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Everything posted by Nintendao

  1. Golden Flower | Beginner Journey

    To swim up stream takes some effort, but to reverse the flow of the entire river, takes way more and is likely to mess up. To return to light ( 回光 ) just close your eyes. Literally look at the light that is still there. Usually some afterimage hovers there, especially if you were looking at a light bulb for example. That will fade away in a minute though. Then you can see the actual glow that's hidden inside of you. Usually so much light is coming into the eye from outside ☲, but the retina might also be stimulated by electrochemical actions in nearby nerves and other living tissues ☵, particularly the prefrontal cortex. So now you have reversed the light. Don't try to force its movement or intensity. Just watch. Establish the physical sensation of ease and alignment that naturally arises, as when looking at clouds drifting in the sky. This state, once familiar, can be engaged with or without closing the eyes. After about 10,000 hours accumulatively of practicing in this way, or so I've heard, the rest of the mystery is as easy to understand as obtaining a ripened fruit from the branch.
  2. Translation of hieroglyphs in the picture

    Hi @Lois, sweet painting! It says 福 "fu" = happiness, good fortune, blessing
  3. Every thought's a game A pack of chimps I cannot tame You're wondering who to blame Now your ride has come up lame Fortress full of hate Fears and hopes all pound the gate To early, it's too late What is evil, which is great? Pigs are sheep and cats are dogs And thoughts are made of Lincoln Logs To tend to the mice and wood Where black is blue and bad is good Thoughts that I keep my money in Melt some wax and chunks of tin Forget your name, how to walk and ignore The light shining in from under the door Thoughts like a thread through a foam device Liquid bread and rubber ice Make a promise, grow teeth, go to bed Wake up when you're dead
  4. Looking for wisdom on semen retention

    Good point. The quantum stuff is not going to be much use after a certain point. Refusing to eat a meal that's already been cooked is not a viable way to conserve food!
  5. Looking for wisdom on semen retention

    Quantum processing helps the extra energy disperse back into the false vacuum of empty space. It might used to be called contemplation of the void. It's an innate capability of all sentient beings, as it is important for sustaining all of life as we know it. Because of the slight imbalance of matter to antimatter required for the visible universe to exist, spacetime has to keep expanding at an ever increasing rate in order for matter to stay slightly outrunning inevitable annihilation. This of course creates pockets of lower density, that need to be filled back in to prevent the whole thing collapsing. Normally this is not a problem, as the subtle energy of consciousness itself is sufficient to fill the immeasurably tiny cracks. That's why people tend to think too much these days, because space has gotten too big. In order to survive this situation, humans are evolving the ability to channel their own reproductive force into a denser form of consciousness that will be able to fill the voids much faster. It's still relatively early in the process, and can cause people to go insane when they haphazardly discover how to force the mechanism.
  6. No regrets: about hui 悔

    Nice. Overall I ended up with this impression of 悔 as being like having to get lectured by your mother over something. Another funny thing was after the part about 每 depicting a woman with a fancy hairdo, I just imagined someone getting one of those tattoos of like a geisha, and later regretting it. Originally the top part (the hairpin) was a 屮 or 艸, maybe indicating something is numerous like blades of grass. That seems fitting with the idea of replacing regret with re-strategizing. Going back over all the little sprouts to see what might best take root. Actually I guess it works either way. Something about counting all the hairs on your head..
  7. The duality fallacy

    The first thing that comes to mind is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-40 shows this as the greatest commandment second only to love for God. I think at a basic level it leads to the Golden Rule kind of guide on how to treat others, but certainly could be a clue that the neighbor and the self are one.
  8. Jing transfer?

    Well he’s definitely high something. As a quick perusal of that thread might show, his past experiences can invoke some serious controversy, but there’s really no denying he has direct training with both Chunyi Lin and Jim “ants” Nance, and has done extensive work on third eye. That’s not to say that other respondents to this thread have not also, if not more so... they just tend to be more grounded whereas Voidis seems unbridled high energy, for better or worse. I’m guessing there’s already been tons written here on the subject also, if your up for some digging.
  9. Jing transfer?

