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Everything posted by rideforever

  1. The Brexit Thread

    Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Live with fire, live as dead already. It is only boredom that is the enemy. Prosperous or destitute, most people are just washed down the river. For every season there is an appropriate way to live. A call to a courageous spirit. A motivation to move quickly, to work carefully, to be efficient, to hit the mark. Society can change on a dime, but is it any better when everyone is happy. Every man dies alone, and so must face life alone, and meet god alone. Brexit is a courageous move, from a courageous and half alive people. Out of the blue, things change. Even now, it has shaken the shit out of Britain, people have become wiser, and darker, and more suspicious. Maybe Brexit has already been extremely successful. If you wish to be busy, to learn, and don't mind getting your hands dirty, yes there will be opportunity aplenty. And the rich clean intellectual girls are the most boring in bed.
  2. The Brexit Thread

    It's all very sad to be honest. It's also sad that a world government wouldn't work the way mankind is. Culture seems to be disintegrating, there are too many people, and the West's economy seems to demand more children of any origin. Something is very wrong. And a lot of the agenda people in the world are desperately trying to cause trouble in order that they can get do something and feel something, in this sterile urbanised world ... they have to create continuous disasters or they will die of boredom and inactivity. What a mess. A lot of people are unhappy.
  3. Central channel or Heart Field?

    It is unclear to me how physical immortality is possible, the body would have to be endlessly replenished. You could have very high power but it would have to be maintained continuously and would be in continuous conflict with the rest of the manifest world. Non-physical immortality requires awakening and then surrender and so total rest, total absence, and this can finally reach into the personality which will also be illuminated for its period of existence. That is easy to understand, knowing yourself you just fully let go into the ocean. Physical immortality is trying to create a structure here that remains here, but that seems to me to be very unnatural, like a witch who uses her magic to disguise her age. This "world" is not very good, better to leave even if it requires the loss of the body personality and memories ... you, the real you, would still be you. And in that is what you want isn't it ? How many flavours of ice-cream are there in the world ? The peace of surrender ... isn't everyone exhausted enough already. I am anyway. I can't imagine trying to keep myself powered for all eternity and maintain myself here, enough already. Maybe I don't understand the principles, don't know.
  4. The Brexit Thread

    @Apech I'm sad too, what can we do
  5. The Brexit Thread

    Well ... Brexit is a question of state of mind, or even state of consciousness. The low consciousness sheep who wish to be controlled, to be in control or under control, who actually need control, and so respond strongly to fear and official authorities and official "knowledge" stats and so on. Who dream that one day there will be a one world government run by Mother Theresa, rather than what will actually happen ... Monsanto / Bilderberger / Wall Street / and the Oxfam CEOs paid half a mill a year. Such people dream of a benevolent dictator, or climate change Messiah who will know "the truth", and everyone will be forced to submit to its "values". And the there are those who feel that life is an open opportunity and analysisng the statistics of the past from comfortable seats is not life at all, that life needs to be made and remade again through engagement and pure creation, and that hard work and risk is salvation. The media under extreme economic pressure are preying upon anyone who can be made to fear, is polarising these groups. And the more the institutions of academia, medicine and science become money-only affairs ... what these industries really represent is a cluster of industries who generate the "official knowledge" and thus are part of the control system of the billionaires. Just as the trade unions are a group of public sector workers who get perks ... The rulers cannot take money from people's mouths and put it in their swiss bank accounts without paying off a chunk of society. Be they the trades union, or the politicians and lawyers, or (modern times) the creators of official knowledge industries of medicine education and science. Anyway, who cares. Mankind is dead !!! If you can find one still alive consider yourself lucky !
  6. The Brexit Thread

    What is your job, lecturer ? "Those who can do, those who can't teach".
  7. The Brexit Thread

    You have a superficial and institutionally conditioned view of things. Better to try and think for yourself. But institutionalised people never change, their identity is entwined with their idealogies. What do you say to someone who wants to remain in a prison? Nothing, you just leave.
  8. The Brexit Thread

