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Posts posted by skyblue

  1. If you pay attention, every breath of yours can be as amazing and exciting as the latest Nintendo is for an enthusiast. Trust me.


    I have been through that phase. Everything was vaporous. My feelings, my emotions, my family and all life around me.

    Then, I discovered that I am not what I thought I am. I never was. I am something else. Something I have never been able to think or observe. What is that something? I do not know. However, I believe that when I do, it will be amazing.

    Until then, I can explore my daily life. I can explore the indifference I sometimes feel towards the world around me, I can explore the panic setting in when there are surprise quizzes in the uni, I can explore the joy when I listen to a song and dance to the tune. In fact, as I become more and more meditative, things becomes more and more amazing.

    The feeling of not wanting to pay attention to anything is probably because you still falsely perceive life. We all do, but all of us are to some extent, driven by the motivation of becoming one with something or the other. For a practitioner, it's themselves. For a common man, it's his family and friends, for an otaku, it's his games and its characters. To some extent, everyone is driven towards that oneness.


    When your ego gives up that feeling of oneness, that is what prompts people to suicide. They (ones that suicide) believe themselves to be all alone. I am not saying that they might not be alone in their lives. Their family and friends, and even their societies might have abandoned them. However, if there is even a shred of oneness with something or someone, they wouldn't dare to give up life.


    So, yeah. If you have become the sort that considers the world to be illusory, I highly recommend you to go ahead and live like a total lowlife for a few days. Do whatever you want to do (except harming others, alcohol or drugs), watch porn, have sex, listen to music, dance, and go on. When you are able to start feeling the emotions, instantly create a bit of distance between them and yourself. Know that you are not happy/ sad/ excited or whatever. You are you, you are not the emotion. You are not indifference, neither are you sadness nor happiness. When this realization comes up, you will see what it means to feel amazed.

  2. 2 hours ago, Kaiki said:



    I am yet another one of those 'post-Mantak's books' newbies that tried something way above their level. Long story short I suspect that my Jing energy/essence is stuck in my head (upper dan tien).


    I have tried to move it downward on my own but it seems to bring only misfortune:

    - moving it down the front seems to aggravate me into all kinds of negative emotions like anger/being needy/afraid and so on. Pretty much every time I try this way I create some negative events in my life. Additionally lot of negative self-talk appears afterward.


    - moving it down the back feels more natural and It does not feel that bad. The con of this way is that last time I have a great surge of energy (resulted in insomnia a few times before I have managed to get a grip on balance how much energy I should bring down). Additionally, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night from nightmare with a sense of fear/dread with a hot stream of energy going down the spine.


    Besides that, I have contacted acupuncture, reiki (helped tremendously to feel grounded again but the energy problem still persists) , and someone from Kundalini forum. The last one has told me to never, ever do the 'up the front, down the back' route. 


    What should be the natural and safe way to bring the energy down?

    Looking forward to Your replies


    Does letting go of this energy result in spontaneous movements of the head/spine?

  3. On 19/07/2020 at 3:33 PM, 1Bum said:

    I cant perform miracles.

    heal the sick

    walk on water

    pass through walls, fire, time

    or levitate.

    Because i'm ordinary,

    Nothing special,

    I am reduced

    To which I am that.

    Hi 1Bum.

    Ordinary is the beginning. As you go from being merely ordinary towards being extra ordinary (not a typo), you realize more and more about your own grandeur.

  4. Sadhguru is definitely an enlightened being. DEFINITELY! Coming from my own experience.


    See, in the Vedic lore, there had once been a great yogi called Dattatreya. This guy was a fantastic one, and the legend goes that he actually had 24 gurus.


    It's difficult to have one awesome guru you can choose to be intimate on a level beyonse your emotions nowadays. This guy, he actually had 24. Here's the catch however. The 24 gurus weren't some profound yogis or whatever. They were :

    1. Earth, 2. Water, 3. Air, 4. Fire, 5. Sky, 6. Moon, 7. Sun, 8. Pigeon, 9. Python, 10. Ocean, 11. Moth, 12. Bee, 13. Honey-gatherer, 14. Elephant, 15. Deer, 16. Fish, 17. Dancing-girl Pingala, 18. Raven, 19. Child, 20. Maiden, 21.Serpent, 22. An arrow-maker, 23. Spider and 24. Beetle


    In the Hindu tradition, anything and everything that can dispel your darkness to a certain extent will be your guru. That is what the term means. It definitely does not directly translate to a teacher. A more accurate translation would be "a pathfinder".


