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Everything posted by markern

  1. One thing I would recomend highly that I have discovered after I got rid of the problems is intuflow. It is a joint mobility program were you move all joints in specific sequences. It is designed to train your joints to move in all its possible ranges of motion and to become very fluid. After doing it for some time your joints starts to feel very fluid and movable and comfortable. It really is

  2. entirely from the detox. It gave me back a huge part of the flexibility I had lost and made my muscles feel like butter. I guess the Iyengar and pilates took away about 50% of the pain the body therapies about 25% and the detox 25%. In other aspects such as more energy etc. the detox did not help at all.

  3. internal space in the body and avoided stuff in my body "bumping into each other" so to avoid creating pain. Nrxt I started doin cranio sacral therapy and some rolfing. That also helped quite a bit. In reducing the rest. THen I went to a 5 week ayurvedic detox and Iyengar yoga program in India. After that more or less everything was gone. I believe the benefit of that trip came almost e...

  4. control over them that they were not trained properly during yoga. By doing pilates I gained strength and control in the area so that when I do yoga now the core muscles are used more and so trained further. In a month or two Iyengar and pilates took away a huge part of the pain. Basicly the benefits all came from alignment of the body and stretching. I think the key is that this created more

  5. I almost never feel any of it anymore:). What fixed was several things. First I changed from only yoga in a fairly vinyasa style to much more Iyengar. Iyengar stressed meticulous alignment which is why it helped more than the flow yoga. I also started doing more Pilates. THe benefit of the pilates was to strenghten and structure my core. Initially my core muscles were so weak and I had so little

  6. Apocalypse Culture

    Great thread! A releated point: THe apolcalyptically minded people always talk about how much war there is but we are probably living in the age in human history with the least amount of war and violence. Analysis of skeletons from prehistoric times show that between 20-40% of them have signs of injury from weapons. But you don`t need to get your skull or skeleton injured to die from weapons, an arrow that does not crush bown or a knife cut in the stomach will still kill you so A LOT more than the 20-40% died in combat. This actually roughly matches the number of deaths from war or murder in the supposedly peacefull tribes arround the world today. THe chance of a male member of a tribe in the amazon dying in war with another tribe today is greater than for a european man dying during world war 2. IN addition to this by studying our DNA scientists have calculated that while 80% of women on average had children in each generation only 40% of the men did. There are several things that could have contributed to this. To some degree there would ahve been societies were some men had more than one wife while some had to except lifelong celibacy. I find it totally implausible though that large groups of men would have accepted that without using banding togeether to use violence to get a woman so the most plausbile explanation to me is that the 60% of men who did not have children mostly died in war for other reasons or fighting over women with men who tried to monoplize women. Either way they almost certainly died violently and did not life peacefull celibate lives. IN addition to this researchers who study war have found steady declines in how large a percentage of the poppulation that dies in war each year trhoughout recorded history up til now. Sure there have been ups and downs but the general trend has been that for every couple of hundred years that passed less people died. THe last few hundred years have, totally contrary to what people in generall and new age people especially believe, been the most peacefull. THe last century probably was teh least violent century in human history. Certainly in recorded history but probably for at least as long as we have been pressed for territory. THe level of violence during world war 2 reflected the average violence througout human history not an extreme increase. If you are interested in precise numbers and references for this stuff look it up yourself. It would take me a couple of hours of googling and I don`t have time but I encourage others to do so. It would be a nice corrective.
  7. Healing and Energy Exchange

    My point is only that I don`t believe it applies to ALL who reach certain hight of vibration. That was how I understood your earlier posts.
  8. I am buying it because so MANY claim it. I know people that has provenly been falsely accused of rape so I don`t have a problem discarding one or a few claims but this is a LOT.
  9. Healing and Energy Exchange

    And my point is just that a certain hight of vibration does not seem to automatically lead to this realization because then all Buddhists and all Taoists with a certain high of vibration would teach this not just some or many. It might still very well be the correct way of viewing things just not a necessary consequence of a high vibration.
  10. Healing and Energy Exchange

    The most realized Tibetan Buddhist lamas certainly would have a high enough vibration. If raising your vibration led to this conclusion for all people they would all agree with your viewpoint and teach it. They don`t as far as I have learned. What about all the most highly realized yogis throughout the ages. Did they ALL teach this? I don`t have a problem with a view of the earth as an entity of sorts. What is unhealthy for one living being can be healthy for another. Think about what flies eat. Again what makes sense to me is the amount of concentration of sick energy because that is how it works physically. A moderate amount improves farmland a huge amount messes it up. I would not have a problem with learning your technique and trying it out to see for myself. I am not entirely closed to the fact that your view can be right but is just does not seem right to me.
  11. It is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge amount of testimony. It would mean 50 girls or so deceided they wanted to make money out of false sex/rape/statutory rape charges. THat is extremely improbably. A normal unenlightened therapist is punished hard for sleeping with patients, even adult ones. Not holding a spiritual teacher to the same standard is ridiculous.
  12. Healing and Energy Exchange

    When you dump a little amount of certain types of physical waste on the earth it functions as a fertilizer neurishing the earth. When you dump a too high concentration of it in one place it becomes too much to handle nad it affects the earth negatively. Ask any farmer about this. My guess would be that energetically it functions the same way. Small dozes such as that released through a human in everyday life or normal practice is neurishing while extremely concentrated doses in one place in a short amount of time is negative. Just my guess. I don`t buy the argument that this comes as a natural realization of raising the energy vibration rate because then everyone with an equally high vibration as the stillness movement students that realize this would also have realized this and ALL agree on the matter. Clearly not all who have a very high vibration do think this way, hence it is not a necessary consequence but a system specific thing. Maybe it comes from the specifically healing geared aspects of the system.
  13. So I had my first Krav Maga class today. My first martial arts class since I was 8 years old. Some of the stuff we did hurt quite a lot but not long after it felt good. I think this was because of endorphins being released. Is this normal? I actually felt like getting a bit more pain to up the endorphin effect.
  14. real dan-tien

    Please share
  15. Obsession with old, dead guys...