    If we put aside all the propaganda, a hard indicator of confidence is if people are having children, which means the UK is far ahead of the EU. The balance of trade is very much in the UK's favour between the UK and the EU by £67Bn. So they would lose out under tarrifed trade. Then in terms of the EU's external markets the UK is joint top with the US at 16%. The EU is not about to lose 16% of their external market. We have gone through an extreme shock after the referendum with all sorts of institutions around the world continuously forecasting doom. Nothing happened. So ... the UK seems to be in a "strong" position allround. One can imagine vastly worse situation. The intellectual class who are so proud of themselves are unlike the entrepreneurs a country needs. Just look at Dyson Trump and Branson.
  9. The Brexit Thread

    Nothing specific then ? We can all read the fearmongering news, and repeat it like dodos, after all an apocalypse was supposed to happen 3 years ago. It didn't. Even though there is media-driven social warfare, and a very poor political leadership, still everything floats quite well even though there is nobody really driving the ship during this endless storm. That says so much for Britain, it can't be stopped. We will just become like the other 200 other countries on the planet, all of whom suffer the general points above, and prosper. We are the largest export market for the EU (along with the USA) they will not stop trade, and trade from Germany/Italy/Netherlands/Belgium is particular big. Then we have the most powerful country in the world as our best buddies. UK Law is so reliable that many contracts worldwide are still made under it. As for competitive advantage ... yes the EU has a bigger hand, but then it has to average out what everyone there wants, so nobody really gets what they want. They will get whitebait 2% cheaper, it's just that only 3 out of 27 countries wanted whitebait. Plus the people in the EU are not very happy and not having children ... that's not a good sign is it. Whilst in the UK and Ireland birth rates are much higher than the EU average, people like it here. Just speaking to the Polish girl at the cafe, she wants to stay, she feels free-er here, why go back ... even with a much smaller home here. And it's the same for the rich and poor, and certainly for business and bankers ... why would you walk into the prison where the Brussels dictatorship grows every day. If you are afraid ... with this hand of cards ... I suggest you don't play or bring your brown trousers. Anyway 5G will give everyone cancer in their 20s most likely, so not sure it will make much difference in the long run. One of the problems with the EU is that all of the staff there have gone to the same schools and repeat like herd animals all the strategic management (strategic masturbation) they have been taught there by lecturers. It's been a nice little cowards game for the incompetent wine connoiseurs to play. But the future is not made like that. Entrepreneurs are not made like that. It is made with courage and spirit and freedom. Just look at the US. But like I said there are no victories on Earth, mankind is doomed.
  10. The Brexit Thread

    What is it exactly that you are going on about ? What is it that you think will no longer work ? Will the air ... turn off ? What is this ... "big stuff" ... that will fall apart ? Specifically ?
  11. The Brexit Thread

    Well, apparently Germany has a 20Bn trade balance with us, Spain 15Bn, Netherlands and Belgium about 10Bn. They would benefit from free trade more than us. And if we leave we are the biggest export market for the EU, almost equal to the US. Border checks etc... are easily solved by ... not checking, and having multi-level trusted shipping companies which all the big companies will be applying for and get. Then we can rejoin the Anglosphere and generally relax. Losing your sovereignty and replacing the people in your land ... is certainly something to avoid. And the EU should avoid it also. Their plan of shrivelling their ass up, and turning their populations in the Health & Safety terrified consumers ... is not a plan that is going to work. They can pour people in from the 3rd world ... but that's totally desperate. No, Brexit passes all checks of sanity. Maybe .... nobody will much notice the change.
  12. Living in the Anthropocene Age

