  16. Canna Bums

    My grow failed this fall! Due to growing from cuttings and not seed. Will never make the same mistake again. Amsterdam supplies the best seed in the world!
  17. new COVID discussion rule/s

    More perceptive than most? Really? I vehemently disagree! The posts in question are not based in science, but for the most part are links to conspiracy sites i.e, Bitchute, Mercola and so forth. This site is no place for propaganda! Why? Dissemination of COVID misinformation can and will lead to more deaths and long term health consequences for many!
  18. Telekinesis, Remote Viewing, Out of Body

    Not at Monroe, but I have the CD’s and converted to FLAC for my MP3 player. I always have had full color dreams with only one black/white dream ever. Are they lucid? Who knows! Cross cultural definitions/teachings are not always helpful given language barriers, even with interpretation. I recommend Jose Silvia’s work as taught by his daughter Laura.
  19. Telekinesis, Remote Viewing, Out of Body

    There is nothing wrong with exploring our own relationship with other realms and the Monroe Gateway series is the best way to learn AP/OBE. It can seem frightening at first, but one can adapt to new and profound experiences.
  20. new COVID discussion rule/s

    I recommend everyone research the legalities of giving medical advice. California has very strict laws regarding medical advice which also applies to online discussions. I am not a lawyer, but did a little research a few minutes ago.
  21. new COVID discussion rule/s

    I am not buying that one bit! An infected person spreads COVID around to others and many get sick and die is compassionate? No wonder I am not spending as much time here as I did in the past!
  22. new COVID discussion rule/s

    Sometimes I wonder why self enamored persons are even participating here. Many here are adherents of Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism etc., but ignore basic tenets of, no separation, compassion, mortality, karma and so forth. Profuse self referencing with no thought for others is the main theme in the anti-vaxx discussions.
  23. new COVID discussion rule/s

    So others can read it and be influenced not to get the vaccine? Answer is no!
  24. new COVID discussion rule/s

    Truth? Scientific investigation seeks to discover facts, not truth. Debating truth is better left to philosophical and religious discussions if one has a need to deal in absolutes. Public health agencies are concocting a vast global conspiracy to hide the truth? Thousands of scientists are hiding the real truth, but are lying to the entire world by presenting alternative facts? Not buying that at all!