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Everything posted by EFreethought

  1. Chundi mantra

    I found a file on Bodri's site where he gives a pronunciation of the Chundi mantra (or Zhunti as he calls it). I extracted it, and looped it and have the mantra on a loop for about 14 minutes. If anyone is interested in using it, let me know and I will see if I can share it. People have had issues with files on this site before.
  2. Very unpopular opinions

    I once had a dream where I went to work naked, and in the dream everybody was annoyed with me. Not because I was naked at the office, but I was naked at the office on the wrong day. Apparently if someone came in naked on the wrong day, it could jeopardize the chances of an office vacation to Cancun. My real life is far less interesting.
  3. Chundi mantra

    Maybe you have been over this, but: how did you come across the Chundi mantra? And what other mantras did you try? Give us your testa-chundi. I have never tried it. I first read about it on Bill Bodri's site.
  4. Chundi mantra

    "wrong image" meaning you are making the wrong gesture? Or do you mean something more supernatural/sinister, like seeing someone other than yourself in the mirror?
  5. Chundi mantra

    Are there any recordings you recommend? Or YouTube videos? And does listening have the same effect as actually saying it?
  6. Chundi mantra

    Per http://www.meditationexpert.com/meditation-techniques/m_zhunti_mantra_cultivation_technique.htm: The mantra phonetically runs as follows: Namo Sadoh Nah Samyak Sampo Doh Jee-tzu Nah Dah Zah Toh Ohm Zhurli Zhuli Zhunti Soha Ohm Brin After 1,000,000 repetitions, the mantra recitation can be shortened to: Ohm Zhurli Zhuli Zhunti Soha. Ohm Brin. I assume the "zhunti" mantra is the same as the "chundi" mantra.
  7. Fasting

    Thanks. I will look this over.
  8. Fasting

    Does anyone have any experience with fasting? I have heard that it can reset your cravings. I need to lose weight, and I am trying to change my diet. Someone told me I should listen to my body. I did, and it told me to give it chocolate and pizza. And here we are. Someone told me that a fast of a few days will help reset/change what my body craves. This guy was as overweight as I am, so either the effect is temporary or he has never fasted. If I did fast, I would not go for a few days. Maybe just a day to start.
  9. Chundi mantra

    I may have asked you this, but: Do you do the long version? Or the short version? And do you do the mudras? Or just chant?
  10. Transgender Q&A

    I think the jar fell on his head.
  11. LDT meditation without a teacher

    Thanks for the info.
  12. LDT meditation without a teacher

    I think you have also said good things about a couple of books by Charles Luk. Should this book be read before or after the Luk books?
  13. Stranger things

    Interestingly, this seems consistent with Nuralshamal's post about black magic. He found that the Taoist people he met could not help him with some issues, and he had to look elsewhere. https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/55681-my-experience-with-black-magic/
  14. Transgender Q&A

    A few thoughts on this: When Benedict was pope (he was the one who looked like Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars), conservative Catholics said that what the pope said was the final word, and we should all be quiet and do what he says. Then Francis came along, said that Catholics should be Catholics, just not be jerks about it, and the same conservatives who said we should follow the pope decided that Francis was not a real Catholic and should be replaced. Even though he was chosen via the same process and probably most of the same cardinals. If you think "the Holy Spirit is correct when we say it is", do you really believe in the Holy Spirit?
  15. Cultivating the mind through the body

    Cultivating the mind through the body sounds like what the style I am in does. I wrote about it here recently:
  16. Transgender Q&A

    You could request a PPD, and tell everyone that yours is not a "Personal Practice Discussion", but a "Perpetual Photo Discussion".
  17. Transgender Q&A

    A bit OT: I think I read somewhere that in (at least some) Indian systems a lot of people have an easier time opening up the higher chakras (like the head) and a harder time near the bottom; some gurus have a hard time getting people to go bottom up because a lot of people want to go for the quick success.
  18. Transgender Q&A

    The far right people are always losing their minds over something. It's like they want to be angry. Ah, to be back in the sweet, innocent days of Jade Helm.
  19. Transgender Q&A

    Usually people refer to going off-topic as "derailing a thread" (like derailing a train), but "deranging" might be a more accurate phrase.
  20. Newcomer from Sacramento

    Welcome to the board. Just out of curiosity: Aside from the state government, what other industries/employers are there in Sacramento?
  21. Intra ocular pressure

    Just Asian squat? What about horse stance?
  22. Intra ocular pressure

    What if someone does not live on the ground floor?
  23. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    Here are two comments on the /r/Buddhism subreddit about someone's experience with both a Theravada master and some Tibetan masters that you might find interesting. They mention being "downloaded" here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Buddhism/comments/6j7d2b/reflections_after_serving_3_months_at_a_vipassana/djcjgef/ and then in a reply they explain what they meant by that: https://old.reddit.com/r/Buddhism/comments/6j7d2b/reflections_after_serving_3_months_at_a_vipassana/djcrc6o/ There was a post on this forum about a Westerner (John Blofeld, I think) meeting a Daoist master before WWII, and having a similar experience.
  24. Voidisyinyang

    If I remember correctly, he did not promise an answer for $20. Just that he would "meditate" on it. Maybe you would get a magic 8 ball response like: "answer unclear".
  25. Alien encounters during dream

    Do people here think they are actually encountering aliens while asleep? Or just having dreams about alien-like beings? My dreams tend to be about realistic situations. I had a dream recently that I was offered a job, although none of the people I spoke to in the dream was anyone I recognized. I do not remember dreams too often. And I only remember a few small snippets of dreams when I wake up.