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Posts posted by Pilgrim

  1. 8 minutes ago, Jeff said:


    The shit you are making up is so sad to see. Especially when you know you are making it all up. Even sadder to see how many people who also know they are lies also like it.


    Yes, I am aware that you and another woman were continually violating my privacy and reading confidential personal messages of others. 


    No, I am not part of the same lineage, and no she is not part of some dark Tantra. You broke free of her? Come on, be honest with yourself and what you have actually done. 


    Additionally, everyone knows that you are simply trying to bait Tom with your disgusting comments about his marriage.




    I never did read any email your patron that enabled you all those years was only too happy to out all of you and many others, it was pretty bad.


    She loved showing others Facebook pages etc.. for the most part I ignored it.


    Hope you can break free.



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  2. Okay so no one took the hook. Good,  look gang Ennio made a huge mistake for many years.


    Stevens and Ennio are indeed two separate people. 

    I have spoken to both.


    Stevens is a cheapskate liar who claims to be a physicist that can not afford $160.00 for initiation into the lineage of Hariharananda via Kriya Yoga Institute.


    He ripped off Ennio’s book made an obscene parody of a already severely flawed comparative analyses.


    Published it via the ease of Amazon and made fools of many over social media collecting the gullible,  the lazy, the ignorant hoping that this is the way the new instant gratification via the place an order via the amazon world works.


    Now look here, pay attention. 

    Ennio is misguided and sincere.


    Stevens is pure scum, self assured and ripping off Ennio.


    Plain and simple friends. Neither will teach you Kriya.


    You need a real person in person, you must make real effort!


    When you are hungry you seek food, not words about food!


    This is no different!


    Seek Forrest Knutson or Donald Abrams!


    Learn from them, and if you are ripe you will flourish.


    If you are not ripe both will make you so.


    When you must pay then you are real  until then you do not even make the most basic commitment and honestly you are a jerk off and not even worthy of words do you have no sincere commitment to discover even if you are wrong.


    Human beings learn more by mistake than by success! 

    Mistake is not for Mistake!


    Mistake is for Correcting!


    “Quote: Paramahamsa Hariharananda Samadhi Master of Kriya”



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  3. 9 hours ago, Heartbreak said:

    I do have an earlier edition of the book by JC Stevens.


    I have this sneaking suspicion that Kriya Yoga is overrated.


    The main focus of Kriya Yoga seem to be pranayama and even that is a simple technique..


    Staggered Breathe in for a few seconds .. hold for a few seconds.. staggered breadths out for a few seconds ..


    Don’t be expecting me to pay moolah for just a few simple techniques..

    Whenever I see Stevens Quoted I feel great sadness. He is an abject fool.


    You are wise to feel the way you do based on that stupid bastards book.


    I am telling you that which you are seeing in that foul incorrect exercise manual  is incorrect. 

    It is the wrongly understood first part of second Kriya of Hariharananda.

    • Like 2

  4. Well the experiences kept coming but to answer just your questions I was taught in Private by Shibendu Lahiri as we connected strongly and he initiated me into the higher Kriya’s as well I stopped at 3rd Kriya with him and he only teaches 4 levels as per his Family tradition.


    Kriya over time becomes something quite different than just techniques. 

    I have been taught as gushy as 4 th Kriya in the monastic lineages which number 6 to 7 levels.


    The outward practices are different from different lineages and this confuses many into seeking original Kriya.


    The truth of the matter is eventually the internal is all the same.


    These days it is not truthful for me to say I practice Kriya because there is no I which practices it is also not quite right to say Kriya practices me.


    In time practice and practitioner are one not divided in some mechanical sequence of breath this way direct prana that way.


    In time what happens for example is I have free time driving to work. I feel the life force at medulla and it pulls in life force and enervates each Chakra 1-6 in turn with vibration, sound, light and electrical ecstatic feeling and this is in the battle ground of the body where the subtle Lokas Associates with each chakra become purified.


    Each vibrates and sings a different song of beauty.


    This is the purpose of Kriya. It has no other. And this is how we advance.


    These days though I know the higher Kriya’s and am authorized and educated how to practice them I rather feel like the post man who was asked by Lahiri Baba the following question....


    Do you wish higher Kriya’s?


    He  replies oh no Master 1st Kriya is quite enough I can’t take anymore or else I will be unfit to do my duties so lost in ecstasies I will be.


    I wish to tell you SRF is not teaching correctly at all.


    In America you have two good choices.


    Forrest Knutson who teaches much like Shibenduji


    My dear friend Donald Abrams that teaches as Paramahamsa Hariharananda did.


    Shibendu still teaches but only in Europe, India and the Ukraine.


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  5. I first received Kriya initiation from SRF late 1980’s.


    Early 90’s met Roy Eugene Davis a personal disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda learned received initiation and practices from him, he had a strong personality.


    Gave up on all spiritual practices until Roughly 2006.


    Felt the need to pick up the path again. Found a teacher of Zazen studied with him made swift practice sitting with him every Sunday.


    Kundalini broke loose fused the facet joints in my spine into a painful arthritic condition, MRI revealed what looked like advanced arthritis in a 39 year old body or electricution possibility.


    Shortly thereafter was Receiving dreams of Lahiri Mahasaya he would come and discuss what was going to happen in my life and it did.


    I was in pain walking with a cane restricted to lifting no more than 15 pounds.


    It took 4 years to recover later MRI’s revealed nothing.


