Earl Grey

The Dao Bums
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Posts posted by Earl Grey

  1. Hi admin, I was wondering if deactivating an account is possible, similar to a suspension, but more voluntary, rather than deleting or banning.


    I'm asking because while I am at least enjoying some private message exchange from people, I need to keep offline for a while.


    You might say just to disable notifications and not log in, but I need this to be a two-way thing because I don't want to be rude for anyone trying to contact me and me being unable to respond such as when I came back from a suspension before and saw a flooded inbox from others.


    I'm thinking of deactivating my account for 6-12 months and returning when I'm in a better state to participate.

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, steve said:


    I'll respectfully disagree.

    So many wonderful artists and authors have taken their lives and have had so much to share.

    A Confederacy of Dunces is one of my favorite books

    Its author, John Kennedy Toole, took his like at 31.



    Don't forget the 27 club and how much they influenced pop culture.

    • Like 3

  3. People will give some not so great advice, and the good news is, power seekers won’t listen anyway.


    The script is old. Freeform cares enough to guide, but just enough to give some sensible advice and not enough to encourage harmful actions, which he’s trying to prevent.


    Good practices are already available here, both cheap and even some decent videos that won’t cost a dime to watch to at least be educated.


    I hope OP doesn’t expect people just to hand everything to him—work hard and sacrifice, don’t demand others who did to do it for you.

    • Like 2

  4. 5 minutes ago, Trunk said:


    Nefarious activity is not welcome.  :ph34r:

    Impossible to name all the variations…


    All I know is for the few scammers who tried their game recently (some this year), it's good for everyone to remain vigilant (not linking to those threads or citing names--I'm sure you already know).

  5. 2 hours ago, Trunk said:


    It's fine for people to promote their ideas and products, here.  (Sharing pirated material is discouraged.)

    This whole site is about discussing various such stuff, so you're good here.  :)


    Activities NOT considered spam:  all cool, quite welcome here B)

    - Having a thread about a product/method (yours' or someone else's, all good)

    - occasionally mentioning/discussing same in various threads

    - discussing same as a out-right torrent in your own Personal Practice Section


    What *IS* considered spam?:  (basically: really going overboard)

    - constantly posting your product/school in Welcoming Section "hello" threads :rolleyes:(occasionally, appropriately, is fine)

    - constantly posting same in every frickin' thread all over the board!  :angry:


    - Trunk

    admin, TheDaoBums


    What about scammers who were historically banned for promoting their material and scamming members?


    Dawei did a long investigation with at least several different individuals I recall, and I'm not going to name names.


    I ask because right now the policy appears a bit nebulous from the attempts to be a bit more universal and open, and some have attempted to slip through the cracks but were caught.

  6. 4 hours ago, cherrydao said:

    I don't want to invest my good money. 


    3 minutes ago, cherrydao said:

    I don't have a big disposable income which is making this very difficult. 


    @Shadow_self had his own list for people without much disposable income.


    There is also this old one.



    I don't believe that lack of disposable income is a barrier, but unwillingness to recognize the value of a practice is.


    There is of course a lot of caution advised as some offerings may not actually be helpful at all, and potentially harmful.


    I won't identify them here as it appears money is your more pressing concern rather than a good practice.

    • Like 2

  7. 3 minutes ago, steve said:

    I’m not a FIFA or Qatar fan but I’m going to ask that we keep this thread focused on the game, not the politics and world suffering please. Y’all can start a new thread for that if you like. Lots of things suck in this world but the level of futbol on display in the cup is something special. 
    Thanks friends


    Sure Steve. I said my piece, and if a thread opens, I'll speak up only if I have anything else to say. I don't have access to the politics forum, and won't request access as I have found over the years most political discussions quickly become people repeating themselves ad infinitum. I'm done--one post was enough.

    • Like 1
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  8. 29 minutes ago, Pak_Satrio said:

    Amazing World Cup so far. I’m enjoying seeing all the big teams get thrashed. 


    Why people are more upset about alcohol being banned than the thousands of slaves who died building those stadiums still baffles me. #BoycottQatarWorldCup

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  9. 17 minutes ago, Cobie said:

    Retired there with a USA pension? 