    His words have given me so much insight into life that in no situation can I not call him a guru. 


    Btw, it's better to be more practical in these situations. Believing the Brahman to be your guru might make you feel good, but since it is far beyond your experience, it is a mere flowery word.


    To me, spiritual awakening is something that makes me feel good, and more and more good until it morphs into an absolute good. No amount of money/ alcohol/ drugs will ever lead me towards this eternal "feeling good" and so I chose the spiritual. Bliss is something anyone can feel if they want to. You can try this : try spending fifteen minutes of your day convincing yourself that you have the ability to respond to everything. Whether it exists or not, whether it manifests or is unmaisfest.

    When you are responsible enough, so that every breath you breathe carries your conscious response, you will feel yourself awakening to a never before seen state of bliss. Probably the simplest way to feeling the bliss they talk about. It is different from the orgasmic bliss in the sense that it feels much more dynamic.


    This is still far from the ultimate bliss however, since they say that the ultimate bliss is your own true nature. As Adi Shankaracharya says, "I am Shiva; I am the eternal-consciousness-bliss".

  5. Just wanted to post this. I have been reading about my self being seperate from my body and my mind, and even though I have reached the third stage of Thusness, the experiences of being everything and nothing seemingly only brought me into those moments of trance. 


    Now today, I had been chanting the Avalokiteshwara Bodhisattva mantra, without any expectations. I only hoped that it would help me retain my awareness in sleep. I really wanted fly around in my dreams..:P

    Anyway, I don't exactly remember as to what I saw in my dream but now that I think of it, it feels as though some profound realization just crossed my mind. I was there, looking at an anime character doing cross talks with a girl, and as I looked at this guy, I went into a trance and started thinking that I was him. This was so, that when he was happy, I was happy. When he was sad, I was sad. When he was acting funny, I thought I was the one acting funny. This continued on for a long time since neither the guy, nor the girl he was talking to seemed to realize my existence.


    Then, I realized that there had been an additional character all along. It was a girl in purple. I had ignored her until now, but the moment I focused at her, she looked at me (the real me and not the anime character). She told me to breath in a particular way (don't remember any of it). Finally, she wished me goodbye, saying that my dream was about to end. I calmly listened as though it was the most normal think in the universe.


    Now that I am awake, I understand that I had always been like that. I read and listened to the enlightened beings, flashlights flashed in my head but then, when I involved myself with the world around me, things seemed to get a bit out of control. I knew I wasn't the body or the mind, but it was still completely blurry and unclear. It still is, but I now know that I can wipe it clean. Somehow, someday, I will do it.


    Was it a divine providence? My own subconscious? Who cares! I am going to continue with the recitation no matter what!

    • Like 1

  6. Have you ever went through some particularly strange emotional disturbances where you experience some intense emotion without any reason whatsoever? Just in a few weeks, I, who had been a through and through atheist (still am) cried thrice : once while looking at the morning ritual in the Amarnath temple with a bored expression on my face, the next while I was looking at a tree in my backyard and the last one when I listen to Om Tara chant over and over again...


    Btw, do you think I am suffering from some mental damage or something?


  7. Hi everyone!


    I would like to know more about the importance of postures. There's quite a bit of info on the forum about meditation postures, be it sitting, standing or whatever. But I was hoping to know about the important of postures I take through most of my day.


    For eg, I have a tendency to bend my back when I am reading or writing, or at a computer. This has weakened my lower back muscles where a searing pain develops if I have to sit for more than half an hour at sitting meditation. I can consciously stop the suffering and simply sit there while feeling the pain, but I wanted to ask if that's good for the body.


    There's more. Since I have been an avid smartphone user for quite a while, the wrist of my right hand seems to tilt to the side subconsciously whenever I sit in the Gyan Mudra. I am not very sensitive to qi yet, so I can't feel whether it interferes the energy movement during the kriyas.


    Now that I have begun cultivating, my shoulders arch back and spine straightens naturally whenever I am conscious of the energies. However, I tend to go back to the old ways since I find them more comforting.


    How should I go about this?

