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Everything posted by oak

  1. simplify

  2. simplify

    hand dexterity
  3. simplify

    deep fried snickers bar
  4. simplify

    Good morning!
  5. simplify

    Hey Doc
  6. Its soooo hot ....

    good idea!
  7. Hi amoyaan, What you wrote above makes sense to me and it seems that you've had some experiences and now you're trying to make some sense out of them. About this matter I'm only going to talk about my experience but with some reservations. Concerning the upper and lower dantians (Shang, Xia) I've never experienced anything which would make me think they're not the same as the respective chakras (ajna, manipura). Concerning the middle dantien (Zhong) and the heart chakra (anahata) what I can tell you is that from what I've experienced they are not the same.The heart chakra is about deep spiritual experiences while the middle dantian seems to act like a energetical battery as you stated above. I'm going to quote steve now because what he wrote makes alot of sense to me and I will tell you why: I see people here mixing many chi gung systems and having experiences that afterwards they don't have a clue about what was that cause them. Did the creators of these chi kung systems lack the scientific method that they seem to lack so much? Don't think so. The advice that I read frequently in this forum of establishing a practice for 90 days (?) makes much sense to me. Thanks for the topic.
  8. Its soooo hot ....

    Sorry TM, it wasn't my intention to confuse you, just not to be too specific advertising a product. Some jian experts recommend the wooden jians made by "little raven" saying that they are very well balanced.
  9. Its soooo hot ....

    you know what "they" say about little raven...? Hope to buy one soon
  10. Bums I am missing

    Rishi Das
  11. Hi, I'm William

    Hola William! Bienvenido. It's not often that someone arrives here really interested in the daodejing, so, congratulations for that in my humble opinion you're aiming at the right target. The DDJ is the book I offer the most always telling people: this isn't something for you to read, this is something for you to have! So, if someday you want to read it you already have it. Let me tell you why this is so: when I bought the DDJ for the first time it made no sense to me, so I left it on a shelf for two years untill the day (two years later) I picked it up again and fell in love with it. Sometime later e remembered a dream that I've had, years before buying the book, with the clear simbology of the DDJ, So, I guess it was somehow "destined" for me Read the book if you can, if you can't, nevermind ( as Lao Tzu suggests ) just don't be anxious about it. All the best oak
  12. Nietzsche Quotes

    Youre having one of those days... go buy a lottery ticket.
  13. simplify

    ooooooooh, China!
  14. How you date an old ttc manuscript

    Dont forget the flower!
  15. simplify

  16. simplify

    Right hand
  17. simplify

    Tower of Babel
  18. simplify

    Pas du tout
  19. simplify

    Beer bath
  20. simplify

  21. Mantra

    Your post is the omen of an interesting weekend! I'm hoping it will be
  22. Common history of yoga and qigong

    It even has its own technique of opening the MCO (for those interested in giving it a read)
  23. This is working for me: http://www.archchinese.com/chinese_handwriting_practice.html
  24. Daoist Winter practices

    Was looking for something else and ended up finding this interesting passage in Sun Lutang's "A Study of Bagua Boxing". Thought it would may be useful to share: “As for the timing, within a year there are the two energies – dark and bright [meaning the six months of shorter days and the six months of longer days] – then the four seasons, eight sections [start of spring, vernal equinox, start of summer, summer solstice, start of autumn, autumnal equinox, start of winter, winter solstice], twenty-four periods [start of spring, first rains, “waking hibernators”, vernal equinox, “fresh and shining”, rain for crops, start of summer, “small fullness” (referring to crop growth), “bearded crop” (i.e. rich yield), summer solstice, small heat, big heat, start of autumn, lingering heat, fresh dew, autumnal equinox, cold dew, frost arrives, start of winter, small snow, big snow, winter solstice, small cold, big cold], and then each period is divided into three, totaling the “seventy-two events” [regular plant and animal phenomena in an approximately five-day rhythm]. When practicing on sunny days, begin with leftward circle walking. When practicing on cloudy days, begin with rightward circle walking. Generally speaking, adjust with each day, though there may be specific circumstances that cause adjustment with each hour. This is attention to the right time. The best environment to practice in is either a lush mountain forest, a solemn temple, or simply a clean room. This is attention to the right place. “With these principles of practice, you receive the divine energy of sky and ground, the illumination of sun and moon, the elegance of the five elements, and can become one with the universe. This training is at the highest level of spiritual transformation. The effects of it will be thus: your spirit will be cleansed, your essence will be sturdied, your appearance will be pure, smooth, and graceful, your body will move with ease, your mind will be quick-witted, and your techniques will be magical. Its theory is as deep as an abyss, deep beyond measuring. Its energy is as vast as the sky, vast beyond measuring. Practicing in this way, this boxing art is a subtle and profound means of spiritual transformation. “If you do not understand how to choose the right environment or work with the weather, you will only be training in terms of physical strength, and no matter how skilled and adaptable you may become after a long time, it will only be a physical achievement. With no awareness of weather or environment, your mind will be unable to grasp the beauty of Nature. All of the beautiful things in Nature are influenced by the sky and ground, nurtured by the sun and moon, and are thus able to be perfected [within their own niche]. This is in all ways true for boxing arts as well. “Compare this to the great sages, who cherished countless ideas in their minds, embraced countless phenomena in their bodies, and were one with the universe. With each thought, let your mind flow through Nature and express to the farthest reaches of existence, and discover that within every thing, there is everything. Then when your mind becomes still, its energy can withdraw so there is the stillness of a quiet and empty room, and you can become one with the universe. for context: https://brennantranslation.wordpress.com/2015/04/30/the-bagua-manual-of-sun-lutang/