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Everything posted by awaken

  1. Why do you say "school"?

    I am very glad to see so many people here admit that wu Liu pai is wrong. I know that wu Liu pai make a lot of money by opendao's way. They deny their mistakes because of money. I won't let myself become a customer of wu Liu pai. I only practice the right way. This is my life. I have the right to refuse the liars. I am very sick to see this kind of people who would lie for money. I would like to tell you all the truth of practicing, the secrets of dan dao. If the secrets are not secrets any more, wu Liu pai has no money to make. Everyone knows the real way, the real dao. Everyone can practice by themselves. People don't need to waste time and money to learn everywhere. People don't need to judge who is a real teacher or who is a liar. If people can know what is the right way, they can save a lot of time from chasing the fake teacher. And people can save more time to practice the dan dao. That is what I wish. I hope that some people are interested in the real dan dao. I will tell you the secrets of dan dao day by day, and hope some people would practice it with me.
  2. If anyone can translate for this friend, I will be thankful.
  3. Why do you say "school"?

    What wu Liu said in classics is all wrong. I can not find any reasons to follow the wrong classic school. I prefer to follow the right way, like 悟真篇,修真辨難,參同契,黃庭經 etc. There are so many good and right dan classics to follow. There is no reason to follow the wrong way. I know that wu Liu pai make a system to make big money. So that is why I criticize them. They make money and teach the wrong way. It is not a good 修道人should do.
  4. Why do you say "school"?

    1 悟真云:赫赫金丹一日成。又古經云:還丹在一時,溫養須十月。噫!還丹之道,豈易知哉?蓋還丹有小還丹,有大還丹。小還丹名曰金丹,大還丹名曰七返九還金液大丹。所謂小還丹者,後天中返先天,以鉛制汞,以水濟火,以金公配奼女,以黑虎駕赤龍,以烏龜吞朱雀,以他家制我家,還其我家之故物,複其我家之本真,乃還元之道,所以名曰還丹,又曰金丹。經云:金來歸性初,乃得稱還丹者,即此小還丹也。所言小者,僅還其元,複其當年之原本,如虧者而又足,去者而複還。此丹雖還,尚未經火煆煉,一時不謹,猶有得而複失之患,故曰小還。於此再加向上工夫,重安爐,複立鼎,將此還丹溫之養之,以至虛極靜篤,貞下起元,複運陰符陽火,漸抽漸添,自無而有,自微而著,十月胎全,瓜熟蒂落,脫出法身,是曰大丹。至於別造乾坤,再安爐鼎,子生孫兮孫又枝,為十極大羅真人,不在大小還丹之數也。世人不知大小還丹之分別,而直曰金丹之道,妄想得師一言半語,便欲成功,何其愚甚?其他旁門外道,俱不足論。即就其所得之真者論之,或有知煉己而不知採藥,或有知採藥而不知安爐立鼎,或知安爐立鼎而不知調和之法,又有僅知小還丹而不知大還丹,半途而廢者。噫!始則有為,終則無為,苟知始而不知終,欲成大道,難矣。學者須原始要終,必無一毫之疑惑而後可。 修真後辨 is the same book with 修真辨難 Wu Liu pai only know the small dan, but don't know the big dan. Wu Liu pai didn't start only by wu Liu. The wrong school last for many years, more than one thousand years. They misunderstand the dan dao because they didn't reach the place. But they claim they are already there. This kind of misleading exit for thousands of years. So that is why 老子 said dao can dao, but not normal dao.道可道,非常道
  5. Why do you say "school"?

    So many mistakes in wu Liu pai's classics. I don't want to waste my time to chase the wrong way. If you want, that is your choice. But not me.
  6. Why do you say "school"?

    135 且出定之初,萬物不可著,只候自身中一輪金光,現於空中,將法身近於光前,以法聚光,取於法身內,途即法身入於凡身,久久乳汁,則凡身立可化為炁矣。恐不得此金光者,則凡身不能化為炁,故有留身之說者,謂此也。又在德行之故耳。此即萬古不洩之天機,今則洩矣。 Another mistakes This golden light is not real golden light. It just looks like golden light. Its color is golden, but it is not golden light In dan classics. In dan classics, golden light means the light appears when you go into emptiness. And this fake golden light, I saw it so many times. I know it is not the real golden light. I call it 欲界太陽 or 幻丹, because it appear in 欲界幻境 This is not 天機 I think that he is too 天真
  7. Why do you say "school"?

