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Posts posted by rideforever

  1. 3 hours ago, moment said:

    Trump would agree with you. 


    Fauci would agree with me, because that is what he said yesterday.
    It's okay to hate Trump, but to lie to yourself every day is dumb.

    But then I suppose it keeps you in that liberal sheep club you are so desperate to stay in.

    Why don't you just chop your balls off ... then you get lifetime membership.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 12 hours ago, moment said:

    Anthony S. Fauci, the ­nation’s top infectious diseases ­expert, who has given interviews in which he has tempered praise for the president with doubts about his pronouncements


    That's a lie, Fauci was on TV yesterday talking specifically about his relationship with the Pres and said that newsmedia that try to stir up a rift are completely wrong and there is no rift whatsoever and that the Pres listens to him.  Go watch it, he was interviewed yesterday.


    Meanwhile in Brazil, the president has no time for the fear masturbation destroying the western economies and their miserably terrified people:



  3. 43 minutes ago, Miroku said:

    Being a man and a feminist means


    It means that you switch the tv on, start memorising ... and then replace your own life with those messages.

    You would do the same if the tv told you to jump in the lake.

    This is not the behaviour of a man ... or of anyone except a sheep.

    If you are young ... I am afraid you have been born into an evil time and are being preyed upon by a destructive culture.


    • Haha 2

  4. There is a strange modern phenomenon of men who spend their time fawning over feminism etc...

    Is it due to low testosterone ?

    A man's job is to be a man, and when the time comes to screw.

    Women have their own ways that are not your business.


    "Feminism" is just more abuse of women teaching them on the front cover of Marie Claire  that they've been wronged ... and then on page 5 "we have the answer" (hate men so you can be on your own with 5 cats) and by the way buy some mascara and imagine you are some supermodel though you look like a freak !!!!

    Yeah .. you really helping women.

    "You've been wronged !!!"  Joke.


    Yes women have smaller head brains, and men have smaller body brains.

    But they have both been replaced by Netflix, so they are completely equally stupid.

    Everyone has lost about 10-15% of their brain mass compared to their ancestors.


    Slaves don't need a gender, or a family, they just need to suck up what lies they are told ... and then destroy themselves and die.

    That is the instruction from on high.


    • Confused 1

  5. Up to two thirds of people who die from coronavirus in the next nine months are likely to have died this year from other causes, a government advisor has said.

    Professor Neil Ferguson, who is recovering at home from Covid-19, told the Science and Technology Committee that experts were now expecting around 20,000 deaths, although said it may turn out to be a lot less.

    But he said that many of those deaths were likely to be old and seriously ill people who would have died from other conditions before the end of the year.



    i.e. this is all a lot of fear masturbation by the news and medical moaning industry

  6. BBC have just announced they are suspending 450 jobs that were due to be cut.

    Seems their covid fearmongering is getting a lot of attention, and protecting their own backside.

    I don't trust anything I hear about this crap anymore.

    It's nothing more than a severe flu and not that severe tbh.

    More bullshit and lies from the chest of mankind's stupidity.


    Ego-wise it seems that Doctors/Nurses enter the service so that they can "help people", and the louder the violin is playing the more reinforced their ego feels.

    That's why they are always moaning about their pay and their conditions.


    A couple of years ago I met a mature student about 40 who was beginning medical training in the UK, and he said they had special classes to learn how to "care" for patients.  I asked why.  He said it was because people enter the profession for the money and stability and not for any hippocratic oath.  So they have to make sure they act like they "care".  Crazy insincere world.

    • Sad 1

  7. With 600,000 medics in the UK ... and only 20 Covid patients in critical condition, you wonder why they say they can't cope.

    But then they are always saying that.  This is start to look like Remoaner 3.0.

    I can see our society being ruled by moronic sheep who demand to live in fluorescent yellow houses with NHS doctors circling them continuously for any sign of disease.

    Meanwhile the BBC ignores any good statistics and writes any bad stats in giant red letters on its website.

    Trump is the only one with a brain in this whole picture, he knows the cure can't be worse than the disease.

  8. 10 minutes ago, waterdrop said:

    if i have bad eyesight  - does it effect the third eye in some way


    Does bad eyesight affect the 3rd eye ? 

    Not really, because bad eyesight is part of the body-subtle body, the 3rd eye is part of the spiritual dimension.

    Bad eyesight can in some cases be much improved through qigong, sometimes it is caused by stress, or wood element problems, or blockages in the subconscious mind at the front of the face.

    • Like 2

  9. 9 hours ago, waterdrop said:

    What are the stuff a person can do to feel qi better


    Before you start a session, warm up properly for qigong.  Shaking out (and not for a few seconds), moving all your joints.

    Then very importantly warm up your arms wrists and hands, from the shoulder blades (part of the arms) down to the finger tips where the meridien ends are on the sides of the nails.  Rub your palms together with fingers interlocked so they can rub the sides of the fingers ... and work down to include the whole wrist and 2" below the wrist, and do the backs of the hands.  Then 'stroke' your arms from the shoulder blades down the outside to the finger tips, and up the inside from finger tips to armpit and below the armpit.