    If you’ve got an extra $20 you could try asking voidisyinyang
  10. Evidnece for the super natural

    Electricity is weird. The first people to manipulate static electricity must’ve felt on to something pretty paranormal, where nowadays most kindergartener can show you how to rub a balloon on your hair to get it to magically stick to the wall. Even if they can’t fully explain it, the phenomenon has become normalized. There are some youtubers getting pretty good at the “psi wheel,” which may well just be some refined version of the static ballon trick, or something to do with air temperature. Maybe it is a glimpse of bona fide mind over matter, connecting to the object in a more fundamental way, that only quantum physicists can justify. Either way they say anyone can learn to do it given enough practice.
  11. Evidnece for the super natural

    Maybe a bit like asking to prove “what is the color of sound?” or “what do trees really think of butterflies?” The metric does not match the medium. Supernatural is by definition outside of objectivism?
  12. Dao Bums reflecting on the world

    Emotion begets empathy. To heal the world, one smile at a time. A fool's endeavor? Every second is a gift. "Sure, easy for you to say when you're not the one suffering." Ironically though it's often the ones that have been beaten the hardest by life's cruelties, that eventually grow to truly embody this perspective. You can see these kind of people occasionally. They don't just hold the door open for the person behind them, they stand aside and insist that the other person go first! Even if it's someone you'd disagree with, perhaps they will still "pay it forward" in some small way, and encouragement will keep growing. The complex solutions to real challenges facing the world, can better be devised and implemented by folks who are simply encouraged.
  13. How to deal with feelings of unreality?

    hi Try! My first guess maybe some kind of academic pursuits, engage a more concrete frame of mind as a counterbalance. Like just independently revisiting some basic mathematics or writing practices. Heck even get some coloring books and colored pencils. The repetition and pattern engagement will help solidify your perception. Don't just use digital materials, get the real paper and pigment, and get the different muscles moving to hold the pencils. If you have any family member you can read out loud to, that is also perfect. It's both good practice, and can help to reconnect on personal level. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame is a fun book, and is in the public domain.
  14. StarGazers

    Amazing viewing Saturn and Jupiter side by side overhead, as extra bright Mars just began to rise. then next week: Halloween is going to be a "blue moon," since October 1st was also a full moon. And for the early birds, catch the rest of the waning crescent tomorrow and Thursday mornings
  15. Blue aura people

    Hey @dawn90, check out Unicole Unicron. Not sure if they're quite what you meant, but the UNICULT concept totally reminded me of this thread. Maybe something there that could help. 💙
  16. Haiku Chain

    rippled reflections bring forth reality from primordial source
  17. Immortals?

    Immortal is not only about "not going to die," but also about getting free from what is already dead to begin with. That is, when experience is bound strictly to the "mortal plane" of existence, things certainly might get very boring, however once the energy is raised to be able to interact with all the invisible people that are always around, you'd never be lonely again!
  18. Daojia & Daojiao

    Ah yes, the west does love to dissect and classify things. So is it almost like how Buddhism is divided into Hinayana and Mahayana? Different vehicles on the same road. Or even Sunni and Shiite, Catholic and Protestant. Though there maybe getting into some more fundamental differences. Still it's interesting how there so often arises these kind of bipartisanships in human endeavors. All considered, i am guessing that a strict equivalency of "Daojia/Daojiao" and "philosophical/religious" should be abandoned, as each pair is really reflecting a different set of contrasts.
  19. Daojia & Daojiao

    To my understanding of the two, a most obvious distinction would be the use of the altar. Even if it's not a physical setup, where you can chant and do rituals, etc. So long as it's a "place" one can go, to routinely practice connecting with those already ascended. edit to add: Also i'm thinking it has most to do with lineage? Whether someone is officially ordained practitioner is a daojiao, a student/teacher of that system, even if the particular group may or may not consider itself a religion . Otherwise the "extended family" daojia are all learning the material and it's up to them to apply or even develop it in as little or as great a capacity to everything.
  20. simplify

    Pirates? 👀
  21. TDB as an organism

    Oof, so you were fortunate enough to have witnessed the Ron Jeremy era first hand, eh? I still think about him every single time i end up wanting to drink my own urine 🤷
  22. simplify

  23. What do you see? (This is a test)

    1. I've seen way too many busted LCD screens in my career as professional geek and tinkerer. 2. I've seen way so many versions of Alice in Wonderland. a. I've spoken with many caterpillars and dwarven egg folk.