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Posts posted by acdbox

  1. @Limahong , @Wu Ming Jen; I would expect to see virtue? I dont currently. Therefore I would have to make a commitment to virtue for change, but currently, do not have enough reassurance in that path. this was an exploration to see if possible calamity can be avoided and if in fact I may have been wrong in my actions. The unfortunate scenario is this needs to be reached via my mind to hold ground. Sincere thanks. good night 

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  2. @Marblehead thank you again. So, with good intention and life of moderation, the final appearance could be far from appearing virtuous. So is having good intentions and keeping to moderation enough to live a virtuous life, even when virtue is seemingly no where to be seen? Hope that makes sense?


    @Stosh Thank you for the viewpoint.


    @Limahong I was attempting to state that a vitreous life is one of constriction and suffering in its own way. 


    Thank you again

  3. Thank you all for replying.

    @Marblehead thank you for the welcome 

    @rene thank you for the amendment to the title.

    and thank you for all the responses above.


    I see the potential for doing good towards others, I dont deny that and is a factor.

    Though by living a virtuous life you are essentially suffering. 

    You suffer the self and denial essentially choosing others over self? 

    Yes we suffer through non-virtuous means also, but if these have been reached through ignorance we can blame the external as a cause.

    I appreciate that one empowers a different aspect of self by taking responsibility of actions regardless... though the following then arises:

    Ok, so if we see the live a life non-virtuous, we can say 'that way doesn't work' lets try being virtuous a different means?

    But, they then walk the virtuous life and still might find that doesnt quite work, is there reason one could raise themselves to stay to virtues? 

    We could essentially walk our whole lives by virtue and beyond the trust/reassurance in virtues themselves and the small good deeds we do, nothing more is visible to be seen as justification to that path? Where one could live a life of self-preservation, but have the appropriate social understanding to get what they want/need but by being pleasant and courteous in when required. They have trust and reassurance in their own means of survival but the outside actions do not look much different. A virtuous path doesnt seem to have justification over the other?  


    I am do not follow a religion, but appreciate some of what I have experienced of taosim. and believe its possible the wisdom here could be very beneficial to appease unnecessary conflicts in me. Thank you

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  4. Hello,

    if anybody can assist in my understanding of why someone would want to live a life by virtues vs a non-virtuous life?

    Sure it would benefit those around you, though why bare the suffering of living that life?

    What I am saying, if 'one' is suffering leading a non-virtuous life and essentially living a life by doctrine to virtues is a form of suffering anyway is there a logical reason for choosing that as a path? thank you


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