Taoist Texts

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Posts posted by Taoist Texts

  1. 《尋隱者不遇》




    To gather herbs is the teacher gone

    Said a lad under the pines

    Somewhere he is in the mountains yon’

    He told me with a sly smile.


    I gazed at the clouds deep in the sky,

    Then once more into the lad’s eyes,

    There was the old teacher young again,

    Under his new youthful guise.

    • Like 3

  2. As I said, I'm not about to take any kind of action that falls outside the accepted protocol, but were it left to me (purely hypothetical because it won't ever be), the moderation style would be more draconian, impersonal and immediate. Not because I have tyrannical tendencies but because I feel it's the most effective way to guarantee the best, and safest, in the spirit of Dawei's OP, experience for the largest number of guests/members.

    Of course. Thats what every tyrant says: Its for the benefit of the people!

    • Like 4

  3. The tao that can be named is not the immortal tao.


    It's all there ;)

    Thanks Woodcarver. I must be dense but what does that even mean? Whats a tao? Whats the connection beetwing naming and immortality? Why THE tao can not be named? Who says so? And why? What value did this statement add? In short, i dont understand this, seriously.

  4. Aha. So, you've interpreted it slightly differently. That's what I like to see..


    May I ask, why "For those whom you have wronged" ?

    oh its just one way to look at the story. A stranger comes up to you with a sharp object in hand, asks to look at it and recall anything untoward. The implication could be that he came for you. methinks the poem intentionally leaves that open,no?

    • Like 3








    For ten years I have been honing this sword,

    Quoth the strange wandering guest.

    Look at the frosty edge milord,

    It had never been put to test.


    Now think hard and deep my liege,

    While feeling the blade so cold,

    Whether the justice is now served,

    For those whom you have wronged.

    • Like 4

  6. 不上賢使民不爭 Without glorifying the gifted, the people will not contend;

    不貴難得之貨使民不為盜 Without treasuring rare things, the people will not steal;

    不見可欲使民不亂 Without desire, the people will not rebel.

    是以聖人之治也 Therefore the wise man rules by

    虛亓心 Emptying their hearts,

    實亓腹 Filling their bellies,

    弱亓志 Weakening their ambitions,

    強亓骨 And strengthening their bones,

    恆使民无知无欲也 Until the people have no knowledge and no desires,

    使夫知不敢弗為而已 And those with knowledge dare not act;

    則无不治矣 In this way, all will be in order



    Again, posting my own translation after scanning the thread. It seems that the things I wanted to touch on have been touched on, actually, but it was all 2 or 3 years ago, and I'm trying to learn by doing, so...



    If the people have no desires, they will not need to rebel. But how does the ruler make sure they don't desire? By making sure there's nothing to desire -- and without anything to desire, without any knowledge that there might be more to life, what kind of "hope" can one have?


    Technically, yours is a pretty good translation, but...the questions you pose are even better. All translators draw a picture of a totalitarian dark place where rulers take away the playthings from the dumb masses, overlooking the fact that there are two third-person actors in this passage - the people and their rulers. If the rulers take away the shiny toys from the people that would be action and Lao knows better than that. So 'they' 其 refers not to the people but to the rulers themselves.





    "So when the sages govern - they empty their own hearts, fill their own bellies, weaken their own ambitions, sthengthen their own bones. If they conduct themselves like this always, then the people would not know what to desire...Do this non-action and there will be nothing to govern"


    Utopian communistic society...yes. I'd love to find one...

    The Amish;)

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  7. For whatever the reason, what you said here brought to my mind an alternative to human sacrifice.

    Good hunch sir.

    There was hardly a tomb or a building consecrated without the sacrifice of a dog. At one site, Xiaotong, the bones of a total of 825 human victims, 15 horses, 10 oxen, 18 sheep and 35 dogs were unearthed. Dogs were usually buried wrapped in reed mats and sometimes in lacquer coffins. Small bells with clappers, called ling (鈴) have sometimes been found attached to the necks of dogs or horses. The fact that alone among domestic animals dogs and horses were buried demonstrates the importance of these two animals to ancient Chinese society. It's reflected in an idiom passed down to modern times: "to serve like a dog or a horse." (犬馬之勞).

    Shang oracle bones mention questions concerning the whereabouts of lost dogs. They also refer to the ning (寧) rite during which a dog was dismembered to placate the four winds or honour the four directions. This sacrifice was carried over into Zhou times. The Er ya records a custom to dismember a dog to "bring the four winds to a halt." (止風). Other ceremonies involving dogs are mentioned in the Zhou li. In the nan (難) sacrifice to drive away pestilience, a dog was dismembered and his remains buried in front of the main gates of the capital. The ba (軷) sacrifice to ward off evil required the Son of Heaven, riding in a jade chariot, to crush a dog under the wheels of his carriage. The characterba gives a clue as to how the ceremony took place. It is written with the radical for chariot (車) and a phonetic element which originally meant an animal whose legs had been bound (发). It was the duty of a specially appointed official to supply a dog of one colour and without blemishes for the sacrifice. The blood of dogs was used for the swearing of covenants between nobles.