    Nope. Peace Corps Volunteer. WAY younger.


    19 minutes ago, Cobie said:

    Keep that in mind, and don’t trust a person with lower moral standards than you yourself have. 


    If you say so.

  10. 1 hour ago, kino said:

    You speak with the same condescension of most first world citizen. rudi is charging 1000 euros... Do you know what kinda of money that is in my country. Not to mention the reoccurring 50 euros? Not everyone was born with a silver or gold spoon to be throwing away that type of money. I am getting my finances in order fyi, just not at that place where 1000 euros is nothing for me. 


    Work hard and save.


    1 hour ago, kino said:

    The 50 euros wouldnt be so bad but its the initial 1000 euros that you have to pay first that's raising red flags for me


    That's the one-on-one cost, not the group seminar, which if you paid attention, you would know.


    1 hour ago, kino said:

    Im not looking for super powers, I just want to know the truth of this world. Why does it have to have such a high price tag. If I had known it I would share it for FREE cause thats the type of person I am.


    Go fly to another country, learn the language, earn the trust of the teacher, and practice for years. If doing that for the purpose of giving it to others for free is what you would do, go do that. Otherwise, people need a chance to recoup what they've sacrificed that people like you feel entitled to for free.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, chaosbananaman said:

    ÂŁ50 is a lot if you are from a 3rd world country though. He says he is from Jamaica in his introduction post. That's pretty much the weekly wage there.


    I live in the third world actually. :) If it's worth it to you, it should never come freely without any effort.


    "I want neigong! I'll do anything for it!" Anything except work harder to afford the reasonable price.


    5 minutes ago, chaosbananaman said:

    Try emailing a teacher running an online course and tell them your situation.


    Yes, this is viable, as while they may be running a business, they're also human, and based on how a conversation goes, they might be willing to make some compromises.


    I've found more often than not that certain people play the "I have no money" recording and then their actions show otherwise, such as going to Disneyland or paying for someone else's seminar that is significantly higher.


    I've also seen people send me messages saying they're poor and they come from a poor country, then when I ask which "poor country?", they say, "Malaysia" or even one who said "Singapore" and at that point, I don't bother replying because they're just haggling or being stingy.

    • Like 1

  12. 9 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

    errm no i asked you. i am satisfied that you have no answer. it was a learning exercise that i provided for the benefit of the others. thanks for playing.


    Nah, you aren't paying me and I am not Rudi's errand boy.


    You got played too.


    Ca va.

    • Like 1
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  13. 10 hours ago, kino said:

    Where can I find a real nei kung master, I'm willing to do anything to train with a master but I cannot afford the expensive seminars that they are offering online. I am a poor man, living in a 3rd world country. 

    If you are going to sing the “I’m poor” song, you probably won’t benefit much from learning because Neigong won’t magically solve your life problems. You’re better off getting your life in order first to be able to afford Rudi’s neigong seminar and monthly tuition of £50, which is really not a lot, but if that’s too much for you, you probably need to balance your finances and life better.

    • Like 1

  14. Feel free to delete this thread if you mods prefer to have these special requests done by PM instead of a thread for discussion.


    I personally remember the previous mods had one-year bans and that lifetime bans were seldom enforced.


    Just a thought because people change and life gives some people perspective off the forum, especially when the core member body is different each year.

    • Like 1

  15. 3 hours ago, freeform said:


    Haha that’s true… you’d hope that’s not the case (though some Chinese teachers certainly give off megalomaniac vibes :lol:)

    I doubt very much that Brine would earn enough for all that to be honest.


    I think it’s up to teachers how much they charge… as it’s up to the student whether they pay for it or not.


    Earning a living is a tricky part of making this stuff your life purpose - no easy answers there…


    I handle tuition for my own students simply: I ask for $1k a month to meet 1-2x a week, and then I ask them what they are able and willing to pay, given that not everyone can afford that much (and yet others are willing to offer much more). Some pay less, some pay what I ask for, but I give them the same care and attention. What is more important to me is commitment, sincerity, and respect.

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