    Brain Size Decline = The "Fall" ? It's the best explanation I have heard. Bailey and Geary found population density did indeed track closely with brain size, but in a surprising way. When population numbers were low, as was the case for most of our evolution, the cranium kept getting bigger. But as population went from sparse to dense in a given area, cranial size declined, highlighted by a sudden 3 to 4 percent drop in EQ starting around 15,000 to 10,000 years ago. “We saw that trend in Europe, China, Africa, Malaysia—everywhere we looked,” Geary says. The observation led the researchers to a radical conclusion: As complex societies emerged, the brain became smaller because people did not have to be as smart to stay alive. As Geary explains, individuals who would not have been able to survive by their wits alone could scrape by with the help of others—supported, as it were, by the first social safety nets. Geary is not implying that our beetle-browed forebears would have towered over us intellectually. But if Cro-Magnons had been raised with techno-toys and the benefits of a modern education, he ventures, “I’m sure we would get good results. Don’t forget, these guys were responsible for the ‘cultural explosion’”—a revolution in thinking that led to such startling new forms of expression as cave paintings, specialized tools, and bones carved into the first flutes. In terms of raw innate smarts, he believes, they probably were as “bright as today’s brightest” and might even have surpassed us. Still, Geary hesitates to use words like genius or brilliant in describing them. “Practically speaking,” he explains, “our ancestors were not our intellectual or creative equals because they lacked the same kind of cultural support. The rise of agriculture and modern cities based on economic specialization has allowed the very brightest people to focus their efforts in the sciences, the arts, and other fields. Their ancient counterparts didn’t have that infrastructure to support them. It took all their efforts just to get through life.” http://discovermagazine.com/2010/sep/25-modern-humans-smart-why-brain-shrinking And so this leads to a certain course of action to reverse the pattern, within oneself.
  13. Never mind

    Yes, the worst thing was the pink pyjamas !!!
  14. Living in the Anthropocene Age

    Brain Size vs IQ Very interested article, with some nice details for instance cab drivers become more intelligent through study of routes. Of course if we factor in CroMagnon having 15-20% higher (just checked) brain size than today, that's not very nice for us !!! https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/brain-size2.htm
  15. Living in the Anthropocene Age

    Are African people really poor and starving, I don't think so. That is the white man's dream, they go and be missionaries in Africa whilst in Germany they proudly declare they are "free" and "modern" because young German women can open their legs for money and it's all legalised and assisted by the Government. The number of sane people on the planet is quite small, I'm afraid : figure that into your plans. Another thing is people have terrible suffering and die; nobody is rushing down to stop it happening; figure that into your plans. So ... Unfortunately things are even worse than that. Judging by fossilised human skulls, the human brain has reduced in size by about 15% since CroMagnon period ... what this indicates is our bodies seem to be adjusted according to the era, the direction of evolution, the environment and nutrients available. And so, if the particulars of your era are not so good, you will be born into a time of reducing intelligence. This I believe is what the "fall" means. It's nobody's fault, just a matter of chance. Small brain size, smaller consciousness, and so on. Spirituality we still rely on work from thousands of years ago ... that's not a good sign. Next thing is the confusion of identities. When people are overly concerned with the world what this means is that they are living in a shared "world mind" rather than having their own mind. Which means they are degenerating. Urbanisation / globalisation are dramatically increasing this, as the individual intelligence grows from contact with nature and the environment, working with your hands and so on. Instead today both the problems and solutions are just a movie you watch on the screen, as a bystander. Even doing maths is too much, so people use a calculator. And eagle is not concerned about "the world". He just does his job, which is to be himself. He works, he is sharp, he breathes, he flies, he dies. He doesn't have time to play those games. And so, he lives well, and contributes to the maximum for life, existence and the planet. In the cafe today, two guys at different tables plugged into the internet, cans on their head ... they weren't even in the cafe. An interesting thing is that people who are part of this world mind, actively seek out and destroy any shoot of consciousness near them, by taking revenge against whoever they can blame for their unhappiness. In fact many global movements by activists are simply a way for unconscious people to destroy all alternative opinions and thereby destroy anyone who is conscious, until everyone thinks the same. "He is stagnant in his nest of comfort, and miserable because of it. This misery does not render him inactive, on the contrary it compels him to seek victims in the world who ... embody individual values ... and so he innocuously supports the complete de-individualisation of every person in the name of "equality". " - Nietzsche wrote that 100 years ago, and today all we hear is "equality" and de-nationalisation and de-familialisation, so that we can all be the same, globalised and facebook. And if you have a different view you will be disqualified from Wikipedia, the Government, fired at work, and not published. This de-humanisation is well underway. Even having a gender is no longer considered valid.
  16. Synchronicity and the flow of time

