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Everything posted by markern

  1. Healing methods for more Yin people

    KAP means Kundalini Awakening Process and is mainly a form of meditation and energywork aimed at raising and integrating kundalini fast but in a balanced way. Phore, Kate, MAl, Sinno, Elevate, Broken and several others practice it. It is a very good system for those it works for whereas some did not get much out of it. It incorporates methods from yoga, qigong, bon, sufism and a bit of the western tradition. It was invented by Dr Glenn Morris. I agree with you on the ashtanga. Krisnamacharya who taught ashtanga to phatabhi jois mainy taight a softer form of yoga which has lived on through his son Desikachar. His style is taught int he west and is an inspiration for many styles. Krishnamacharyas other main student Iyengar eventually made Iyengar yoga which is very different from what he was orginally taught. Very good in many ways but a bit machine like in my taste. I prefer yogaworks yoga because it has the technique of Iyengar but does not focus as rigidly on it and it has more of the flow of Ashtanga and overal is very balanced and nice. Mantak chias system is rather yang in many ways.
  2. Best book on Tantra?

    Vaj used to to talk and talk and talk about the superiority of budhism in every damn thread. Eventually he found that this was not entirely wholesome and started retaining his budhist superiority belief energy. But like most people practicing retention he finds that once or twice a month a realse feels natural and then he ejaculates a ton of budhist superiority writings such as now. On the whole this situation is OK and balanced as for the most part neither he nor we loose energy in endless dogma debates and we get the benefit of his vast knowledge without the religious fervour but once or twice a month release is necesarry as otherwise Vaj would eventually explode and the energy drain in is very little on the rest of us. Actually just like seminal retention when one ejaculates only once every now and then ejaculations can actually be energizing. Especially if it is done with love.
  3. THats interesting! IF you can exemplify it more with bible quotes and stuff I would apreceate it a lot.
  4. Healing methods for more Yin people

    I remember SereneBLue not getting any results with Frantzis` stuff but getting great results with KAP. KAP is much more yang but is a balanced system overal. Many yoga systems are quite fire and yang based in a sense. AShtange yoga gave me a hot very active energy. I doN`t recomend it though for various reasons physical safety for one. WHen I did tai chi I thought it gave a nice yin yang balance bacayse you have both yielding moves that are totally yin and you have aggressive moves that are totally yang. I could feel them generate different types of energy.
  5. Learning the Sexual arts...

