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Everything posted by Limahong

  1. What is Fear?

    i HEAR a TEAR is FEAR as DEAR is NEAR
  2. What is Fear?

    Yes ~ I am on the same page with you. Great to feel 'similar energy' of a trusted friend.
  3. What is Fear?

    You Clowns have been warned... R I P
  4. What is Fear?

    Smiling? I fear that you are coming after me... I am so frightened ~ I am going to sleep with a blanket over my head. Good night. - Anand
  5. What is Fear?

    Maybe Nun...?
  6. What is Fear?

    Once in a while ~ yes.
  7. What is Fear?

    As in karma sutra?
  8. What is Fear?

    Especially Nun...
  9. What is Fear?

    But the the seeds of fear... Eat something seedless.
  10. What is Fear?

    You better not ~ if you communicate with her husband, he will blow you...
  11. What is Fear?

    Are you inflicting conflict ~ a bit?
  12. What is Fear?

    Hi anshino23, Fear is not complex if one realizes that only one can face it alone. No one can face it for another. "Only One Thing Can Defeat You... Your Own Fear" "You Must Face Your Fears If You Are To Conquer Them" "Control Your Fear and You Control Your Life" What Are You Afraid of? (Saved from - Anand
  13. What is Fear?

    Hi Nun, Which is your favorite? Happy New Year! - Anand
  14. What is Fear?

    From a Taoist perspective ~ courage is borne out of fear; and fear is there to hone courage? If so... LIFE... goes on... and on...
  15. What is Fear?

    It is difficult for me to surface myself when I find it difficult to face fear?
  16. What is Fear?

    I get better and better when I overcome fear after fear. So fear is good for living forward?
  17. What is Fear?

    Growing up ~ I fear mom than the "fear of god". Why?
  18. What is Fear?

    Hi anshino23, We "die" every moment. but We survived 2020. - Anand
  19. At this juncture/moment ~ my thoughts are with the families affected by COVID - 19. Trust that they can find peace within their hearts/minds. Now at the final countdown to 2021 ~ let us all reflect and be prepared to move on forward the best we can... - Anand
  20. Hi Michael, Definitely ~ but... Keep and stay safe. - Anand