    Love Arnie !!!! It's nice to see the contrast with the anaemic self hating climate robots and the red blooded male. Funny thing is lots of the things Arnie says are true !!!! The thing about what-is-called-today-science-but-has-nothing-to-do-with-science ... is that one day on Ted talks they will announce they finally understand everything, and everyone will clap and cheer like at a SpaceX launch. And then they will go home. And nothing will have changed. Nothing even began to change. Stupid !
  17. Synchronicity and the flow of time

    "Science" has become the total loss of hope for mankind. The authority that everyone believes in, that robs you of your dreams. No-one can have an opinion, a hope, a reason, a desire. Because "Science" and its fanatics obliterates everything and replaces it with nothing. The ego-meta-being has a new disguise for its emptiness.
  18. Synchronicity and the flow of time

    How can you explain sincerity to the insincere ? I can't. But life can, it involves several lifetimes of beatings. That seems to be the only way to change things.
  19. Synchronicity and the flow of time

    On this planet lives the ego-meta-creature, formed of a mass of bodies and faces. It has its fashions and interests. It looks here it looks there, it consumes here and consumes there. Currently various spiritual ideas like "non-duality" (TM applied for) have become interesting for the ego-meta-creature, and as it chews through it, the ego-meta-creature will destroy it, and replace it with nothing. For this reason spirituality, real spirituality, is always difficult to find. As soon as it is found, that creature will arrive with its many faces and bodies, and eat it alive. And the world will return to nothing.
  20. Travels in the False World

    Sitting in the coffee shop today, doing my paintings, reading my books. Young couple with red faces (drunk) shrieking down the road at their kids. Yesterday a beautiful elegant woman with a new born in arms, very elegant beautiful dress, classic looks. Patting the baby a little too forcefully. Then the baby cries and out comes the bottle to jam in his face .... the tiny new born arms desperately reaching to push it away, but the bottle almost the same size as his head shoved in ... and these tiny arms pushing back. A family of 4 sit next to me ... they have an awful feeling tone to their voice, generational depression. Why does it bother me ? Yes there is a reason : because the ego is ... trying to grab attention from other people, it is always concerned with how others view its self-image, concerned with authority, with disciplinig and shame others, with this and that ... it connects with you to snatch your energy, it is a collective energy stealing ... prior to being awake. They are asleep and dreaming. It dawns on me that these people are very happy here. Nobody can save them because their joys and pains are EXACTLY commensurate with their state of consciousness. They are exactly where they need to be. If you came up with a medicine that cured a big disease, the society with its many organisations and institutions, it would send the idea here, there, chew it up a bit here, .... everyone trying to get rid of this disturbance. Like cogs in a big shredder, shred here, shred. Eventually nothing would left. This is how sleeping people destroy things that might wake them up. Same with spiritual knowledge. A little re-write here, a little creative accounting there. Every generation chewing it a bit, burying it a bit. Until ta-dan .... the job is done. Every piece of light is buried. And they don't have to be disturbed any more. Sleeping time. So why am I here ? Somehow due to being a little consciousness and a lot smashed around and not dying ... somehow I woke up during the operation. There is nothing for me here. There is nothing to save. The only job is rapid exit. And there is company, with others who woke up somehow.
  21. Living in the Anthropocene Age

