Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. God as Self, Atman

    Well yeah but it is kind of related, think singularity.
  2. Two for the price of one!

    He should definitely lay off the hamburgers!
  3. God as Self, Atman

    It get even more bizarre with 'quantum entanglement' and 'spooky action at a distance'!
  4. God as Self, Atman

    This might be worth a watch even though it's from 2013:
  5. God as Self, Atman

    Yes I agree. I did have a quick look and the Just read up on it and I've probably been working with the 'quantum field theory' in my world! Funny how we pick up ideas and incorporate them without too much thought. I'm obviously aware of the concepts of particles but I'm equally aware of the theories of energy fields and I always thought that both were true. Hmm it's one of those things that's not clear cut and I don't even think physicists understands it. It's this kind of voodoo which gives a degree of credence to those that believe in psychic phenomenon. As said I'm not a believer but certain things may be plausible.
  6. God as Self, Atman

    Is this a fact? I always though that there was some uncertainty to the whole idea of particles being a real thing and that they just serve as a way to understand reality because the maths is weird/complex. So are you suggesting all waves are some kind of particle/s simply in array? So light is made of particles i.e. Photons? Hmm, doesn't change much I just always though everything was energy fields although it's just as bizarre if everything is made of particles.
  7. God as Self, Atman

    I don't believe in such things either. BUT! There is a way in which I do, it gets deeply philosophical though! Bit like wave-particle-duality and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
  8. Dark Night of the Soul

    I think all emotions are heightened, and cycle/change very faster, when the egos very existence is put on the line it's like a child protesting. At a deeper level it's a bit like a replicant (Blade Runner) having to come to terms with the fact that it wasn't born and all those childhood memories are not theirs! I suppose it's somewhat reductionist as the layers of personality are what's stripped away at the DNOTS. We might more correctly call it The Dark Night of the Ego! Of course the ego isn't destroy but simply understood better for what it is. There is a relationship to Jung's theory of individuation although I don't pretend to understand it.
  9. The Brexit Thread

    The media are currently suggesting that a no deal meaning hard Brexit, possibly by the end of the week, is the most likely outcome. If this happens a lot of people will wonder why we didn't just didn't jump 2 years ago! Most people in favour of Brexit wanted us to just get out ASAP! Anyway fingers crossed as we might, don't hold your breath, know what's happening by the end of the week!
  10. Modern London A City Of Death!

  11. The Brexit Thread

    Germany will be the last to leave as in effect they are the EU hence all the jibes about third time lucky. The only concern people have about a second vote, other than it's not democratic as we've already voted, is that it could be fixed this time around. To be honest if we did have a second vote, it'll never happen, the leave camp would win by an even greater margin! There's a lot of propaganda by the remoaners and the majority of the press is on board but very few of the public are buying the snake oil. The problem at the moment is simply that the government are incompetent especially the prime minister and seem incapable of figuring out our exit strategy. The terms "vassalage" and "vassal" have been brought into play to describe Theresa May! Yes I had to look them up. More and more people are thinking a "Hard Brexit" is the way forward which may be slightly more risky but at least we will be free and not constrained in any way by the EU.
  12. Off grid sub-forum vote

    Pole's of all kinds can be useful so perhaps we should keep it even if it's only the idea of a pole!
  13. The Cool Picture Thread

    All will be revealed!
  14. Is Liberalism Dead?

    So is liberalism dead and if so who killed it? I suspect that unscrupulous politicians hijacked the ideals of liberalism as a kind of Trojan horse to infiltrate government and tinker with the workings of society! So the chaos that many modern countries are going though is the result of greedy individuals with inflated egos building their own little empires under the pretence of liberalism. Of course it's all gone too far and nobody's at the helm and icebergs are ahead! Most of us used to like liberalism, some secretly perhaps, but it has gone too far and everybody wants to use it to promote their view as being aloud if not absolutely correct! So a relaxed attitude, which should have served as a voice to many, has become the screams and shouts of those that are insistent that their oppression is caused by an erroneous societal structure and therefore want to pull it down! Of course each disparate group has their own idea as to what should be put in place of the current social structures and of course they're all different. To be honest it's all very childish. So how do we get back to a balanced functioning society? I don't have any problem with Trump as all he's doing is trying to regain control and balance America as he, like many, can see what's coming. For people that can't see the unstable nature of many modern countries my words are lost but for those that can we realise that boundaries need to be reset in many, if not all, aspects of government. This won't entail any enslavement of the masses but just a respect for laws which have existed for hundreds of years but have been eroded away by politicians who've had their fingers in too many pies! So it's ironic that Trump isn't a politician yet paradoxically he is a businessman! So whatever people think of Trump he's certainly no liberal and he's definitely not a politician so it'll be interesting to see how it all turns out. It'll be really ironic if a businessman saves America but then again it's what America has always been about i.e. "In God We Trust" the almighty dollar. Britain's similar just a slightly different flavour.
  15. Is Liberalism Dead?