    129 見此景至即當移念出定。三界者,下丹田,中宮,頂門謂之三界也。 Too many mistakes.... 三界 欲界,色界,無色界 欲界 is already in middle dan tian 色界 is still in middle dan tian 無色界is in upper dan tian, but not at 頂門 Upper dan tian is inside of our head, call the third eye, too.
  8. Why do you say "school"?

    55 天心名曰中黃,居於天之正中,一名天罡,一名斗柄,在天為天心,在人為真意。中宮若失真意,猶如臣失君主矣。凡轉法輪之時,必以真意坐於中宮,而為車軸之心,使爪之運轉矣。 56 依乎任督, 57 凡轉法輪之時,意命必須依乎任督而運行,或意行而命不行,或命行而意不行,則不成舍利矣。 Another mistake 中黃 (middle yellow ) does not base on 任督,it bases on 三田three dan tian. When you open middle dan tian, you would see a view which is fill with strange yellow light. Three dan is in the middle of body , so call 中 I can sure that Liu has no 舍利, because he didn't open middle dan. If he open middle dan, he would know what he wrote in 慧命經 is all wrong.
  9. Why do you say "school"?

    I joined many qq groups in mainland china. I saw many people are misleaded by 慧命經etc. Wu Liu pai's classic. Not one or two, hundreds of people. There are so many Chinese people in qq groups. Too many So I quit from most of dan dao groups. It is too difficult to explain for Chinese what's wrong in wu Liu pai. Some Chinese think what I say is right. They follow me to practice the right way. And I promise them that I will lead them at least for ten years. So you ask me who is cheating me. No one cheat me or liar to me. They are just going the wrong way. They should not read 慧命經, 大成捷要,性命規旨 They should read 悟真篇,修真辨難,鍾呂傳道集,重陽全集,黃元吉etc.
  10. Why do you say "school"?

    Obviously, you must be one of wu Liu pai's practicer. I know what you feel. You try to protect your belief. I am really sorry to hurt your belief. But I come here to tell the truth, to tell people the right way. So I would not hide anything. I don't know you all. My English is poor. All the people here is far away from my life. I have no need to make any money from you. So telling the truth to let people go the right way is my goal here. Sorry.
  11. Why do you say "school"?

    忽然溶溶如穀雲,霏霏似春雨,盤旋斂聚於中宮,斯謂之結道胎。 101 蓋舍利登中宮之時,周身如雲之騰,似雨之施,百脈衝和,暢於四肢,急將心目左旋右轉四九而定,右旋左轉四六而定,性命盤聚於中宮,結成道胎矣。 102 安樂太平之禪定, 103 到此無損無失,一得永証。何得不安樂,自然禪定寂靜矣。 104 勿助勿忘而養,勿寂勿照而溫。 105 且初結道胎時,後天之息,本似於有,而不著於有,故曰勿忘。道胎既結,則意在乎其中,寂然不動,又不可隨其昏味,必須常覺常悟,故曰勿照。 106 靜定之中,忽覺一輪浩月懸於當空, So many mistakes,too many.... This is not full moon. This is 兔髓 兔髓 appear when chi is opening middle dan. I have seen it last for many months many years ago. After the middle dan open, we get into upper dan. Golden chi appears, and then the real full moon show up. Liu is completely wrong. And so many poor people can not recognize what is going on. They think Liu is right and spend all their life to chase the wrong way.
  12. Why do you say "school"?

    51 陰魔現時,即當以武火煆煉,免其奔馳漏盡之危險。 We can find so many mistakes in 慧命經 This one is a super big mistake. When Ying 魔 show, we only need to recognize it.知幻即離 We should not use 武火big fire to wake ourself.
  13. Why do you say "school"?

    I don't know what kind of wu Liu pai you are. But wu Liu pai's mistakes exit everywhere in wu Liu pai's classics. I saw many wu Liu pai practicer said the same word with you. They said the real teacher is very important. Yes, I aggear that. But they are not real teachers. They teach the wrong way to people and make people waste time to useless methods.
  14. Why do you say "school"?