  8. 2 hours ago, RiverSnake said:

    I've heard good things about Bodri and Sadghuru. As for your feelings of alternating between fatigue and high energy.....not sure....sounds like you may be having some temporary rushes of kundalini through your system. 


    To help with fatigue you may wish to look at your diet. Avoid highly processed foods, grains and take cold showers in the morning. There may be some heavy "internal rewiring" going on that is causing the system to to feel more fatigue than usual. 


    40 minutes ago, moment said:


    I agree with @RiverSnake , also:


    Okay, when energy is stuck in your head, 95+% of the time, you are doing too much energy work, too early (pathways have not been toned and tuned enough to take that load) and invariably, you are not doing enough diversity in your daily grounding. I would recommend that you cut way down all energy work (except for some very slow stretching, think about how a cat would stretch if he/she's goal was to stretch every single muscle in the body.) Then do that very slowly and very gently and get into the pure pleasure, in the feeling of it ( and I mean from the tips of your toes to the top of your head and then back down again to the toes).This is a balanced energy/grounding/meditation activity that if done cosistently 6-7 days a week, for at least 15 minutes a day will help alot in getting to feel better.  DRINK lots of water, but not too much ( whenever you are thirsty + a couple of extra glasses of water for good health). Do activities that fill yourself with joy! Walk around barefoot when it is convenient. Get your hands deep into some black rich loose soil, plant something in it.  Pet an animal you love; recognize its' qualities that you admire. Have less opinions about most things, check and watch your irritations, then trace them back to their root.  Remember, the only thing that is under your power is how you act and react to anything.  Make sure that you are in the driver's seat.

    As you start to feel better, add your various trainings back a little bit at a time, Be very aware, about how you feel right before and for a few days after each, indivual, small addition and act accordingly.





    Thank you for your advice. I had recently started walking around the garden barefoot in the morning before sunrise. Does that count as grounding?


    There's one more thing. I have read here about spontaneous movements and I know that it requires large amounts of practice to get to that. However, even before I had read about these or knew what these movements looked like, I would go through those strange movements when I distributed this feel all around my body.

    3 hours ago, CataclysmicSky said:

    I could also "feel" the things in my very immediate surroundings. When I used this thingy on my LDT, the energies seemed to automatically recede downwards, clearing up my head. However, they always came back up, annoying me to no little extent.


    Not sure if it was mere hallucination, since I don't seem to be able to walk around with my eyes closed if I only relied on this feeling. However, when I used to 'give in' to the feeling, the body would go around doing strange things.


    Just a few days ago, my body starts doing back-bending exercises which I have never seen or heard of before. Moreover, this is not all. I wasn't able to sit cross legged with a straight spine well since being an otaku has destroyed my posture. However, I played around and now when I try to give in to the feeling, my shoulders raise themselves automatically while I feel some muscle around my back sinking, and lo! I can sit as stably as I want to with no sense of backaches.

    Can anyone explain this please?

  9. Desire is not a problem. You exist because your spirits desire to experience life. You exist because each of your cell desires to be alive. You exist because your parents had desires of their own. However, uncontrollable desires are the problem.


    Being uncontrollably desirous of anything causes entanglement with that thing/person, and then, YOUR internal state starts confirming to their presence or absence. For eg, when your desire of a certain person/food/ source of entertainment reaches to a point where your heart starts throbbing when you are refrained from experiencing them, that is the source of all suffering.


    I am not exactly an expert of any one religious practice, but from what I have experienced, desire is actually a physical manifestation of your being craving for infinity. This is also a reason why it can be dangerous. Because it keeps on manifesting itself in one form or the other for ever.


    Now, quite a lot of people around seem to think that a life without desires, passions would be through and through monotonous. This is most certainly wrong, however. If your body and mind can keep giving out feelings of bliss and joy no matter what you see, hear or feel, isn't that better than getting the same feel out of selected things? If that can be the case, you can see things like the Heaven and Earth do, treating people and things equally. A life like that will propel you towards what's right for you, materialistically and spiritually.


    If you can do that and treat all people and things with equally great amount of love, it will do wonders in clearing your emotional blockages. I have heard from quite a few enlightened beings that being unbound to emotions and thoughts can actually increase your sensitivity to your energy body (DanTian and meridians) and all further subtle bodies and layers of existences.