    If you have or get a partner what I would do is practice tantra acording to diane richardson. IN her aproach you do virtually noting lese than sitting/lying with you inside of her. OVer time the energy starts to move even with a not fully erect penis. You only move a little bit some of the time and veeeery slowly. When it is done this way the energy naturally beahves as it is suposed to. Energy goes from the mans base chakra into the womans base chakra travels to her heart chakra and goes to his heart chakra in a circle. Also the energy getrs the correct arrousal level. The level of arrosual you ahve been taught in chais books etc. is very high like just belv the point of no return 9.9 on a scale of one to ten or so. At this elvel the energy is very hot. If you stay away from conventional orgasms and lurk arround at 8 or so you get a more beneficial energy and ultimately a more satisfying experience. It might take people weeks untill the body adapts and becomes sensitive enough and for the energy to really move and the experience to beat the cxonventional multiple orgasms but eventually it does and you will prefer this. YOu will still get orgasms but ony valey orgasms and these will be mixed with states that are sexually blissfull alhtough not classicly orgasmic. THis should sort things out. If you go through my posts in threads about sexuality you will find I have written a lot more about this other places. If you don`t have a partner I would start practicing qigong and meditation in order to maintain balance and I would stay as celibate as possible untill stuff returns to normal since ejaculations at present cause you trouble. The qigong I think you should practivce would just be a general type of qigong nothing that is suposed to help with your sexual cultivation in any special way as this might mess things up again. IF you practice a fair amount of qigong and meditation over time any function in the body and any weird pattern of energy should return to normal. Ideally you should find a teacher where you live but there are dvds that are so simple to learn from that people can do so safely and with great benefit. Sprinforestqigong has a great reputation and would probably smooth things out. B.K. Frantzis` system also gives great results to many people but some people have trouble making it work for them. YOu could also check out LFying Phoneix Qigong and you could ask the teacher Terry Dunn about your problem and if his qigong can help in the thread about flying phoenix as he answers questions there. Another thing you can do is find a dvd with the eight brocades and combine it with sitting meditation for 10-20 minutes and maybe standing meditaiton for 10-20 minutes and maybe inner smile and or healing sounds. I would ay meditation focused on observing the movements of the breath and the inner smile are great practices for things to reaturn to normal but some sort of moving practice should be included. Tai chi can work well also.
  6. To me it sounded like the bridal chamber was teh central channel and the intercourse was mixing of heavenly and earthly energies in the cetnral channel and balancing fusing of the internal masculina dn feminine. You don`need a sexual partner to do that work but it could help. From what I have read I don`t like this Samael guy but I tihkn you are wrong in what you say about his teachings on sex vs taoist teachings. As far as I understand what he advocated was similar to karezz which means the couple rmeain more or less still iwhtout anymovement, they keep the breathing deep and the energy cool and do nothing to increase arousal or anything cnciously to move energy. Once you do this for long enough and many enough ays in succession the enrgy starts to move by itself in a natural pattern going from the mans base chakra into that of the female, ascends to her heart chakra where it is sent back to the male and then it goes down to his base again and arround. Because this movement is based only on total relaxation your channels open like they do in stilness meditaiton more or less. Most of the taoist traditions teach having sex in a way that makes the sexual energy rather hot and arroused and thus one needs techniques like locks and orbiting to avoid ejaculation and to make the energy go where it is suposed to. One also needs to, as you say to have open enough channels and some skill in alchemy to balance out the energy or the energy would do damage. As cool as the sexual energy is in karezza it does not do damage and it goes straight up to the higher centers in a natural transformative manner. If you go to you will find the experience of tons of epople with karezza- THey have found massive health benefits (think double the effects of long term celibacy), remarkable stability in theie realtionships with stable sexual attraction and stable love, and an increase in perosnal and energetic balance that is so great for most t is a radical shift. THis is coupled with close to zero negative effects found over years of practicing by a high number of people. THe reason is that the energy is kept rather cool (way away from the point of no return no at 9.9 or 9 as many taoists would recomend) and everything moves organicly in its own time. For the most part I think a lot of the taoist teachings are based on being at a too high arousal level and so needing to add in stuff for balance. The danger comes from too arroused energy not from moderately aroused sexual energy a distinction that is not clear in most of the toist teachings. Compare the results at to that of most taoist sexual teachings and you will see that it is only the taoist (and tantric) apraoches that experience the troubles you speak of. That said it seems some of the taoist and some of the tantric schools advocate an aproach that keeps the energy at the same level of arousal as in karezza wihtout techniques. At reuniting.linfo they have a couple of discussions about neotaosim, neotantra and karezza that go into this.
  7. Attraction

    I think if you do standing meditation the root chakra issue should be dealt with fine. The earth energy power I felt from doing only a little of it was huge and I can definitively see it as making me more attactive. It also suorts the lung energy in teh five element cycle and whenever I feel lots of energy from spleen or root work I feel it go to my lungs and make them strong. The confidence and self assertiveness in the lungs would be an important part of a mans atractiveness. I think the wuji posture would be particulary good as it works particualry well on the kidneys and spleen. If you combine standing meditation with teh secret smile you should get a lot more attractive. Secret smile makes you relaxed, confident, happy/joyfull, loving and sexualy blissfull. Being relaxe is one of the most alpha traits and I have heard women say many times that men who are more relaxed than is normal for most people in a situation makes them attracted. They particualry like it when a mans relaxed manner makes them calm as well. If you are very confident and very relaxed they will tune in to your vibe and adjust acordingly.
  8. Attraction