    Doing these things a few times massively increases the sensitivity of the hands and arms that are used in many qigongs.

    At the "WenWuSchool" a teacher called Hui Liu teaches Wild Goose, in her DVDs she has these warmups which are long and excellent on their own, as is the rest of her materials

    • Like 4

  10. Women have a different path from men.

    Women have smaller brains and conceptual intelligence, but they have larger emotional minds ... it is a shame that motherhood and nurturing has been destroyed in this mental and stressful world, there is no place for women.

    And has corporate materialism takes over, there is no place for men either; only brainless cowardly sex-less slaves are required.

    Anybody who is a women in full or a man in full will be destroyed, it's too dangerous for the machine.

    Buddha, Jesus, Laozi ... these people were rebels, they fought, they were individualistic, they fucked people off ... this is part of the extreme nature that is in some men, they are more extreme.

    The path, begins with your biological psychological functions, you use them ... whatever you've got ... love or hate ... your path rides on these biological waves.

    Another very important factor is the use of language : women "natter" because their role is maintaining the social group.  When women talk in that social role ... they are really conveying emotions with words riding on the top.

    Whereas men use language to discuss tools and hunting, they are able to use much more technical language which is more objective, therefore their conceptual intelligence is far higher.

    Of course there are stupid men, and evil women.

    Women use emotions to control people, to commit murder through others, even starting wars through husbands.

    Mankind's ignorance has damaged many things, we are very far away from a healthy world, both men and women are barely even human. 

    They fight each other over nothing , and they console each other over nothing.

    They are far from home.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1

  11. This disease is a picnic to be honest.  The dead are only the oldest or the frailest, and it is bringing society to its knees.  Who knows the economic damage.


    Imagine if it was Mers, or Sars, or Ebola.  My god.  If a severe flu causes this much chaos ...


    And those pandemics are coming.  We will be much better off with some new facilities in the UK, it will serve us in the long run ... but if it was a serious disease it would be instant economic depression and possibly social collapse.

  12. 8 minutes ago, thelerner said:

    Like Trump, I don't think you're wrong, but you do exaggerate greatly.  ie seeing outliers as the norm. 

    You will undoubtedly find much that agrees with you on the Russian TV site- rt.com .


    Do you mean about the cult of docility ?

    One thing that particularly disgusts me is watching young children going to the park being forced to wear fluorescent yellow safety vests ...cowardice and stupidity forced into them, it is tragic these kids are in a prison.

    Worse than that ... once I was in a coffee shop and 8 kids stopped outside on and outing.  I had to take a 2nd and 3rd look but they were strapped to a ... yoke ... something like you see on farm animals.  They were strapped 2x2 onto some plastic plank.

    What will they teach children next ... to cut off their genitals ?

    Evil is coming to this world.





    • Sad 1

  13. Trump says he wants the country back open by Easter or the depression will cost thousands more lives than the virus.

    Correct.  I am sure the UK will follow at some point, thank god, in the UK there is a 4000 new bed temp hospital being built in London and they are renting beds in private hospitals about 8000.  So that's plus 12000, which is very good.  A few more thousand here and there, and capacity should be in the right area to deal with any peak.

    Still wondering if CV exists or if its a total fabrication.

    Here's an article about the docile western people who demand life with zero risk:


  14. 1 hour ago, C T said:

    A self that wants and needs gratification. 


    Was Buddha selfish when he left his father, or was Jesus when he left the Jews, or was Laozi when he walked out of the city ?

    Is an eagle selfish when he wakes up in the morning, feels fully justifies, and flies wherever he fucking wants?
    Human spread their miserable theories of guilt and non-existence, or on the contrary greed and arrogance.

    Being more wrist-slashing then the next man is an old currency in society ... I can torture myself and crush myself more than you.

    Such things are highly respected in the land of non-existence.


    They times are excellent to see the low sheeplike state of human beings and wish to get out of here.

    Especially in this case where one way or other CV will come to an end and you get a 2nd life.

    But wishing and observing does not get you there.

    Narrow is the gate, and in the end maybe the question is ... do you really want to get enlightened, or is this still just a chat?

    When you practice are you ready to die to live ... or are you "cultivating".

    Everybody talks. 

    But few enter the path.

    You probably have to be half saint and half bastard to make it.

    Or as Jesus put it, if you don't love your mother and father you cannot follow me, and if you don't hate your mother and father you cannot follow me.

    • Like 1

  15. Another great article about irrational decision making from Stanford


    Here, just been for a long cycle up the coast, lots of hidden spots where people relaxing on the beach, playing tennis, or "exercising" ... people are only allowed out to "exercise" and the pigs are driving up and down the beach road, glad to see many people still enjoying themselves though.  Fantastic weather.  Might have a picnic by the waterline tomorrow.

    Meanwhile my flu, which may have been CV judging by the hot dry lungs, is coming to an end ... 

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