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Everything posted by sustainablefarm86

  1. Reiki

    I don't know shit but I think there's nothing specific about it besides the brand and the sigil? Were the symbols a later addition? If you don't want to be part of them, learn the rest, don't use their sigil and their brand
  2. What happened on Oak Island?

    I don't know
  3. Occult forums

    No, there are other forums that are free and open tho like studio arcanis , I don't think there's anything special about the closed forums
  4. simplify

    this is what I had in mind
  5. simplify

  6. Acts 2:38

    Thanks ok then I'd like to be both and neither, defining yourself is so 1900s, we live in a world post 50 Shades of Gray, for god's sake - Pettyy King (now, is this a case of nonduality or because we fear to be called bad and failures?)
  7. Free Astrological Birthchart Generator

    Is there any online of those with life tides and when I will be unlucky and lucky? I don't really subscribe to horoscopes but I'm curious

    They're on the prowl, if you see a Buddha, kill it
  9. I think there is a tendency to think people from the past were dumber, didn't think through things and all those other thoughts that have relation to I'm born in the 21st, WE HAVE COMPUTERS AND CALCULATORS, WE HAVE THE ROCKET therefore I'm smarter and cleverer than them This spans from the 1900s to 100k years ago. While they might have not been better intelectually, they weren't necessarily dumb and any less clever than we are Some of it might be true, maybe not. What do you think about it?
  10. Activity Menu Options

  11. Activity Menu Options

    We can see Clubs BTW or maybe I'm an undercover admin, you will never know
  12. A neigong joke

    Truly deep. Is this something to be realized? What's the stage being talked about here? It's so much magical I almost disappeared
  13. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    I'd like a personal kingdom pleeeeese
  14. Deep meditation

    Thanks, the question doesn't matter anymore, I stopped doing it, bad happens because I'm bad at it
  15. Cosmic being

    If you knew what sort of things we believe we are, around here, you would be disgusted , a king , a dragon, the universe, a god, formless, nothing, as long as it's healthy it's okay I believe. (there's also the differences, imagining vs believing vs being too, that doesn't matter now ) IMO while I, or the other bums, might be interested in meditation and qi gong this lifetime, we might not end up being the One so it's better to drop some things, meditate and live the moment at hand. If we get there and unveil everything, great!
  16. Human destruction of nature

    I don't know man, I don't know
  17. Cosmic being

    I'm a meatbody. If everyone is cosmic I want to be cosmic too, don't leave me alone here with the meatbodies I might die like everyone else
  18. What are you listening to?

    can't understand a word but it sounds nice, it's probably some buddhist thing
  19. What are you listening to?

    I like that band, there's little live footage from them, just searched and this one surfaced last month, pretty cool
  20. Human destruction of nature

    I think we should keep destroying everything and see how it goes, people say the Earth is alive and mystical and woo woo, how can we prove it if not seeing with our own eyes? If something indeed happen then we blame them for making us destroy Earth 'It's said that a wise person learns from his mistakes. A wiser one learns from others' mistakes. Now, do you prefer to be wiser or wise? c'mon, WISE of course What if their mistakes were way less elaborate? The right answer is always wise, you never know who your wisdom is being compared to
  21. Live and let live? (not always so)

    Yes I've seen you sitting on the couch I recognize your artillery I have seen you many times before once when I was an indian and I was on my land Why can't you understand
  22. Cosmic being

    If you feel like you need it, the forum has hidden areas of the public you can use Good luck
  23. A Message From Limahong
  24. Cosmic being

    I don't know, I'm a newbie so it's better if I shut the fuck up but there are lots of meditation involving visualization, I believe anything that will use imagination will improve and wire the inner sight (brain sight) and will help you, well, see other other places, I've read about practicing mentally projecting outside the body with all senses, like what goes on in a dream