    I think the spleen, bacause it is of the earth element, and the root chakra are key in attraction. Ifound this on another site: the Root Chakra governs issues around physical self-preservation. These issues include survival, security and safety, as well as primal erotic and procreational urges. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to the earth energies and empower our being. Every other chakra is downstream of it and only receives the energy that the root chakra can pass through to it. The path to health and mystical power goes right through the gender organs.To understand your root chakra, you must come to a place of peace with your sexual energy. Survival, security, safety, sexualiy, a sense of power, material stuff - money. All of these are key things women seek in a man. Also I have read people mention that when their root chakra really opened up women started becoming much more interested.
  9. The primordial qigong/Wuji qigong form that Michael Winn and Andrew Fretwel and several otehrs teach is suposed to be very god at cultivating post natal jing and also, if you practice it a lot pre natal jing. IT is an awesome and very powerfull and very balancing form. Most people realy like it. It is easy enough to learn from video. Winn teaches to combine it with the inner smile.
  10. good guys finish last

    The things womens sexual fantasies when studied in the early seventies showed stuff such as playrape at the top of the list. That was before they had seen any porn and very little of the pop culture at the time would have helped them get those fantasies, except womens romance novels which are full of descriptions of women being "overcome" by a dominant male and surrendering. THe numbers for those types of fantasies are almost exactly the same today.
  11. good guys finish last

    Get into a voluteer organisation with lots of women. Study the nice not cocky pcikup methods at IT will teach you how to be social and get friends. You don`t need to use it in order to seduce women. It works just as well platonically if you leave out some of the sexual escalation stuff. THen you will have enough women to hang around with. Also go see a touch therapist to boost up your oxytocin and your yin. I would also consider going to see a tantrica if I were you. I think it would do you a lot of good. You might also consider doing natural grounding. It seems to help a lot of guys and helps them strengthen the yin in themselves as to not get needy. Also I would suggest to start doing the inner smile daily for 20 minutes or so. You need to learn to love yourself and the inner smile will help with that. Also standing meditation will help as a strong root chakra attracts women. Wuji posture will be especially good as it works extra on your kidneys and spleen and that will reduce your worrying and anxiety. As you live in Miami I would get in touch with Santiago or Tao and do KAP and or Silat.
  12. Meditation makes you dull

    THis is key! I agree totally!
  13. The Weak Yin And Weak Yang Problem

    Awesome post. I believe this touches on the essence of the major theme of gender relationships today. What I don`t get is why the weak yin and weak yang are attracted to each other and why compulsively so?
  14. Meditation makes you dull

    It will help to do more active meditative stuff like tai chi and yoga. You might also gain some insgiht by reading shinzen youngs articles on equanimity and emotional expressiveness on his site
  15. good guys finish last

    From what I have read alpha men die younger. Those who are concerned about mating and not fulfilling their evolutionary goal have a unique chance today. Donate sperm. You can go to different sperm banks all across the world and donate and probably end up with a few hundred children. You`ll be in league with kings and other harem keepers in no time.
  16. sexlessness in Japan / in marriage

    Well take a look at rape and child molestation statistics from the west 80 years ago or a 120 years ago and compare them to today. It would look as if it had skyrocketed. Almost as if it did not exist before. But we know thats not true. It is just that now it is reported whereas before it was not. Think about chatlolic priests. IN the 60s almost no one was reported. Today they are reported for things they did IN THE 60s and today. I read an article about sexual abuse in Japaneese schools with interviews with students, teachers and therpists etc. THey asid it was rampant, almost expeted that a male teacher wold prey on his teenage students and that reporting it was almost unthinkable for the students because of the shame involved. So i have no, as in absolute zero, faith in the numbers for sexual abuse in Japan being lower than in the west. Especially once you add in the high usage of prostitution because it means men are "trained" in having sex in a context with unhealthy boundaries and as such are much less likely to be able to feel that they are overstepping a womans boundaries in other contexts were they are perhaps pushing, pressuring or forcing someone. I also read a statistic that said over 90% (or was it 95%) of thai men had sex with prostitutes and were highly likely to loose their virginity with a prostitute. Again I would argue that this creates men that are much more likely to commit sexual abuse against other women as their sense of intimate boundaries are numbed and so they start loosing the sense of what they are doing means to a girl. Actually in norway, and I suspect many otehr western countries muslims are at the top of the rape statistics. As in five times or so more likely to commit rape. The attitude against women I have found in muslim men that are first generation immigrants to the west I find appaling. They generally see hitting their wife as a legitimate form of diciplining her. THis is not my stereotype this is what they TELL me themselves. The attitudes towards women with regards to sex also frequently are along the lines of if she dressing like a slut she is asking for it s help yourself. I don`t see this as in any way a necessarry consequence of being a muslim but it is a typical attitude.
  17. sexlessness in Japan / in marriage