    慧命經Huimingjing 44 路者,即任督之脈絡也,亦謂之法輪路矣。 It says Road, is ren du, is the road of dharma What it says in 慧命經is completely wrong. The real 法輪 is not 轉任督小周天 It is 大周天,中脈 If you go into 大周天, the real 法輪 will show. The real 法輪 looks like mandala. What the 慧命經 mention is fake 法輪 It is called Ying yang in the real dan classics.
  15. If you practice vipasana, you should know Buddha. Buddha talk about 五蘊,色受想行識 In 楞嚴經 and 大般若經, Buddha talk many things about Ying. I don't know what kind of vipasana you learn. But I am sure the teacher didn't tell you the right way. Maybe he just teach the breathing and how to put your mind. But what is dharma should be more important than vipasana. In 四念處,Buddha said 觀身不淨,觀受是苦,觀心無常,觀法無我。 So vipasana should not only have 觀身和受 observing body and feeling. Observing mind is the next step. But what is the right way to observe mind? Buddha said 色受想行識 What is 行蘊 is the key point. 行蘊 is the illusion what we can see in meditation. It looks like dreams. If we don't relax enough, how can we go into these day-dream illusions? This state is not always day dreams. It is the same with 混沌恍惚渺冥 in daoist. But Buddha didn't give a specific view. He said we should not stay in any situations. All kinds of staying is wrong. So you need to find a signal when your heart feel pain. It must have something you don't relax enough. I think 'I' is the answer. You need to forget yourself. Not only your body. All of you need to be forgotten. Nothing is exit, include the feeling of you. Most of qigong is yang only. Ying and yang are changing in different situations. So it depends on what we are talking about.
  16. Why do you say "school"?

    That is why I say they are wrong. 真種should not be used to go circle. 真種will make the circle appear by itself sometimes when our 任督 is not very open, but we should not use any methods to make it go circle. Because 真種 should be go deep inside to go 混沌恍惚渺冥溫養. By 混沌恍惚渺冥溫養, we can open our 玄關一竅,正玄關,虛空玄關the real emptiness. Then the real golden dan will appear. What I say is 應無所住而生其心 If we 住 stay our mind in breathing, the evolution will not happen. Our mind should follow the sign. And the sign is changing all the time. We should follow the changes.
  17. Why do you say "school"?

    1. Not only daoist notice this energy movement, Buddha say that, too. In 阿含經,Buddha had mentioned about this, 周流遍身,二禪。 Chi go circle body is a temporary state, and it appear by itself. We should not use any methods to control it, or the methods will stop the changes to the next state, 混沌恍惚渺冥 2. Because they do meditation only by sitting. Our body have many layers. We should practice all layers. If we practice only by sitting and keep awake, the Exera Yang will make the chi stay in head and make us feel sick. 3. Your emptiness is not real emptiness, because you know your body is forgotten. There is "I" out there. After chi move, you need to relax until you forget yourself, not only body. More relaxation is needed to make you go to 混沌恍惚渺冥
  18. Why do you say "school"?

    If the wu Liu pai in your town do what you said, it is really good. But I talked with many Chinese, not single one. They put their mind in lower dan tian to control the breathing to make the chi go circle. They say "守竅" They think the 竅 is in the lower dan tian. So they put their mind of breathung in lower dan tian. This way can make the chi go circle. They call it "小周天" But the truth is 竅 is not in lower dan tain. 竅 is 玄關一竅. It appear because of 機 If the 機 is not right, 玄關一竅 would not appear.
  19. Buddhist ajna chakra training?

    The third eye can receive light. There are two kind of lights. One is 鉛氣. This lights is easy to see. It looks like aurora sometimes. If you are a long tern practicer for many years, the light will become a point, 黍米. Another kind of lights belongs to emptiness. It looks like mandala sometimes, Snow flying, a big hole, full moon, a light person etc. There are two states of lights, 鉛氣光 and 金氣光. When your practicing enter a deeper state, you start to see many kind of light in every meditation. All your mediation become a light seeing. The stage is the ajna training. You need to find the right way to chage the first stage of 鉛light to the second stage of 金光. Your third eyes need to get to sleep very deeply, and then wake up in 三昧正受 samadhi state. The 金氣光 will happen in samadhi state. The boundary between 鉛 and 金 is fake and real, is 識神隱元神顯.
  20. Taoist view of Afterlife?

