senseless virtue

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Posts posted by senseless virtue

  1. 1 minute ago, anshino23 said:

    Is it correct or a myth that women progress much more swiftly at the early stages of the neigong and alchemical process? 


    While I can't comment about any specific stage, I have read both Daoist and tantric Buddhist sources say that under ideal conditions women can accomplish cultivation about 1.5x faster than men. Women's energetic-physiological differences allow for a faster processing and integration of energy into the corporeal form.

    • Like 1

  2. 21 minutes ago, Apech said:

    I regard 'toilet standard' as a compliment.


    I understand your hint about basic needs serviced. Here you go, my good sir.




    On a more serious side, I meant for the phrase "lower than the toilet standard" refer to time and place when discussion shoots down to hell and people get angry or hateful with each other. Can't get worse than that, in my opinion, to make enemies on a friendly discussion forum. I would rather have toilet humor and casual nonsensical posts instead, even if it meant equating the TDB standard as the toilet standard.

  3. I miss you @Walker. Your humor and flowing essays were heartening to read. I feel sorry that you left TDB with such painful last messages and that you severely clashed with two other Bums.


    If our paths never cross again, then I wish that life treats you well wherever you thread and walk.

    • Like 4

  4. I have had a long time special interest and appreciation for practice methods that make little to no difference between the biological sexes. The immediate observation is that such practices approach more from the meditative consciousness and wisdom perspective instead of getting gritty and involved with the densest material and physical level of cultivation.


    It would be a good contrast for alchemy to bring up tantra. The polarities between the sexes are pretty much reversed in tantric Buddhism: Women are wisdom, men are compassion (i.e. skillful means). One particular tantra text, The Tantra of Caṇḍa­mahā­roṣaṇa, goes as far as to state this:


    “Women are heaven, women are the Dharma,

    And women are truly the supreme austerity.

    Women are the Buddha, women are the Saṅgha,

    Women are the Perfection of Wisdom‌.


    When tantra is done correctly in its intended spirit, it's pretty clear that there is a real reverence for the feminine.


    The difference between Neidan and Buddhist alchemy (i.e. Rasayana or Chülen) could be examined through the concepts of causal vehicle and resultant vehicle in Buddhist philosophy. The former tries to nurture the seed of Enlightenment into perfected bloom, while the latter proposes that we access the perfect Enlightenment now and increasingly draw its qualities into our own hearts. There is no difference in the overall stages of progression and qualities experienced: Both are clearly Buddhism and similarly adhere to the principle of cultivating wisdom. With this perspective in mind, Neidan is the process of marrying Yin and Yang, while (Buddhist) tantra is the mystical unveiling of the already consummated marriage of Yin and Yang.


    As a side note, I would remark that for the practical everyday purposes the Himalayan Buddhist societies have been male dominated and patriarchal, but I don't think social roles need to reflect the equality in spirit. Abuse and oppression is another matter though which can't be spiritually sanctioned.

    • Like 3

  5. 15 minutes ago, C T said:

    Adhering to the notion of ahimsa (non-violence) does not mean one must abstain from applying physical force to de-escalate a situation.


    Exactly. The problem is when the physical force is applied unskillfully and without mental equanimity. It can lead to much distress when law enforcement decides that you have made the greater error than the person who initiated the quarrel. It's usually much more safer and easier to talk and try to connect, and if not successful, then run away rather than confronting directly and trying to subdue the hostile person.


    Whatever the circumstances, it's always good to be have calmness and enough preparation to handle tense situations. Then you have options and are likelier to avoid trouble.

    • Like 1

  6. 21 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

    the police's hands are seemingly tied by bureaucracy or indifference


    Solving the homelessness issue requires time, money, and social responsibility from everyone. Even the local tax-payers should be active somehow because at the root homelessness is a social problem.


    Also, there is the constant threat if you get involved in an official capacity and you bungle up the situation by not being sensitive enough, which can be very difficult in the increasingly PC culture and with baiting happening in the social media, then you become a public scapegoat for abusing authority and being an overall horrible person. I am not surprised that the police would be uninterested in taking on the responsibility. It's a systemic problem that should be tackled from both top down and bottom up instead of leaving middlemen like law enforcement to sort out the differences.

  7. This is a good topic to discuss and share. It's a worthwhile skill to gently defuse threatening situations. It usually takes a lot of calmness and clarity to figure out what's the most appropriate course of action for everyone concerned.


    Realistically speaking, it's useless to expect the law enforcement to show up in a timely manner unless you declare that there have been threats of violence or you have seen weapons in the public.


    My first though after considering your given account of the situation was that you basically seemed to freeze up and passively let the upset guy's inquisitive anger to corner you. As a consequence, you couldn't connect with him as a person and make basic friendly gestures like: "Slow down! Please sit down and tell us what happened to you and your wallet." The fight-freeze-or-flight mechanism is very strong in people who deal with chronic stress and it many times prevents the access to more polite and diplomatic actions. This is one of the main reasons why people should continuously seek their spiritual center and stability: It gives reassurance and confidence to handle even sudden events that would otherwise leave them baffled as for what would had been the gentle way out without harming or further aggravating anyone.


    I would recommend to get familiar with the concept "non-violent communication" and how it is used to defuse difficult situations.

  8. 5 minutes ago, dwai said:

    I find it happens to me when I’m more invested in situations beyond what is necessary. A good sign for me is if I’m thinking about something more frequently than I normally do. The “taking personally” seems to be a side-effect of “wanting” something (to happen/not happen). And the recourse (for me) is to just “observe” the patterns arise/subside.  