    I don't know, if nuclear fusion is organised in 50 years or so, then the energy problems are solved. As for nuclear waste, deep borehole storage and vitrification should sort things out easily and cheaply. At least for tens of thousands of years. Plastic waste will come to an end at some point. Climate change will come to be ... not very much in the end. There will always be more insects bacteria and viruses then humans, we occupy something like 0.003% of the total biomass on Earth, and it will recover quite quickly after we're gone ... quickly meaning half a million years or so. I think the future will be something like idiocracy meets the matrix; plus people will be taking drug concotions every day to stay alive. But ... anyway ... does anyone care ? Will anyone notice ? Once all these changes happen, the history books will be re-written to say it was always this way, and that blue whales were just a myth, and that people in the past were all stupid. If you think the body is what you are ... then for sure you will be terrified. One good thing is that there are very few enlightened masters here. They have gone somewhere else. That indicates that if you make it you don't come back here. Nothing is for free. Everything is open to anyone who wishes it. Jesus says that in the new world you will simply not even remember the past. We do not truly see this world, we have many worries and concerns and plans and images; but we do not see this world. What good is it to worry ... the concerned should make rapid forward progress.
  22. Yes and this is "the rub". This is the flaw in the simply explanations some like to give. For instance J Krishnamurti went around the world giving lectures to packed halls of sometimes extremely smart people, but at the end of his life he said "nobody understood me". And he's not the only one ... if you have been reading the lifestories of teachers closely, he's not the only one. So ... how can it be so ? Well one answer is "don't ask" just f-ing do it now. And if the student gets in the right place, fine. Another answer is .... that the connection between this world and that world, between individual and universal, is indeed extremely extremely subtle ... but it is there. And the fact that humans wake up in this world is indeed because there is something that must be learnt here for us to then move on. And these connections and evolutions and so on ... are very subtle indeed. Once upon a time humans did know more about the connections ... but it seems to have died a death. On this planet the light lasts only so long, then what is left is a memory. Until another man comes, who ... for whatever f-ing reason, finds the light again and explodes into truth and ... then he leaves and once again a few leave with him, the there is only a memory, and then ... nothing. Haven't you suffered enough ? ( Not yet, they say )
  23. Synchronicity and the flow of time

    There are many opportunities every day to see patterns, or follow your vibration ... that is if you are looking. And if you don't look ? It is more like the looking makes them happen ... or your personal intelligence wishes to interact with the environment's intelligence. Syncrhonicity is on the low end of this phenomenon, it means "something happened" ... but that's not the same thing as ... I can reliably make something happen ... it's on the low end. What if you start becoming more and more sensitive to these things and just follow them, like the yellow brick road, discarding everything else. In the same way that "the body knows how to heal itself" ... the world knows how to heal you. An idea.
  24. Travels in the False World

    Just watching Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt this morning (Britain's next PM) ... realising it doesn't really matter. These people are far from the truth ... taps nails on desk. It doesn't matter what humanity does, they don't know what the problem is let alone the answer, and they don't care enough to change. Or is it ? Even this I am not sure about. "Always with you what cannot be done ..." How to live, how to deal with such a world, how to deal with me ? There are different overseeing principles that can be employed. One is Zhan Zhuang, just pump the power in over the top to take care of any problems, just forget about finding the exact cause .... we are not in an "exact cause" kind of a world ... we are in a world full of disharmonious energies ... just plug in the mains, it's more efficient and more reliable. Society ? They do bad things, many sick people. How to hang out here ? Should you split yourself (i.e. smile friendly to everyone but inside the anchor of knowing the truth is most clearly held fast to) ? Should you work simply on energy, meaning taichi your way down the street, flowing were your awakened energy takes you ? Should you discard society and work on the principle of law of attraction, attracting scenes that more and more closely resemble your desired vibration ? Should you do it like A Course in Miracles, treat every encounter as a bridging of "the miracle of god" with someone else ? Well, I don't know. I will have to try all of the above, it is the only way to know. I would have to try all of the above systematically and seriously to know. Am I guided ? And is that guidance any good or has the spiritual TomTom got bad firmware ? I don't know. Shall we discard even concepts and try to enter the unknown like UG Krishnamurti talks of ? Enter the unknown and trust it more than you do your balls ? We do all love each other, we are crazy about each other, I realised that last week ... maybe there is just too much power in life and we need to dial it down to get ready. There is a natural power behind life, with its rhythms, certainly following that is a true life. If you proceed far ahead of mankind then ... the onus is on you to master your journey and reach the summit; conceal your illumination. Everything is fine until you come to the money question. But perhaps we should not protect this life or this life in society that much. It's always been like this, hasn't it?