    • Thanks 1

  10. I am 20 years old now.

    I have never really practiced any sort of qi gong/yoga. However, close to a few months  back, I suddenly realised the fact that I did not know who I really was when I woke up from sleep in the afternoon one day. The body was not me, and the mind was definitely not me.


    This seemed to send off an explosion in my head. It felt as though a thick cover had been lifted off from the top of my head. I enjoyed and meditated on this feeling quite a bit.

    Then, I started to do some research and figured that it might have something to do with the spiritual dimensions of life. Since I am in a university, and didn't exactly get enough time to learn, or even search for a teacher, I researched around for a bit and found this forum. After lurking around for a bit, I bought the 25 doors to meditation book from William Bodri and found some meditation practices.


    So then, I started practicing the skeleton visualisation method I found on his website. I had some experiences, and quite a few times, I felt something go boom in the body.


    However, I stopped the practices altogether since a few of my friends advised me to. Even I felt that there was probably something wrong with my head. A few weeks passed by just like that, and even if I didn't practice, I could feel something stirring up inside my back, moving towards my head. It's been close to two months since then.


    Here comes the problem :


    In these two months, all of my energy has seemingly gotten stuck in my head and presses down on my temple most of the time. Recently, it has even manifested in the form of phlegm in my nose which I can't seem to spit/blow out. This was probably one of the most frustrating periods of my life, since there was times when I felt that this energy was about to just explode out of my head with a 'poof'!


    I could also "feel" the things in my very immediate surroundings. When I used this thingy on my LDT, the energies seemed to automatically recede downwards, clearing up my head. However, they always came back up, annoying me to no little extent.


    Now my uni is placed in a remote area, with no tai-chi/yoga classes around, and I don't think there are practitioners here. However, thanks to the coronavirus lockdown, I am back home. Hence, I finally had some time around my hands and I did an Inner Engineering Online course from Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev since I had found his talks quite eye-opening. There, he talks about all your sufferings related to karma/action and accepting things as they are. (The 7 classes were quite transformational, and I still feel pretty good about betting my money on it.)


    I found the energies calm down completely after I have accepted them. However, even if they don't make me suffer anymore, it would still feel better to get my head cleared up and have my senses senses heightened. Moreover, I still alternatively feel states of high energy and fatigued (it's mostly fatigue) and a loss of appetite after I lie down in the bed after practicing yoga and meditation for a while. And once this happens, it continues to hound me through the day. So that's my general situation.


    Are there any solutions?

    • Like 1

  11. 9 hours ago, C T said:

    The sutra in question is a fairly substantial load to digest, and may not be the ideal guide for the purpose expressed in the OP. This is the general view, and a safe one to offer since you've not (yet) shared any insight into your familiarity with Buddhist teachings. Not that you have to, but at least it'd be helpful to ascertain your understanding as regards the meaning of 'True Mind' vs 'False Mind', specifically in relation to your personal experience of both these minds. Without this information, it may not be helpful to answer your query with any depth. 


    It is quite possible, and fairly common too, that upon reading a sutra or commentary (of a sutra) one may, by sheer chance or karmic resonance, bump into a moment of inexpressible clarity (I like the phrase, "gap between thoughts") - this can happen to practically anyone, and not just in a focussed spiritual cultivation setting. Getting one's finger caught by a closing door can generate a similar fleeting moment of clarity (do not try!!). In fact, any form of sudden immersion in, or absorption of a profound experience that is beyond words and transcends the senses can produce these 'gaps'. Zen masters are well known for creating situations where such moments of awe-inspired speechlessness arise repeatedly for their students. In that instant, its as if the consciousness is suspended in limbo. You'd likely know this if you're familiar with Zen. Practically though, I'm more inclined towards seriously suggesting a deeply penetrative 50/50 Vipassana/Samatha practice route to enable the gradual onset and sustainability of this True Mind you mentioned. 







    10 hours ago, steve said:

    One relatively simple and accessible approach is derived from the Bön dzogchen teachings that virtue referenced. It is the practice of the 3 Doors as taught by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. I would recommend his book Awakening the Luminous Mind. The first half of the book teaches the 3 Doors practice and the second half focuses on the 5 Line Teaching of Dawa Gyaltsen, an 8th century dzogchen master. Once the True Mind is precisely identified and somewhat stable, the 5 line teaching is a formula to get there from any situation of distraction and disconnection. 