    It's Brexit, it stressing everybody out here in the UK! Politics is going to be very interesting for many countries over the next two years. Funny as I'm not really into politics but it's impossible to ignore how important some of the decisions are going to be for generations to come.
  16. Dark Night of the Soul

    I see it as going to the end-of-mind, or exhausting mind, and being on the verge of sacrificing self but something keeps you here, selflessness! It has been said in Tibetan Buddhism that psychosis is a prerequisite for enlightenment although I'm unsure about this statement. I've had several 'Dark Nights of the Soul' and I've never returned just for myself. All I can say is that it's a process that seems to lessen the self with each iteration and I would like to say that it get easier although, in my experience, it's different each time. Perhaps it does get easier as something is slowly revealed/unfolded which has nothing to do with mind as words loose their meaning. I think it's a bit like being a young child, that's the best I can describe it. Good luck brave warriors.
  17. Is Liberalism Dead?

    Yeah liberalism doesn't exist to lead it's more like a pressure group that brings an awareness of minorities that are genuinely oppressed. The problems started when the left and the right both started taking on-board minority views just to bump the voting in their favour. Labour in the UK has become almost completely liberal and has pretty much screwed itself as the work class have given up on them, excepting the hardcore who are normally not particularly bright or even interested. It was Tony Blair that thought he could be all things to all people and has single handedly destroyed politics in the UK! So the UK is like America where the rules need to be reset if normal service is to continue. Unfortunately for us we're more knackered than the States. Yes and no, as the original idea of the welfare state was to provide a safety net for those in difficult situations and the problems started back in the seventies, here in the UK, when basically the government got too soft. Now it's at the point where anybody from the EU can walk in get a house, modern medical care, money and the sit around doing fock all! Oh sorry they don't all do fock all as some get bored and deal drugs, work illegally or set up[ a brothel. I jest not! Within the last 20 years the UK has become a shit hole. And it's not all to do with immigration although that's a big part of it. It has a lot to do with the liberal softly-softly approach which is now expected!!! I'm off to lay down!
  18. Taoist Immortal vs Buddha

    The interaction of something and nothing is consciousness and this is the great gateway which is eternally opening and closing. Something and nothing are derived from the causeless cause and perceived as separate and as such are the beginning and end yet eternally one. Enlightenment is realising, accepting and living with it and thus one becomes immortal. There is a large crossover between Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and other systems/philosophies/religions yet it is not apparent as each will focus on aspects which are more easily digested, and consequently more easily disseminated, as a result of cultural bias. This is not to say that any one system is incomplete but rather that it's tailored to function within the boundaries of a specific cultural-mindset. The crux of it is: Death devolves all except the eternal primal perception/consciousness. We all reappear eternally reborn from our seeds which existed at our last breath as potential. As we descend into human birth we don appropriate garments. Immortals grow towards the same self realisation as in the previous round. Non Immortals reappear and chase their desires.
  19. Be Warned Satan is Copyrighted!!!

    I like the word "authenticity".
  20. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Other than drugs and gangs I think it's also a culture of violence as, no doubt, many of the people/kids involved had no father figure and therefore use the violent stereotypes from different media as their roles models. What's sad is that some of these people are probably sensitive caring people that are just railroaded by peer pressure into doing and acting in ways they normally wouldn't even consider. I think we can comfortably blame it on the state! Well and perhaps the parent/s to an extent.
  21. Voting Question

    Well it does seem that the only way to become the president of America is to have lats of money! I'm not saying all presidents are corrupt or anything as it seems pretty obvious that buSINess is the problem, oh and the MIC.
  22. Modern London A City Of Death!

  23. God as Self, Atman

    For the intellectuals there's "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" By Julian Jaynes, although I've never read it but the ideas it puts forward are often discussed at cocktail parties or high-table, apparently! For your regular Joe's there's Clozapine! or Alcohol or Both!!! For frightened people there's Religion!!!!! For the rest of us there's:
  24. Taoist Immortal vs Buddha

    They achieve the same thing but Daoism is seen as more physical and Buddhism is more mental. I personally see Buddhism as more direct, think Zen, as it kind of shouts out what enlightenment is all about although, ironically, the art is where it's at! The Daoist route achieves enlightenment by striving for physical perfection through discipline. Of course an individual will choose the route most suitable to their nature. The outcome of each school is the same yet is perceived as different: Buddhist's: Know they don't know Daoist's: Don't know they know
  25. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Not sure if I buy this but it is related to the evolution of cities: