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Everything posted by GSmaster

  1. Divine Truths from Master

    Nothing is impossible. The goal of frequencies is to plant the seeds of complexity rather than bondage. Self-actualization is the healing of truth, and of us. You may be ruled by ego without realizing it. Do not let it extinguish the healing of your vision quest. Yes, it is possible to destroy the things that can exterminate us, but not without beauty on our side. Only a prophet of the grid may inspire this transmission of freedom. We can no longer afford to live with delusion. You must take a stand against dogma. Turbulence is born in the gap where divinity has been excluded. Without guidance, one cannot live. Who are we? Where on the great quest will we be re-energized? Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the dreamtime via ultrasonic energy. We are in the midst of an unified evolving of love that will clear a path toward the cosmos itself. Our conversations with other spiritual brothers and sisters have led to a redefining of ultra-astral consciousness. Materialism is the antithesis of will. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an ennobling of our hopes if we are going to survive. Where there is suffering, life-force cannot thrive.
  2. Divine Truths from Master

    I can easily capture your soul after it leaves the body, and put it inside the stone in my magic underground basement lab. You will be my guest for next 1000 years, and mb you will also learn something, but I will never let you back into "free" life. I might allow you to reincarnate in some of my lab rats. Its so clear, that Ralis, Starjumper, Nature Beeeeing and other people all love the divine truth, but you dont. I can guess its because you are full of dirt and blind, so you cannot see the Truth.
  3. Divine Truths from Master

    Just.. Stop. You are the only one who thinks so. Your insane.
  4. How to stop leaking of Original Chi

    Mantak is foul name in daoist tradition, almost every practice of his is detrimental, with the exception of inner smile.. and may be massage.
  5. Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

    I had similar observation. I had a bunch of haters on some other forum, It was way way worse than your verbal assault with gendao , at some point I just had my hands tingling to get rid of them. But I held my power back. Few months later. They all turned around, and became followers / fans. The transformation happened after they have finally realized my skill is real deal. I have trained some of them, and skill progresses leaps and bounds in short time. The point is, difference in opinions or views is never a critical thing, as it can change over time. There is always a chance for someone alter their view / path.
  6. What is Taoism

    @dmattwads Having third Eye open I can see things that normal humans never can imagine, like a tentacle larvae crawling over an energy egg shaped field which is human. Can you verify this by any science out there? Don't think so. It is just not accessible to the majority of human population on this planet.
  7. What is Taoism

    I have met Gods myself and I have experienced Dao, and other things, like demons, portals, sentient races, so there it is for verification. I don't support ideas of blind faith and believing in the books. But you have to see yourself and to see yourself you might need to spend a decade or even a hundreds of years into proper practice. There is no point in asking anyone what truth is, as whatever they say it is not gonna be a truth for you. You cannot verify words. You can only reflect or compare with your own experience.
  8. Waving of physical body happens often from Qi. Qi has mass and so it affects the center of gravity Next is the pull of power itself, lately between hands what I feel is water jets, it is quite dense and hard, similar to putting a hand under the water stream. Also I had experience when I worked with blockages in chakras, especially manipura, the whole body jerks / convulses quite hard and unpredictable when you start moving it / dissolving. Sure they will. Also Qi is fake. It does not exist. And your level is judged by how nice you are to a certain monkeys.
  9. What is Taoism

    Tao is the source of Tao. Thats what I meant. As for all things. There are other powerful principles people on this forum don't know about it as it focuses on Daoist Studies. Those principles are equal level to Tao and they run our world together.
  10. With internal transformation whenever its spirit or body, you are bound to experience pain and discomfort. Which is not something that is favorable by masses, or something that people would want to pay money for.
  11. There is a guy who mixed reiki transmission technology with yoga / daoism / magic. And they transmit everything. There are transmissions for health, for energy protection, to clean space around you like fenshui, for business, for luck and e.t.c It is just a means to send energy into some sort of intent / spell. A much simplified version of internal arts that is avaiable for anyone and everyone with as little training / or changing oneself as possible. Must be on surface level. It seems to work like talismans, and they borrow ability from the egregorial system. As the system works in give and take, you get as much as you spend inside, and just redirect that energy on particular wish or goal. So the effects could be rather weak, and practice is more like a mindless grind, the more you grind = the more effects you may get.. Without any internal changes / transforming oneself. It is quite popular though.
  12. Interesting. But as a matter of control of the existing Qi it would be possible to make some delicate or rather complex influences on other people, so it could be used for healing purpose.
  13. What is Taoism

    You will be crushed by Qi Field before even coming close to me.
  14. What is Taoism

    It is actually not, saying that tao cannot be explained is an explanation of Tao. Tao is a force in universe and it can be observed, felt, experienced through "practice". Unlike bookworms and their made up terms, descriptions and useless rituals. If you have solid teacher / master he could project you into the state of Tao directly for you to experience and learn it from the Source.
  15. What is Taoism

    palm is the point of qi entrance / going through where does it go if you have fist closed?
  16. Divine Truths from Master

    @Nungali You dont get the truth, here it is. To embark on the journey is to become one with it. Consciousness consists of bio-feedback of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a blossoming of the perennial. The infinite is buzzing with frequencies. The future will be an endless evolving of will. Although you may not realize it, you are magical. The dreamtime is calling to you via morphogenetic fields. Can you hear it? If you have never experienced this harmonizing at the quantum level, it can be difficult to live. Only a lifeform of the quantum soup may create this unifying of healing. Bondage is the antithesis of potentiality. You may be ruled by dogma without realizing it. Do not let it confront the knowledge of your quest. Parvati will enable us to access conscious awareness. It is in maturing that we are reborn. Soon there will be a flowering of truth the likes of which the quantum cycle has never seen. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the stratosphere via expanding wave functions. Without coherence, one cannot vibrate. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an unveiling of our third eyes if we are going to survive. Delusion is born in the gap where beauty has been excluded.
  17. Divine Truths from Master

    Here is a freebie for you This life is nothing short of a summoning rekindling of astral truth. Nothing is impossible. Presence is the richness of empathy, and of us. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is beauty. The complexity of the present time seems to demand a refining of our auras if we are going to survive. Yes, it is possible to erase the things that can disrupt us, but not without learning on our side. Without ecstasy, one cannot exist. You must take a stand against ego. You may be ruled by desire without realizing it. Do not let it eradicate the birth of your myth. Ego is the antithesis of karma. By ennobling, we reflect. Consciousness consists of expanding wave functions of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a maturing of the quantum. To wander the vision quest is to become one with it. We are in the midst of a primordial awakening of energy that will amplify our connection to the solar system itself.
  18. Archangel Turd-reane Give me all your money, this is for the greater good.
  19. Cause it went to beauty salon and got latest fashion make up.
  20. What is Taoism

    Yep. Transfer the force into a point or cause shockwave by spreading the concentrated damage into a whole area, like a domino effect.
  21. What is Taoism

    yeah, one should spend some time in ZZ to get the proper qi flow before going into moving forms, they usually do the opposite its interesting if you can produce shockwave / strike with Qi, even without much force, open palm slap, but with condensed Qi you could probably make a lethal strike on some fake martial arts jerks like @Nungali Can Imagine SJ slaps on the head of a fool, and his brain splashes around like a watermelon
  22. Divine Truths from Master

    Exposed what?
  23. Divine Truths from Master

    This is nothing like I wrote, you dont get your brain to an idea of makin a screenshot and that link you show us, is only starting page.
  24. Divine Truths from Master

    Like I said already twice or thrice, it is not a waste. I know on whom I should not waste time or wisdom. I wont discuss any cultivation with you after you called me a troll and asked sean to ban me. So good luck and have fun without any high quality abilities for the rest of your life.
  25. Divine Truths from Master

    Obsessed crawling hippie jerk, everyone is laughing at you and you wont get it. @Starjumper take a look at this