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Everything posted by Miffymog

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Made a bit of a break through with my FPCK recently. Yesterday I sat in Monk Holding the Pearl for 30 minutes, but I didn't do the breath sequence until 15 minutes into the meditation. By doing this I really got to feel the effect the breathing pattern had on the chi. I was in a relaxed state anyway, and it did take a minute or two for the chi to change its nature after the percentage breaths, but when it did, I was clearly able to feel the change. Put simply, the chi simply becomes more relaxed and pleasant. It is only a small insight, but it has strangely given me quite an increase in my understanding of the Flying Phoenix. So do as Sifu Terry always say, keep practicing!!!
  2. How to make own qigong set ?

    From this book he actually says when you start out, feel free to just do the ones you enjoy, in order to start feeling the relaxing movement of the chi. But once you've got into that relaxed, flowing movement, then you really should start to add all the other movements of the set (although there is no real rush to do this). Curiously enough, today is my day off from Flying Phoenix Chi Kung and I was going to have a rest day today, but you mentioning Shibashi in this thread has inspired me to do it today instead. Thank you 🙂 The Theory and Practice of Taiji Qigong https://amzn.eu/d/fEIuECG
  3. Not quite answering the question, but Master Sheng-Yen used to take his students out of samadhi by beating them with a stick if they were in it for longer than 2 hours, so different schools have different approaches and priorities.
  4. I can't really answer your questions, other than to say I like it as a practice. Here is an outline of Master Wing Cheung's syllabus, where you practice each stage for between 6 to 12 months. It is a nice gentle practice that is relatively easy to learn from a video. All-courses-summary.pdf
  5. Help me find a gentle Qigong form

    Shibashi might be close to what you're looking for. https://amzn.eu/d/hZ7bdWa
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I pretty much always get the increased production of saliva, for me its almost a confirmatory sign that I'm going in the right direction. But I've never had a watery eye from the practice, although it kind of laps in that it's a gland producing more fluid?
  7. When I first came across the Pure Land tradition it was the first time I had come across a Buddhist practice that used faith so much, and I quite liked that. I also very much like your interpretation of it 👏
  8. God sees everything. Or from my own interpretation, your own conscience does. When I firstly reflected on God seeing everything, it almost felt slightly intrusive. But after a period of time, I felt a sense of freedom from the fact I couldn't hide anything, because this means there's actually nothing to hide (mildly strange logic there). And if you believe there's a loving god, then you don't need to hide anything anyway. (but is this still slightly intrusive, what about all the sexual bits?)
  9. Does anyone meditation with a timer? Or not?

    I have this one I've been using for some time, although no longer available on Amazon, I think you can find it in other stores. I like it because you have a selection of some very pleasant chimes to choose from and because I didn't want to use my phone during my medication practice. At the time it was quite expensive, but has been well worth the purchase. As for whether I use a timer ot not, most of the time yes, but I sometimes don't just to see how long my natural medication duration has gotten to. https://a.co/d/caspdfQ
  10. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I've just been thinking about this. And for me at the moment, I know that in some situations I can mirror some one else's chi, but after having read what's in this thread, there's possibly no actual transfer going on. I have experienced someone one 'laying their hands on me', and at the time I definitely thought there was chi transference. But now I think about it, they may have merely been inducing a change in the chi I already had.
  11. I realised I'd basically posted this on the wrong thread as soon as I walked away from my phone. I then meant to come back and add an edit saying as much, but got waylaid. Sorry about that 🤦
  12. There are apparently photographs of some of the monks on Mount Athos and they are practically transparent. I know from my own experience that when I'm practicing sung in wuji and then go for a walk and recite the Jesus Prayer, the descending spiritual energy generated by the prayer continues the sung process. But strangely enough, this doesn't happen if I'm not also holding the wuji stance during the day. So there is some overlap between body cultivation and purely cultivation of the mind or spirit (using a more simple definition of the term).
  13. SoTG lineage

    Killer Cows: 32 people die in rural herd attacks over last five years https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11506965/Killer-Cows-Calls-new-law-protect-ramblers-32-die-herd-attacks-five-years.html
  14. Greetings!

    I've just been playing my ukulele this evening - they’re awesome!
  15. Vajrayana Discussion

    I love it. I can only sense some ones energetic level from a video after I've been doing a bit of FPCK and then gotten quite drunk. I've decided to quit drinking for a short while because I was almost getting carried away with experimenting with my more sensitive qi levels in this state. But just a week ago I watvhed a number of masters while drunk and it was fascinating comparing them. For example both Thich Nhat Hanh and Master Sheng-Yen had a very full and bright and rounded energy, while Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Bishop Kallistos Ware were both incredibly grounded. Practicing The Jesus Prayer effectively brings down spiritual energy through the body from the head, but I was surprised why Tenzin Wangyal was so similar. So I briefly introduced his basic meditation techniques in to a FPCK session, stillness of the body, silence of speech and spaciousness of mind, and I discovered that that was incredibly grounding as well. I'm trying to have a few weeks off drinking, but when I do get back to it, I'm now really looking forward to watching her too! And don't worry Freeform, her being vampirised and left destitute simply won't happen. Firstly, she quite simply is that silly to be taken advantage of, and I slso believe what she has to offer doesn’t run dry.
  16. Vajrayana Discussion

    Sorry @freeform, if it is true he's recently passed, then it might be more sensitive to wait a little longer before you critize him directly.
  17. Interview with Adam Mizner

    Okay. When he first came on the scene in the middle 2000's there was some confusion over the issue. Glad it's cleared up.
  18. Interview with Adam Mizner

    Ooo, hang on there. Initiated or instructed in the Longnen line?
  19. Visualisation - any good?

    This for me under lines the debate.
  20. Visualisation - any good?

    Not always true. In Yi Quan imagination/visualisation is quite a fundamental aspect of the practice. Imagining a gentle force acting against you does produce a physical response.
  21. Visualisation - any good?

    Just a quick question. If I'm holding a ZZ stance and I imagine a gentle wind blowing against me, is this visualisation?
  22. World Cup 2022

    England lost ☹️
  23. World Cup 2022

    Morocco in the lead!!! THEY WIN!!!
  24. World Cup 2022

    Messi was allowed to get away with lot... And at the end, surely there should have been a red card somewhere? 🙂
  25. World Cup 2022

    Croatia Win!!!!!!!!!!!