    Sustaining is largely a matter of familiarity. We come back to this Mind over and over again. Best to start with short, high quality sessions then gradually increase the time spent in practice. The time in that state is far less important than the precision. 

    I'm sorry everyone. What I took as my true mind was merely the second stage of Thusness where everything is perceived as I. From what I have read, true mind is far beyond those. So yeah, it was a misconception.

    • Like 1

  12. 51 minutes ago, Creation said:

    Sounds marvelous when you describe it like that. 


    Some questions come to my mind, more out of curiosity than anything.  Spontaneous movements can be the results of other energy flows than kundalini, is there a reason you think it is that?  You mention secret smile, are you in KAP? And "I AM" in all caps, is that from the Thusness seven stages?

    Whoa! Thanks for letting me know about Thusness. I seem to be in the second stage, and if not for the info there, I would probably be staying here for quite a while..

    • Like 2

  13. 43 minutes ago, Creation said:

    Sounds marvelous when you describe it like that. 


    Some questions come to my mind, more out of curiosity than anything.  Spontaneous movements can be the results of other energy flows than kundalini, is there a reason you think it is that?  You mention secret smile, are you in KAP? And "I AM" in all caps, is that from the Thusness seven stages?

    As I said, I am an absolute noob at this. I simple read about the secret smile from Vajrasattva's post about KAP.

    The I Am thingy is from Swami Nisargaddatta's I Am That.

  14. Hello from a noob.

    I started reading Buddhist sutras a while back and now, whenever I can, I tend to get back into the stage where everything around me, including my body is a mere thought, projected on a subtler mind.


    Basically, this state cuts off my emotions (other than the occasional bliss from listening to classical music or from penetrating into the feeling of 'I AM'). Today, I decided to do a little belly breathing, just because. I did a few in the morning after secret smile, and then some in the evening, an hour back while listening to Brahmanand Swarupa song. Towards the end, the left part of my face suddenly exuded a blissful feeling (it still keeps exuding) and my body, for the first time, automatically started moving strangely. I forced myself still a few times but every time I realised that my body was a mere thought, the movements started again.


    This is when I let go, closed my eyes and enjoyed myself performing a strange, yet graceful dance where every movement was in flow. I did that for about an hour and stopped when I heard mom coming up.😋


    Now then, I see people post that you gotta feel joy, anger insanity, so and so while doing this but since my body to me was a mere price of thought which I had been observing, I didn't exactly feel much of emotions.


    Is there a problem here?


    P.s. I hear a strange ringing sound in my head, and the blissful feeling seems to be slowly seeping everywhere inside my body..

    • Like 2

  15. I started reading into the Shurangam Sutra a while back and I chanced upon the Buddha's explanation of "True Mind". After reading the same part for a few times, I finally succeeded in experiencing the true mind myself. However, the experience is rather fleeting and many a times after I wake up after sleeping, it completely disappears. Today especially, the Heart Sutra music which I had put on while sleeping keeps playing repeatedly in my false mind when I try to get back into experience. Is there a solution, or is it that my cultivation is too shallow?

    • Like 1

  16. Nice to meet you, everyone.

    I am Nishant, from India and this is the first time I'm posting here after lurking around for a bit.

    Now let me explain my thing :

    Two years or so back, I started reading Chinese webnovels, especially the type where the protagonist becomes a great genius and keeps flying around and soaring through the skies.

    That took me towards the whole idea of Daoism, and I started studying some texts and stuff. I started following Daoist rituals and tried to confirm my behaviour to the Dao whenever I was conscious of it. Mind you, I had no idea about Qi and dantian and stuff like that.

    Now then, I came across this forum, and a whole new world opened up before me. Cultivation and neidan, which I thought was the stuff of the novels actually existed. That once again reignited my passion for flying in the sky and getting celestial fairies as my consorts :P


    Here's how my journey has been since : I read somewhere about MCO, and finding it closest to what I had in mind about 'cultivation', I started visualizing that. After a few tries, I felt some vibration through under my right part of neck, then under the nipple all the way through under right side of the stomach area and disappearing there. Although initially ecstatic about the discovery of Qi, I corrected this path to the one through my lips, neck and centre of my anterior body to the dantian. These where actual vibrations, and not merely figments of my own imagination as I initially thought them to be. But while bringing this vibration back through my Governor vessel, I felt an intense blockage on my mingmen point. I still kept on trying this stuff, and well.. that's that. Oh yeah, something happened while I was casually sitting during the day and I felt this rush of pleasure whenever I breathed. It was like every breath created a euphoric feeling in my heart. Is that an indication of a problem?


