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Posts posted by Toni

  1. 21 hours ago, Taomeow said:

    A couple of days ago, from a Ukrainian doctor working with covid patients in Mumbai, India, Oleksandr Kuharchuk:


    "Shake off the veil of absolute numbers from your eyes! Yesterday in India, the maximum rate of daily detection of infected people during the entire pandemic was recorded -- 362,902 people, which is 0.028% of the total population of the country.

    As for funeral pyres, they've been burning in India for thousands of years and will burn for thousands more -- that's the Hindu custom.  It's just that you weren't shown them before -- because, by the same custom, it is forbidden to make photos or videos of the funeral pyres!"


    As for covid-19 death rate (persons per million), India is currently on the 39th place in the world (which is far lower than the US and most of Europe).  What it really suffers from is the usual -- devastating poverty, malnutrition, hunger, famine, abysmal scarcity of medical resources.  Things that are "the usual" for a post-colonial country, only made worse by a new and improved wave of corporate looting.


    The latest graph looks like this:





    Note the timing.  

    Do you have the link to the source ?

  2. Enjoy it:



    We must steadfastly practise peace,imagining our minds as a lake ever to be kept calm, without waves, or even ripples, to disturb its tranquillity, and gradually develop this state of peace until no event of life, no circumstance, no other personality is able under any condition to ruffle the surface of that lake or raise within us any feelings of irritability, depression or doubt. It will materially help to set apart a short time each day to think quietly of the beauty of peace and the benefits of calmness,and to realise that it is neither by worrying nor hurrying that we accomplish most, but by calm, quiet thought and action become more efficient in all we undertake. To harmonise our conduct in this life in accordance with the wishes of our own Soul, and to remain in such a state of peace that the trials and disturbances of the world leave us unruffled, is a great attainment indeed and brings to us that Peace which passeth understanding; and though at first it may seem to be beyond our dreams, it is in reality, with patience and perseverance, within the reach of us all.


  3. On 22/4/2021 at 3:04 PM, dwai said:

    Personally, I think we should speak up if we find something is going in the wrong direction, but not get attached to the drama. Political activism or even activism in general  (even your garden variety - arguing on social media or among friends) is a very emotional thing, and is not good for spiritual growth. 


    Political activism, specially political radicalism, is incompatible with spiritual growth and sagehood, you are right. It is something often more emotional than rational that can lead to dividing and quarreling for nothing.

    • Like 1

  4. John Dolic is my teacher too, I don't know if he is right wing or left wing and I don't care. But looking at this facebook it is obvious that he has the same views that I have on the supposed pandemy. He doesn't believe the politicians nor the media about the supposed plandemy. He is against lockdown and against covid vaccines, which are experimental. Exactly the same views I have expressed in this forum in the last 12 months, and I never saw his facebook before.


    I knew this was all a big lie from almost the beginning, and I am glad to see an intelligent person like Dolic believes so too. I also see he is anti 5G, but I don't have an informed opinion about that, and stand against the big pharma, again like me.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Vajra Fist said:

    For the past month or two I've been exploring different qigong styles and practices. Giving a week to each one and keeping a diary of effects I notice.


    This week I've been doing fragrant level one twice a day. So far its been one of the best ones I've tried. Immediate results I've noticed include no work-induced tension headaches, where I'd normally get at least one really bad one a week. Also, psoriasis has improved slightly. More energy levels and general mood improvement.


    My main misgivings with the style are that it doesn't allow you to practice any form of meditation. Up until now I've been giving about 30-60 minutes to mindfulness of breathing seated meditation. I've missed it a lot, so thats a drawback for me.


    Will continue trying a few different styles over the next few weeks, but may return to fragrant as a permanent practice. As a healing practice I'd say its one of the fastest acting and most powerful I've tried in my life.



    Please tell us if you decide to do fragrant

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  6. 16 minutes ago, manitou said:

    This is odd.  As I age, my focus and ability to remember anything are shot; but the ability to triangulate metaphysically has really kicked up.  It almost seems like I had to give up one for the other.  I'm sure that's not really true, but it sure seems that way.


    Actually, I think that focusing on 'Be Here Now' and try to stay there, is good training for the mind.