    I have read that asians have slightly lower testosterone levels. THat could mean a slightly lower sex drive but it would still be just a slight effect. My experience with asian woman have not been that they are any less sexual than western women. INeither have I heard any guy with experience with asian women say that they are less sexual than western women once they are in the bedroom. THey might behave seemingly less sexual in public though depending on the local culture. So I would say that the most likely conclusion is that the guys there are doing something wrong or the life conditions such as work (in Japan at least) and the prostitution is messing stuff up. FOr me groping women on the subway is an indication that a man is totally out of sync with womens sexuality (and his own) and is unlikely to be able to please the women he has sex with very much.
  18. Ever compared results of mediums?

    I read an article once were the journalist tried a bunch of different ones. THey were all across the board in their claims and contradicted each other completely A good thing could be to read up on cold reading techniques to see how easy it is to make someone believe you are psychic. I have trouble understanding the thought behind treating past life trauma. Considering how many lives we can presume we have had the amount of trauma would be endless. THere is no reason to expect most of it to have been processed well in previous lives as most people die with a ton of neurosis left. So it does not seem plausible to me that your issues in this life largely stem from one, two or three incidents or lifetimes in the past and that healing those wounds will heal you now. You still have thousands or millions of lives with horrible trauma to digest. With regards to gender Shaktimama remembered all of her lives as being asian (indian looking ethnicity mostly) men. SHe did not remember anything about it though just saw their faces.
  19. Yes it has been done many times. But fire paths are generally a lot more dangerous than just doing Vipassana. However, I have also felt like my head would explode from VIpassana and backed of as I felt more could well be damaging. Have you tried any grounding methods? Too much energy in the higher centers are rarely good and the most common source of ill side effects from meditation. You could try some standing meditation (zhan zhuang) and maybe also open your microcosmic orbit. THings will usually be smoother after doing that. Springforestqigong has a cd called small heavenly corcuit or something about opening the orbit that has gotten much good feedback.
  20. Adrenal Fatigue/PE/Over Masturbation has a forum and lots of info about this. They talk a lot about not having orgasms during sex but what they actually mean is having tantric valey orgasms and not conventional peak orgasms. THey clear that up in a forum post I just wanted to point that out to ou so you won`t get too confused. If you feel fatigued and unhealthy I would by the beginner springforestqigong set and start doing some of that daily. After a while you will start to feel great and become more balanced. THen all sorts of other issues also get easier. If low kidney energy or something like that is a cause of your premature ejaculation the qigong will help a lot. I would change my habit of masturbation if I was you from a presumably hard and kinda eratic style to a soft and slow and almost teasing style. That will help in learning you to not jump straight up till the point of no return and you will start to feel much more sensations. You could check out for some valuable info on sexual cultivation type stuff. It is more beneficial to masturbate to fantasies of slow lovemaking with a girl you love or a goddess or something than just regular porn fucking. I am not saying deny yourself the latter I am saying exchange some of the usual fantasies with this. THe reason is it will produce more oxytocin to help balance out your sexual hormones.
  21. I don`t like the tai chi swords I ahve seen. NOt at all. But I loooooove samurai swords. I think at some point I would like to learn a sword form of tai chi and it would be great to do it with a samurai swrod instead. But I am wondering if the difference in sword type might make that impossible. Anyone know?
  22. "Deep" internal qi-gong

    What do you do to fix someone like that? Is it curable.? Can they do medical qigong? Can a healer work on them or will it get worse?
  23. "Deep" internal qi-gong

    THe spine stuff sounds like ayp spinal breathing. Almost. Very powerfull practice. About brain stuff you could contact internal student. It is his specialty