    I don't know. I am still looking for the answer. This is what I found the examples for the meaning of numbers. 七返九還出於李道純《全真集玄秘要》。總謂「七返九還」,是用大衍易數來比喻內丹之道。 返九還,也稱七返九轉。道教修鍊認為,天地有五行,人體有五臟,如此相配,水為腎,火為心,木為肝,金為肺,土為脾。與五行生成之數相配, (即天一生水,地二生火,天三生木,地四生金,天五生土;地六成水,天七成火,地八成木,天九成金,地十成土 )腎得一與六,心得二與七,肝得三與八,肺得四與九,脾得五與十。此中七與九是兩個成數,也是兩個陽數,代表人身之陽炁。修鍊之士,采煉的就是這個陽炁,以此點化全身陰氣,成就純陽之體。心七為心為火,心火下降,七返於中元而入下丹田,結成大丹,稱「七返還丹」。肺九為金,金生水,水為元精,精由炁化,故九為元陽之炁,運此陽炁遍布全身,使陰息陽長,稱「九轉還丹」。二者相合,總謂「七返九還」。這是用大衍易數來比喻內丹之道。 李道純《全真集玄秘要》曰: 「陰陽感合,而生五行也,天一生水,地二生火,天三生木,地四生金,天五生土,此五行生數也。五行運化,機緘不已,四時行而百物生焉。以身言之,身心立而精炁流行,五臟生而五行具矣。天一生水,精藏於腎也。地二生火,神藏於心也。天三生木,魂藏於肝也。地四生金,魄藏於肺也。天五生土,意藏於脾也。五行運動而四端發矣,達是理者則能隨時變易以從道也。」 In all books of dan dao and Chinese medicine classics, only one book talk about 三魂七魄. The other books only mention about 魂魄. I don't think 三魂七魄 is the truth.   古人認為人身上有三魂七魄,也有說三魂六魄的,三魂又叫三精。這種說法來源於道家,如道書《雲笈七籤》云:「夫人有三魂,一名爽靈,二名胎元,,三名幽精。」七魄是:屍狗、伏矢、雀陰、吞賊、非毒、除穢、臭肺,皆「身中之濁鬼也」。三魂七魄的多種解釋 古人迷信, 以為人體有七魄, 人死, 除一魄守其骸骨, 餘六魄皆淪散。 《剪燈新話‧牡丹燈記》: “伏念某青年棄世, 白晝無鄰, 六魄雖離, 一靈未泯。” 六魄 — 人身中六魄屬陰神。 謂庚申之日, 此日是身體中六魄之鬼上入天府, 下還人身。 每至其日, 東向平坐, 慎勿睡勿臥(見《洞真太上道君元丹上經》)。 … Explanatory dictionary of Taoism
  21. Taoist view of Afterlife?

    3 Huns and 7 Pos is a situation ofmisunderstanding of Yi-ing. 3 means tree chi, does not means 3 Huns. 3 means the third chi- tree chi.木氣
  22. Taoist view of Afterlife?

    人生始化曰魄。——《左传·昭公七年》。注:“形也,既生魄,阳曰魂。疏:附形之灵为魄。” According to 左傳, Po 魄 begins after birth. 魄,阴神也。——《说文》 According to 說文,Po is the consciousness of ego. So only if we get the body, we can have Po. Before-birth and after-death, there is no Po. 三魂七魄 does not means three Huns and seven Pos. Three is not a number, it is a sequence which comes from Yi-Jin. One person only has one Hun and one Po, not three Huns and seven Pos.
  23. Taoist view of Afterlife?

    魂 Hun 魂,阳气也。——《说文》 人生始化为魄,既生魄,阳曰魂。——《左传·昭公七年》 聊乐我魂。——《韩诗·出其东门》 魂者,精气也。——《论衡·纪妖》 精气为物,游魂为变。——《易·系辞》 随神而来往者谓之魂。——《灵枢经》 魂去尸长留。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 魂悸以魄动。——唐· 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》
  24. Microcosmic Orbit Questions

    Chi has its own way between Ying and Yang. What we need to do is follow it. The extreme of Yang goes to Ying automatic. The extreme of Ying goes to Yang automatic, too. So, at first, we follow chi. 練精化氣 after chi get together with our focus, we follow the changes of Shen.練氣化神 The target of our focus can be changed little by little.
  25. Microcosmic Orbit Questions

    Yang go up and Ying go down. So you need to know what is real Ying. 陰陽浮沈 is very important in dan dao. Most of teacher misunderstand the Ying. The line between yang and Ying is 識神. Consciousness Shen 識神隱,元神顯 Consciousness Shen disappears, and then original Shen appears. It means you need more reflex to let your consciousness go deep down. Then your chi can go into Ying. You can not use 武火(big fire) all the time. When 火候 (the timing of fire) reach the high point, you need (lower fire) 文火 to let it down. 火候 is the biggest secret of dan dao. Not many people know it. Your chi is gathered in your head, because you don't learn the real dan dao. Ying yang , 鉛汞,water and fire,浮沈,本來面目 When the chi get to the head, you don't need any methods. You just need to relax more, and you will go into a state of 恍惚渺冥(a state of half sleep and half awake). And 恍惚渺冥 is a very important state of dan dao. Without 恍惚渺冥,it's impossible to go into Ying.