    One night I was in agonizing pain from the Anahata region in my back.I sat up in bed and my forehead lit up with the glow of a butter lamp and then in the dark I saw the face and shoulders of Lahiri Mahasaya floating in front of me and he was displeased with me and would not talk.


    So I said great now I have gone crazy, oh well seems natural enough.  

    I said oh master please help me I am in terrible pain!


    He looked on.


    I got up went to the kitchen found some baby aspirin took some with a glass of water, he persisted in my vision in front of me.


    I sat in a chair in the dark living room  he finally spoke and said place all your mind in Kutastha and pray to Ishvara.


    I said I do not understand I was raised in a Christian country this time.


    I was testing him and he grew terse and said fine, Christ then.


    It was then I knew I pushed to far.


    So I did as I was told and after a long time the pain subsided, I said master if it is all right with you I would like to try to sleep now I am very tired.


    He nodded and I saw him and others behind him Yogananda to be sure and they all stayed behind him this was his show...



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  6. 18 minutes ago, old3bob said:

    the basics or free teachings (so to speak) with a personal price are yama and niyama, which in the west are often divorced from various yogas since many people don't want to bother with them or don't believe in them and jump right into pranayama, kundalini and other yogas or methods which is foolish and even dangerous to do without said spiritual foundation and a qualified teacher...who imo may need some type of compensation to be reached or understood but not based purely on a money deal if they are worth anything. 

    There is some validity to this point of view and certainly do not discount it but it does need a bit more clarity.


    In order to practice Kriya or the other named practices with any degree of measurable results ones nadis must be sufficiently clear, not sparkling perfect and certainly Yama and Niyama are truly achieved once this has occurred until then it is not the real thing but still better than no restraint at all.


    The psychological condition changes permanently a little at a time from practices of Kriya purification, not all at once and certainly not perfectly but a little at a time according to the practitioners constitution.


    Kriya is a householder practice. It is very far away from the fantasy built up around it particularly by SRF.


    Their is no danger when properly educated and learned in person.


    That however is not to say their are no difficulties, you will face your truest enemy during the changes that happen and this devil is none other than your own false identity fighting to remain even as it fades away.


    Here we do battle on the field of Kurukshetra this field is below the sixth chakra it is within the body and not the brain the 7th and higher Chakras.


    We do not do battle in the brain, that is for higher Kriya’s but only once the battle is won.


    It is won when Yama and Niyama are no longer a consideration and near perfect equipoise is had.


    Many believe they have achieved this,  many fool themselves.


    I am still working on this. 



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  7. @Heartbreak


    Hello, why do you want to learn Kriya Yoga?


    Before you even start you should know their are several legitimate lineages and even more that are not or have deviated so far astray as to no longer even really function well.


    When it comes to free versus paid that is a very, very poor way to approach Kriya.


    I have learned from several lineages including the immediate family of the founder.


    In each instance a fee is paid. Organizations will set a fixed starting price.


    Householder lineages leave it up to you.


    The payment is known as Guru Dakshina.


    This is done to repay the one who takes their time out of their life to instruct you.


    It is fair and good to pay for that which you receive, do you expect a plumber or an electrician to come to your home and make things work for you for free?


    Does anyone expect to go to college or a trade school and receive education for free?


    No of course not and it is no different here. The Dakshina also serves to release you from debt for that which you have received and this is proper and good for the recipient as well.


    True Kriya initiation and training is done in person. Their are too many subtle details that get missed otherwise.


    True Kriya training takes a bare minimum of two days of repeat practice, making mistakes, getting them corrected asking questions and making false assumptions which are kindly corrected.


    If you read words alone on how to practice Kriya you may think you comprehend but actually do not because you are only comprehending based on your own life experiences and storehouse of knowledge which may not be correct either.


    This is where a practitioner who has spent years will spot the mistake and help you past it.


    Now my rule for calculating payment goes like this. 

    Good initial Kriya training should be 3 days initially but can be shortened to two depending on the student.


    lets use 24 hours as the amount of time.


    I look at what I earn at my employment hourly before taxes and multiply that times 24 hours.


    In this way you are paying what you yourself receive for your time for that which you render to your employer.


    The value of your time which is an established real wold fact by virtue of employment establishes what you will give your time doing in receipt of money.


     Even if you only earn minimum wage still that is a fair amount to pay for another's time as this is fairly your dollar value you yourself accept and receive, none should ask for more than fairness in matters such as these.


    You should also contribute towards a teachers travel expenses and accommodations if they are coming to you.

    This is what I and close to 100 people did to bring a householder Kriya teacher from India to America to learn from.


    Most organizations charge less than $200.00 as the suggested amount.

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  8. On 12/24/2019 at 2:21 PM, dwai said:

    Thank you so much for your support! 
    Please leave a comment on amazon if you like the book :) 


    All Lahiris come from the same common ancestor - Lokenath Sharma of Kanyakubja. But that was almost 2000 years back...


    That said, I’m not from the same branch as Lahiri Mahashay :) 

    You are welcome I am reading it a little at a time, and that is a good sign because when I read something like this it is with an attitude of savoring a fine dish not wanting the meal to end too soon.


    Very much enjoying the first few chapters and how you are capturing village life and the attitudes and sentiments of the people of India, this very much matches with the Swami's I have learned from as well as the householders I have known,  this book may very well become something more than you ever intended.


    Once I have read it all I will be certain to put up a 5 star review on Amazon as that is the direction this is heading in thus far.


    Thank you so much for your time and effort and one of the more enjoyable books I have had the privilege to read in recent years.

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