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Posts posted by dawn90

  1. 3 hours ago, Bindi said:

    I think there is some sort of subtle ‘seed’ that has to travel from the LDT up to the MDT and then the UDT that in a sense has to be fully realised and transformed in each of these centres, and this ever broadening of ‘love’ is a fundamental part of the journey. 


    it's like the fundamental tree needs to be drawn - it's beautiful.

    • Like 1

  2. 18 minutes ago, stirling said:

    from an understanding that what we are is NOT a body


    Is a car running on petrol or is your car just a vehicle to hold petrol in a warm place? Like a blanket.


    Because if you turn what you say in a practical way - what does it mean?

    It means since the body is devalued so are the attachments that that person has in relation to that body; what that means is that my energy is your energy and vice-versa; what that means is if you think you have a right to deny me access to you - then you are wrong; why do you put these fake defenses and imaginary walls in front of you: we are one.

    One indistinguishable from one another and therefore the real crime becomes to defend oneself. As everything that happens to you doesn't happen to you unless you give permission, on some level which turns you into a collaborator. A collaborator of your own demise since everything is an illusion. You see?

    Nothing is done to you unless you permit it and to put it more exactly nothing has happened to you because "you" as an entity, doesn't exist; just a funny word we've invented. So suffering becomes a choice; that you: individual, have decided to put on yourself through ignorance that you've chosen to perpetuate as you fear change.


    Put your arm down, and quit punching you in the nuts and your life will be better.

    Just realize that that's what it is. Or suffer.

    Thank you very much

    • Like 1

  3. 13 minutes ago, stirling said:

    You are denying your true nature, you just don't REALIZE it


    I think what we're having is fundamentally different people in their most basic functioning that are claiming that the normality is theirs.


    it's funny because I'd say the opposite.

    You don't realize how dual you are, but I guess that's a point of view and it's clear this debate can't possibly be resolved as each has chosen (I know you don't believe in that) a different way of functioning.


    My view is clear. Non-duality is the road inside two points that are dual. Corresponding to traveling between absolute ignorance to absolute knowledge (god).

    • Like 1

  4. 41 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:




    When boundary crossing occurs, there is no appeal to a higher authority.  The teacher is the highest authority within most modern teachings.  If the teacher has shadows, control issues or lacks the ability to take personal responsibility, that authority is corrupt. 


    Link Text

    • Like 1

  5. You know.


    If you think about it.


    I'd rather be abused in a dualistic society, as I'd at least have hope of being able to appeal to something. You know what I mean?


    Because every piece of justice that's ever been made against the catolic church has been through catolic church doctrine.

    You can't have justice without the idea of a good; and a bad.

    You have good; and bad - and you know you have a chance of someone doing something.

    The conspiracy is what you have to worry about.

    But once that aside - you can do something.

    Even from the left.

    The logic; used. Is a right wing logic.

    The church has established what's right and wrong and in some instances that logic has been used to even incarcerate them - so you see the glory of Jesus: people. Who couldn't care less about morals and values have been able to use - in this instance - that logic that the catolic church gave them in order to get justice where previously there wasn't justice.


    You have both sides.

    Either corrupt or uninterested - if you look at where they come from ideologically.

    And justice has been made.

    But no one is good enough, but the sword of god; which exists through the written law, which even the radical left can use, on occasion.


    I don't see how the same thing could happen in non-dualistic circles: you'd be complaining - it wouldn't even get that far. Because, what are you complaining about: only verbs exist, and nouns.

    They're the figment of your imagination.

    You see verbs and you get through the truth and even better the illusion of suffering and injustice disapears as they all come from a misplaced belief in that the solid reality is real.


    You'd play with your fingers and hope for a miracle.

    But that might explain why in those circles these kinds of abuses are still rare or completely unheard of.

    Because no voice exists that can express what happened - it stays, quiet.

  6. 20 minutes ago, dwai said:

    Being fearful doesn't protect you, or improve your chances of survival. 



    Luke here was saved by his fear of the dark side by your logic he should've given in since "fear" doesn't protect you against anything.


    From a purely survivalistic point of you you're right but it does protect him in this instance from ending the Jedi race.

    He saved not only himself because he fought back; but he fought back corruption in his heart and because of this the Jedi heritage lives on.



    You would've made that movie shorter.

    Perhaps not a loss when you look at the movies that followed, but definitely we would've said goodbye to the Skywalker legacy much sooner (and Rian Johnson).

    • Haha 1

  7. The only road that you can take that would garantee you minimal suffering is the road that leads in the devil's arms, there's no other.

    So be careful with that.


    I think a lot of wisdom is in that you are meant to follow the word of god and within that you find joy and eventually ultimate joy translated it means what I said in my previous post you want to be happy but within parameters set by god, or else you wander. The team suffers. Pep Guardiola sets up his team in order for it to function; and he says.

    You work your magic within that system that I've set up, this is how we play and within that you express your individuality. And we all go for the win.

    And most weeks he wins.


  8. 18 hours ago, Mark Foote said:

    But I think it's clear that being moral because it's the good and meritorious thing to do was a path leading to attachment ("cleaving"), and to suffering.  There was another way, according to the Gautamid.


    I don't share that view, maybe he meant. That you're supposed to find a way not to suffer walking along the rightful path, and that leads to realization - I'm not sure about your interpretation because even the non-dual path is rife with suffering doubts contrary to what they might profess otherwise they wouldn't be posting down here would they? They'd be realized; and you can sense: doubt, inquietness. The will to debate, very dual things so as far as I'm concerned the non-verbal language of our friends the non-dualists here doesn't exactly convince me they've attained anything anywhere what they profess to have attained - you can sense the search.

    So; that's my view.


    @Lairg just out of curiosity because you seem to be knowledgeable about these things, what is. In your opinion the dominant aura color that Gautama would0ve been carrying, I know it changes; but as far as my understanding goes there's such a thing as a more permanent aura deeply embeded in the individual an "inner" aura.

    Blue seems to come to mind.

    • Thanks 1

  9. On 02-06-2022 at 3:25 PM, mrpasserby said:

    I would be interested to read the posting on a subject of this magnitude, and I would enjoy adding my personal experiences on this subject as well. 


    Blue Aura


    52 minutes ago, Lairg said:

    Why does the non-dualist need to do anything?


    You're absolutely correct: they don't have to do anything. Because the blue is in you then you don't have to worry about it.

    As blue is the finest color.

    But don't you dare believe it with another color.

  10. The non-dualist believes that cultivation of energy is enough to get to atma that it'll work out once in contact with ones higher energies.

    All answers will arrive. I don't believe that; I believe that cultivation of energy has to fill inside a well thought and determined space that is cultivated through ones attunement to morales and values.

    So what it really comes down to; is do you value morales - or not.


    Do you care? The non-dualist might say it's irrelevant. Or.

    The higher self will know what to do. it's incorporated in it (atma).


    In resume, the non-dualist puts his whole trust in the energy within him and the dualist believes you have to do something with it.

    The body serves the mind; or the mind serves the body. (dualist; non-dualist).

  11. 18 minutes ago, steve said:

    I couldn’t find an image online but came across this beautiful blue HUNG and use it as an intention to connect to the space in my heart when interacting with others here.


    Feeling the blue; huh?

    Good for you.


    My personal favorite is a royal blue.

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