    Towards the late fifth century BC, surrogates began to be used for sacrifice in lieu of real dogs. The Dao De Jing mentions the use of straw dogs as a metaphor:

    Heaven and earth are ruthless, and treat the myriad creatures as straw dogs;

    the sage is ruthless, and treats the people as straw dogs.[3]

    However, the practice of burying actual dogs by no means died out. One Zhongshan royal mausoleum, for example, included two hunting dogs with gold and silver neck rings.

    Later, clay figurines of dogs were buried in tombs.


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    I believe the proper translation would be as follows:


    Tone and sound are mutually harmonized.



    Thats quite likely.





    One thing bugs me about this chapter: 音声相和


    Everything else is, to me, obvious yang & yin: being & not being, long & short, high & low, front & back. So wouldn't sound and silence be more suitable?


    Then again, sound is vibration, which is itself a combination of 'being' and 'not being'. I guess. Still, I'd prefer sound and silence.

    If you look in a larger dictionary you will find that 音聲 combo denotes the initial 音 and the final 聲sounds of a chinese syllable.

    • Like 1

  9. Heck let me have a go at it too


    《老子河上公章句·養身》: Nourishing the body



    If everybody under Heaven deem something beautiful then it becomes ugly (to a discerning observer, because beautiful is something different from vulgar tastes); if everybody recognizes something as good then it must be not that good. (so ugly comes from beautiful, not good comes from previously good)



    (Similar to the above) being births non-being, hard and easy are two ends of the same, short and long are relative, high and low are parts of whole, the sounds are parts of harmony, before and after are consecutive


    (If these extremes give rise to each other in nature, then it is best to govern by non-action which will produce action)


    是以聖人居無為之事,行不言之教,萬物作而弗治也, 為而不恃,功成而弗居。夫唯弗居,是以不去。


    So the sage manages by non-action and teaches not by words but by conduct, (in this way) the things are done without governance, there is action but not the maintenance of it, the work is accomplished without dwelling on it. Because the work (of governing) is not dwelled on – it is never out of control.

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    t put oneself behind the scene; then, one will be recognized and praised by the people.



    Remember? A sage always puts himself behind but ended up in the front.

    There is a long authoritative tradition that supports what Chi Dragon says, so we are conditioned to believe it. But how does it work in practice, if at all? If you put yourself behind how you gonna end up in front being recognised? Something doesnt add.

    • Like 1

  11. I will just highlight the parallels and see where it is going

    天下皆知美之為美已 All know beauty for beauty because ugliness is,

    皆知善斯不善矣 Know good by what is not good.

    有無之相生也 Existence and absence give birth to each other,

    難易之相成也 Difficult and easy complete each other,

    長短之相刑也 Long and short determine each other,

    高下之相盈也 High and low surpass each other,

    音聲之相和也 Voice and sound harmonize each other,

    先後之相隨恆也 Front and back follow each other;

    是以聖人居無為之事 The wise man goes about doing nothing,

    行不言之教 Teaches without talking;

    萬物昔而弗始 Life is, with no beginning,

    為而弗侍也 Does, without serving,

    成功而弗居也 Succeeds, and does not linger;

    夫唯弗居是以弗去 A man who does not linger does not leave




    Li Ren:

    The Master said, "Riches and honors are what men desire. If it cannot be obtained in the proper way, they should not be held. Poverty and meanness are what men dislike. If it cannot be avoided in the proper way, they should not be avoided. If a superior man abandon virtue, how can he fulfill the requirements of that name? The superior man does not, even for the space of a single meal, act contrary to virtue. In moments of haste, he cleaves to it. In seasons of danger, he cleaves to it."


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  12. 天下皆知美之為美亞已 All know beauty for beauty because ugliness is,

    皆知善斯不善矣 Know good by what is not good.

    有無之相生也 Existence and absence give birth to each other,

    難易之相成也 Difficult and easy complete each other,

    長短之相刑也 Long and short determine each other,

    高下之相盈也 High and low surpass each other,

    音聲之相和也 Voice and sound harmonize each other,

    先後之相隨恆也 Front and back follow each other;

    是以聖人居無為之事 The wise man goes about doing nothing,

    行不言之教 Teaches without talking;



    Yang Huo:

    The Master said, "I would prefer not speaking." Zi Gong said, "If you, Master, do not speak, what shall we, your disciples, have to record?" The Master said, "Does Heaven speak? The four seasons pursue their courses, and all things are continually being produced, but does Heaven say anything?" (Legg)

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  13. I see, I see. Even so, directly translated it can simply be: "Without struggle, no fault/blame", right?



    sure. no harm - no foul.




    Character (單一漢字)

    English Senses For (英文): zhi4

    control / to govern / to manage / to rule / to regulate / to harness (a river) / the seat of the local government / to treat (a disease) / to cure / to study / to research / to punish / peaceful and orderly / a Chinese family name


    From water 氵水 and phonetic 台. Originally to prevent flooding by water. Now to regulate.



    • Like 1

  14. Wuh.. huh....


    For that to be the original, and assuming that meaning really was implied, certainly changes the original intent of the chapter.

    i understand that we are well of throdden path here, so for a perspective consider that this could be about a cosmic feng-shui.under great open sky..'regulate the unruly waters and the rest of the cosm will follow suit". Also 治 is not the only ref to controlling waters...不爭 or 有靜 also is. Water is not struggling or is calm only when contained, otherwise it is quite an unruly element , you know.



    Feng Shui of the Water Element in Your Garden

    Generally, it is good feng shui to have the water flow towards the house...