    This "be here now" is a classic but I don't think it has been useful for me. Now I am reading a book called "You are the placebo", written by Joe Dispenza. This book focuses on the importance of positive thinking and positive emotions. This is important because the mind has tremendous power, so if we tend to think in negative terms we can have many problems. Life will be better if we think in positive. I remember reading this on the NLP guys too. It is something I want to work on

  7. 51 minutes ago, thelerner said:

    There's a system of Gong.  Doing 100 days in a row of something challenging.  There's will power needed, even if its physical, overriding the minds instinctive want of pleasure/laziness.  


    The practice I've done that really pits mind against body is Wim Hof program.  The daily cold shower is a test of will power, especially they get longer, or require a long breath hold under cold water, where the body at stress.  The long breath holds that pit you against the primal need to breath also require strength of will.    


    With any strenuous martial art, you have the mind overriding the body.  

    well, i like this 100 days challenge. Actually I am doing a 6 months challenge of doing fragrant qi gong every day. It is not something very hard but I will need some power of will to do it for so long

    • Like 1

  8. We know plenty of systems, methods and gymnastics for strengthening the body. There are many and often they can help to strengthen it, but what about strengthening the mind, being more mentally strong? What methods are there? Qi gong can help, it is true, but there must be more methods to work with this. Maybe meditation can help too? I have never been a big fan of traditional sitting meditations, but if it helps I could of course give it a try.

    • Like 1

  9. I know I have said many crazy things in the forum, but I have an important message I want to share with everybody. At the beginning of the year I was sick. I had heart problems, sometimes the palpitations were so big I thought I was going to die, no joke here. I couldn't even sleep well because at night the palpitations were more severe. I also felt very clearly that I had a big problem with my heart, I could feel it clearly. Also I had a little bit of pain in the left part of my chest almost all the time, and of course I didn't have any energy at all.


    As a last resort I tried fragrant qi gong again. I practiced fragrant for 7 months between 2018 and 2019. It worked well on me but I quitted it because I wanted to practice other things. But with this problem I knew very well that only fragrant could help me, so I started doing it again, and in a few weeks almost all my problems have disappeared. It has healed me perfectly well, now I have energy again, I don't feel pain in my heart and I am happy again. I also feel that the more I practice the better I will feel.


    Psychologically it has not been easy to manage all this. I thought I could die at any moment for weeks, so the merit of this fragrant qi gong is huge. Now I will dedicate my life to this qi gong, I will do it every day and I will teach it to others, so they can benefit as much as I have. I write this because I want everybody to know the powerful benefits of this style of qi gong.


    Pd: I think my health problems were caused by psychological disturbances. I had a bad time because my mother almost died at the beginning of the year, she was very ill for weeks. Now she is better. Apart from doing fragrant qi gong, I am beginning to change my mental attitude. I try to be more positive, suggesting myself with positive thinking. I am reading a book on the subject, recommended by a friend of mine: You are the placebo, from Joe Dispenza, a very recommendable book which focus on the importance of the mind on health, and how negative and positive thinking and emotions affect our physical health.

    I now realize that my internal cultivation these last years was focusing too much on the body, neglecting the mind.

    • Like 4

  10. 5 minutes ago, spanda said:

    @Toni I've seen FQ recommended on here. It does sound amazing. Would you recommend the DVD's from the Australian teacher, whose name is escaping me...? His website was the only one I could find out there on FQ.


    @forestofemptiness Thanks for sharing the personal experience. I can see how Bruce would come off negatively, but his systems seem legit. I agree. At some point I'd need (and would like) in-person instruction, so the overall vibe of the teacher and school is of some consideration for long term fit. I enjoy what little I've learned of Qi Gong so far and can see myself continuing a practice even if I get over this health issue.


    @liminal_luke Thank you. I'm using a similar program called Reset. It uses some similar techniques, but I've read it's a little safer, or maybe, sophisticated. I've heard mixed things about DNRS from the CFS/ME community. Reset has an emphasis on keeping you from entering into the sympathetic state. For the first 6 months of my illness, this was a big issue for me. My hear rate was constantly elevated.



    yes, John Dolic is a good teacher. However is not the only one, this video is quite good:



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  11. I am doing fragrant qi gong again. I have not been very well lately and this style is helping me a lot. It just so happens that some days I would like to do it more than 3 times. I know the maximum is said to be 3 times a day, but what really happens if one does it 4 times? would it be bad?


    @virtue do you know maybe?