    Yes I agree entirely (except for the conspiracy part though). If you apply matriarchy in some form in a large civilization it will be the downfall of that civilization. I`m no expert and I don`t remember precise tribal names etc. just that when I have read about this it seems many such tribes functioned rather well. However, what works as a tribal structure does not necessarilly work in a large metropolis. We have no adequate way of replacing the father with male relatives. Women today don`t have five brothers and twenty five male cousins and they don`t live together. THe state can provide some money but hardly provide love and be a male role model etc. We have no way of ensuring sex get distributed so betas get a bit as well so they will eventually turn away from society as they are now doing to some extent in the west and to a larger extent in Japan where some young men now have understood that they won`t ever get a girl and because of that have lost their motivation for work and just want to play. Read the blog of the PUA roosh and you will see what happens when a man undestands he can get pussy like a rock star while living in his parents basement. He will remain living in his parents basement. THis means neither betas nor alphas will be productive memebers of society and the alphas will escalate tehir internal competion in an ever increasing race of machismo that leads to them becoming more and more problematic for society. Everything goes to hell. What I think will make things work is Karezza/tantra. It makes monogamy, even with betas, a pleasurable, harmonious and not so difficult thing. Actually betas are in many ways more suited for it, women get more interested in betas by practicing it and men get more yang by practicing it so a lot of bad aspects of a beta gets naturally corrected. Since this is kind of a feminine form of sex and it also ensures monogamy in large civiliszations it allows the civiliszation to function while at the same time opening up a room for apreceating the female and yin in general and for a harmonious understanding of yin yang dynamics that stems directly from experience.
  16. Obsession with old, dead guys...

    I think one reason for the difference might be this. Many tribal societies are not monogmous but either practice various forms of partner sharing or serial monogamy with some casual sex on the side. This allows the females hypergamous instincts to play itself out to a large degree without the tribe falling apart because fatherhood is either seen as shared between all the men sleeping with a woman or irrelevant as all the men take care of all the kids or see all the kids as their children or the important male figure for any child is the brothers and cousins of the mother not whoever fertilized her. On the other hand in very large societies that aim for life long monogamy there is a need to curb female hypergamy to avoid society falling to pieces or else one ends up with similar social problems of black america. Single mothers and alpha males disconnected from families without the support of a large group of males as in the tribes. This leads to womens most basic instincts and tendencies being seen as something detrimental to society that needs to be controlled and from that starting point respect for women in general fall. Related to this one can see it as a tribe vs civilization thing. In a tribe connectedness, familial bonds, conservatism, preserving that which is rather than entrepenurial spirit, and very importantly feeling based judgment rather than principled law, cold logic and bureaucracy and close bonds rather than formalistic relationships are key values. The values connected to tribalism are more female. The values connected to large civilizations are much more male. I don`t think it is much of an accident that with feminism women have moved towards becoming more masculine rather than fighting to make femininity important. It is because success in a modern society requires a base in a lot of typical male things like I mentioned plus testosterone qualities like assertiveness, being goal oriented, being driven etc. If you have feminine qualites on top of those male qualities you can succeed very well but you need some basic masculine attributes. I generally think women have an easier time developing male attributes than men have developing female ones. Maybe because yin is more adaptable but I think it is also a survival based thing because in many rough societies women need to yang up a lot in order to survive and so the possibility of yang has evolutionary been important for women although normally having it has not.
  17. When I last read a resume of the study I understood it as it goes back down again so the effect is irrelevant on day 8 yes.
  18. I have experienced that testosterone surge arround day 5-6. As far as I remember form previous studies it is supposed to go down to more or less exactly where it was right after the last ejaculation so the data does not support that there is any effect in the long run. The people at say that over weeks and months of abstaining they do start to feel more masculine though. ONe way to interperate the data is that as long as the body thinks it is having regular sex it can chill but once 5-6 days without it has passed it gives you a boost to make you chase yoni and give you extra confidence and alphaness to make sure you get it.
  19. How Siddhis bring about Enlightenment

    You`ll reach enlightenment faster if you practice dual cultivation (enlightened fucking:))
  20. DoesN\t teh name Lemuria just come from fictional writing in the 1800s or so?
  21. Then where is the evidence? Even though a lot of stuff would just decompose and vanish a whole lot of stuff would remain and would have been found by archeologists today if there were in fact such civilisations in previous times.
  22. Opening the Kundalini: How?

    Vajrahridaya. For six pages now.
  23. Opening the Kundalini: How?

    Normally we are told you can`t really get anywhere without live instruction, without person to person interaction and the communication that is without words. Now we are told we can`t get anywhere without the written word?
  24. Opening the Kundalini: How?

    Very interesting. However, if you do something like Vipassana or Zen it also awakens, and in Tibetan Buddhims which often use deity yoga you don`t have to use deity yoga, it is just a frequently used option. So even though the name kundalini comes from a tantric tradition which uses these techniques there are other traditions, buddhist, Sufi, Bushmen etc., that have their own names for it and use other techniques for it so I don`t see any reason why one would have to use these particular tantric techniques to work with it if it arises altough I am sure it is one very good option.