    All this happened in a week, a few days before now.


    Two days before yesterday though, I came across Nan Huai Chin's book on the right and wrong spiritual paths, ( thanks to that, I have felt my mind grow calmer. I don't think of my bullshit fantasies anymore, and my only aim for now is to keep going further on my cultivation path.

    So, the same night, I sat in meditation with a detailed skeleton picture and started visualizing the bones of my feet for the White Bone Visualization method. I didn't concentrate for a long time and only got to my hip before I had to sleep for the night cuz my mom was mad at me. The euphoria in my heart got stronger that night, and every heartbeat made me feel blissful.


    Here comes the part I don't understand :

    I continued with the visualisation last night, from the very start of my left foot finger bones. I visualized both of my legs yesterday as compared to just one, and after I reached the spine area, I was distracted since my sick grandfather was asking for water from the other room, and my parents sleep on the above floor. I got up and gave him some water and went back to my bed, thinking that I would do the meditation tomorrow. Just when I had lied down to sleep, while thinking of remaining aware to keep myself conscious in my dream (I have yet to accomplish that feat), I felt a sudden thump in my head from the inside, and the world seem to blur. My consciousness seemed to have covered by something, and the most I could feel was that my hands felt really light, and I felt as if I could fly if I wanted to (an illusion, ofc). My body felt full on the inside with.. heat(?), especially near the heart. My head wasn't really buzzing and I still had some thoughts, most of them having to do with Nan Huai Chin's method of not controlling or forcing the changes.

    A short while later, this phenomenon disappeared and I regained my senses.

    For an hour or so after that, I continuously farted around for a while , and had to go to the bathroom twice(ugh, embarrassing 😳). For three hours after that, I just couldn't sleep and had multiple thoughts in my head. The White Bone meditation session I just had was quite peaceful, but now, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop thoughts from getting to my head. I tried chanting "Amitofo", and other methods, but none of them helped, although they were far more helpful in the day. Sometime after that, I forced myself to keep my eyes closed for half an hour or so, and eventually fell asleep. This morning, I woke up at 5:30 in the morning as compared to my usual 4:15, which is the time I have started waking up since I started doing MCOs and stuff.


    I personally don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, and my heart feels unsettled from all these thoughts. I don't think I have noticed much changes in my body since morning.

    Before I forget, I started feeding the hungry ghosts since the day before yesterday following this method :


    That's all from me. Makes me feel really free after sharing all this. I would be really greatful if someone was to advice me as to what's going on.

  17. Hello everyone.

    My name is Sean, and I am a 20 year old guy who came in contact with Daoism a year and a half back. Since then, I have been continuously pursuing its doctrines and searching for the translated stuff to read and purify my mind with.


    I started with the works of Dr. Wayne Dyer regarding Daoism and also with a number of speeches of Alan Watts. Each of their words word seemed to send me into a whirling galaxy of new thoughts and ideas. I don't know why, but the whole set of philosophies seemed to be custom made for myself.

    Then, I looked into its history and a whole new world opened before me.


    I came in contact with quite a lot of stuff, such as internal alchemy, the Taoist immortals, the Qi and the spirit and a ton of the metaphysical stuff. Usually, I would scoff at such stuff and move on, but this time, I didn't. Internal alchemy wasn't something I could practice, so although I have it a place in the corner of my heart, I rarely gloss over it. But about the rest, I totally believe in them now. I joined a Tai Chi class and the steps of the exercise seemed to be expounding the stuff I had heard time and time again from Watts and Dyer. Something in all of this tells me that the Qi, and the meridians/energy channel stuff is definitely not a mere hoax. Far from it. It was amazing!


    And then a while back, I heard about the works of Zhuang Zi, and this has totally blown away my mind. The way the great sage presents his work seems to work just right for me, and I could comprehend more things than I could with the Dao De Ching. So, I have been looking into his teachings through his book, and his life and so on.


    That's been my journey so far. No one around me in their right minds would bother to discuss the Way with me, given their hectic lifestyles so this community is heaven sent to me. I truly hope to learn from everyone here.

    Thank you.