    A counterpoint from a famous American social commentary.



  9. 4 minutes ago, steve said:

    That is insulting to the members and mods alike.


    4 minutes ago, steve said:

    Lots of folks seem to have this love-hate relationship with the forum, like an addiction, myself included.

    It's very interesting.


    Was it completely lost to you that I was making the same commentary that you spelled out straight?

  10. 7 minutes ago, steve said:

    Funny how people love to shit-talk about TDBs but continue to show up nonetheless...


    Was that meant for me and my piece of shitatire? Seriously, it was only meant to make fun of the people's want of new features.


    I actually think that TDB is very good for the broad ranged discussion forum it is. If there are hard feelings about something I have said unfavorably about TDB quality in the past, then I must confess that I have moved on and forgotten about those issues entirely.


    Maybe there is something worth visiting or picking on about the past, but I'm not able to know what's the issue unless it's brought to my attention.

  11. How about making a novel derivative of Chatbox?


    I propose a Scatbox where people could press a button, and — Ah! Voilà! — a fresh unicode turd appears on the top of the chat list. There would be no way to enter any other symbols and only one to three randomly designated turds per day are allowed per the common wisdom about healthy bowel movement.




    On particularly grisly days when all TDB seems to be brimming with speech lower than the toilet standard, the Scatbox would bring delight, improve morale, and elevate the overall level of user contribution.

    • Haha 1

  12. 1 hour ago, Learner said:

    Can I do this qigong at night like after 11 or before dawn.


    There is prohibition for practice after sunset if you are alone and in outdoors. If you have practice company or stay indoors late at night, then it's alright.


    I have many times practiced in my home late at night and it was completely fine.

    • Like 1

  13. On 8/22/2021 at 2:11 PM, 小梦想 said:

    Like i said in my opening post, neigong and things like reiki where you send energy or emit universal energy into someone or something is not compatible. Fragrant qigong falls into that category for me and would have been something discussed prior to teaching anything.


    I have been investigating your argument, and I am starting to think there is substance to it. Not entirely as you have put the matter, but still.


    Qigong styles have different means of energetic operation. We have authentic Neidan styles that cultivate the Dantian, ordinary TCM compatible medical styles that stimulate meridians, spontaneous practices, and very rare methods like Flying Phoenix that tune into Samadhi states similar to Dhyana and activate powerful spinal energies akin to the Tibetan Buddhist Tummo. Maybe there is a list somewhere about how many different unique mechanisms there are among known Qigong styles?


    You brought up "universal energy". Some styles of Qigong work by connecting with particularly strong energy fields which will interact with the environment. Fragrant Qigong is one of the most powerful ones in this type. Reiki is another type of practice that works through energy fields, even though it's often and incorrectly conceptualized as emitting energy. We can certainly see that there is no Faqi involved, therefore the authentic Reiki healing uses some other mechanism. I suspect because of the lineage presence and connection in both Fragrant and Reiki that there is some type of harmonizing Shen aspect that clears causes of illness and promotes vitality. With steady practice from the beginning, this connection would grow to become stable and intertwined with the practitioner's own energetic matrix.


    What happens when the advanced practitioner with ample Qi tunes into the Fragrant Qigong practice for the first time? The energy field of the Fragrant Qigong starts to tune his energetic matrix to match Fragrant's unique specification and Shen resonance. Turns out that his Qi isn't already imprinted with the same quality as Fragrant's resonance would ask for, so the energetic matrix begins "pouring out" the energy which it recognizes as "unhealthy" or not having been generated or imprinted by the Fragrant practice. Therefore, the advanced practitioner unwittingly loses his correctly gained Qi.


    This is my speculative take on the matter, but I find it a reasonable theory based on how the different Fa Shen (I can't remember if this was the term I had seen used elsewhere) mechanisms work in various Qigong styles (like Falun Gong and the vastly superior Wu Wei Qigong by George Xu).


    Thank you 小梦想 for bringing up the matter. It's always great to learn something new about the technicalities of internal arts and thus avoiding possible pitfalls.


    Update: I discussed with Sifu Dolic and have concluded that this theory can't be true. This often is the fruit of speculation: uselessness and vain grasping.

    • Like 4

  14. 11 hours ago, 小梦想 said:

    Many of you know that I have been in china for a long time, searching out authentic practices and schools and learning all i can from these masters/places. Many of them not known in the west and all of them only speaking chinese.


    Would you like to open a bit about your training background? How long have you trained exactly, who have been your masters and lineages (unless they wish to remain anonymous), and how long have you had your teachers' encouragement to begin teaching others?


    Some might have heard about your time with Dr. Jiang Feng, but I only read about his passing on TDB. I know next to nothing about him.

  15. 14 minutes ago, 小梦想 said:

    Hope this explanation is good enough for you.


    Thank you. It's good enough for understanding your point.


    My quick comment: You may not wish to continue the discussion, but I assure you that I will have Sifu John Dolic look at your claim and share his perspective in return. He has continually practiced this and many other Qigong styles and internal martial arts for three decades, and outside of the usual caveats (no unnatural breathing and elaborate mental focus allowed) he has mentioned no drawbacks or adverse effects whatsoever.

  16. 9 minutes ago, 小梦想 said:

    Please create another thread or message me privately if you wish to discuss this. I only asked to not let this thread which is about teaching authentic neigong turn into a thread about fragrant qigong.


    The discussion could really have had merit also here, but per your request:



    • Thanks 1