Taoist Texts

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Posts posted by Taoist Texts

  1. I wrote about this here, see down at Post #5 on whether there is some basis for Laozi using 1,2,3:



    If I had to choice one of the Interpreations by RaisingSun, it would be a form of "C".


    I still find the Huainanzi passage the best cosmological picture (and next the six great stages at my link above).


    I'll give the Huainanzi here so others can consider the original as well. I'll give a bold heading to show how I interpret it:



    Fantastic work Dawei, and to build on it further now I riddle you this: why all things need the Three (whatever those are) to get born? Why not they are not born straight from Dao or One or Two?

  2. I want to state my understanding of this passage generally, and then get your feedback. It's my understanding that the original Chinese doesn't specify what one, two, and three are; it simply says one, two, three (一, 二, 三) and commentators don't agree on what these numbers represent. Is my understanding correct?


    How have most professional Chinese intellectuals interpreted this passage over the years? Is there any interpretation that is most common?

    Yes there is, as laid down by one of the earliest commentaries Heshangong (2 CE) , which has those as 三生萬物。天地人共生萬物也 Heaven Earth Man. One has to remember that in early cosmology numbers do not have to represent anything. The Number and The Word are cosmic forces per se.


    also this



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    I've heard some accounts of people flatlining for months even over a year.


    It's quite a mystery why this phenomenon happens, has anyone got any insight on why this occurs?



    Your basic instinct of procreation is a mechanism that rewards you with the feeling of pleasure when you obey its command to spill your sperm; on the other hand, when you try to resist this biological programming - it punishes you with the feeling of depression. Its an old biological carrot and stick, nothing more. Same with the feeling good when retaining initially, thats the carrot, because in these case you obey the command to accumulate a healthy sperm reserve for successful insemination.

  4. I ask for daoist criteria

    I understand, thats a valid question with a disappointing answer: there is no such thing. There are no 'daoist criteria' as to who is a true daoist and who is a false one. There are two reasons for that:


    A. 'daoism' is a western construct with no consensual definition




    B. Any criticism historicaly levelled by some 'daoists' against 'other daoists' was not in a format of 'You are not a true daoist! - No, you are not! ' but was directed at methods or results rather than at schools, the schools themselves being posteriori notions of later outgroup historiographers, and not self-identifications by the former ingroups.



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  5. 衜恆亡爲也 The Way is effortless;

    侯王能支之 A ruler can lean on it,

    而萬爲爲而欲作 And life will take care of itself;

    將貞之以亡名之樸 Preserve purity with an unnamed piece of wood;

    夫亦將智 If a man knows this,

    智足以朿萬將自定 He knows enough to make life steady itself

    you seem to ignore these 2 negations.

  6. Thanks for the information. As I don't know, I would like to ask some questions:

    Is it possible to say something about the features of a true school?

    How to distinguish a false school?


    There is no such thing as a false school. False is not definable, it is a subjective characterization.

  7. sure:


    • birth from moisture (Sanskrit: Samsvedaja; Pali: Saṃsedaja; Chinese: 濕生; Standard Tibetan: Drod-skyes)—probably referring to the appearance of animals whose eggs are microscopic, like maggots appearing in rotting flesh;




    The Four Manners of Rebirth

    The chapter begins with a discussion of the grossest internal cycle, which is the recurrence of death, bardo and rebirth. In general, Buddhism asserts four manners of rebirth: from a womb, from an egg, from heat and moisture,





    Evolution Born of Moisture: Analogies and Parallels Between Anaximander's Ideas on Origin of Life and Man and Later Pre-Darwinian and Darwinian Evolutionary Concepts.
    This study focuses on the origin of life as presented in the thought of Anaximander of Miletus but also points to some parallel motifs found in much later conceptions of both the pre-Darwinian German romantic science and post-Darwinian biology. According to Anaximander, life originated in the moisture associated with earth (mud).





    Abiogenesis (/ˌb.ɵˈɛnɨsɪs/ ay-by-oh-jen-ə-siss[1]) or biopoiesis[2] is the natural process of life arising from non-living matter such as simple organic compounds.[3][4][5][6]













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  8. Hi!


    I am reading an Internal Alchemy Daoist Text and I have not been able to understand completely the meaning of the following sentence:


    胎卵濕化, 眾生之形體, 皆輪迴囚禁之所也.


    Mainly because of the first 4 characters. Although I know the meaning of each character (fetus, egg, moist and to transform), I do not understand the meaning of this 4 characters sentence. The other 2 sentences can be translated as: All forms of living beings are imprisoned by reincarnation.


    Could you help me?


    Thanks in advance,


    Whether born by transformation from foetus, egg or moisture, all living beings....



    (from) 胎 foetus卵egg濕 moisture 化 transformed: 3 ways of being born into a living being.

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    Those who focus on the infinite are well to be reminded it ever includes and depends upon the mundane.



    In this yogi-ridden age, it is too readily assumed that ‘non-attachment’ is not only better than a full acceptance of earthly life, but that the ordinary man rejects it because it is too difficult; in other words, that the average human being is a failed saint. It is doubtful whether this is true. Many people genuinely do not wish to be saints, and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings. If one could follow it to its psychological roots, one would, I believe, find that the main motive for ”non-attachment” is a desire to escape from the pain of living, and above all from love, which, sexual or non-sexual, is hard work. But it is not necessary here to argue whether the other-worldly or the humanistic ideal is ‘higher’.’ The point is that they are incompatible.


    — George Orwell, Reflections on Gandhi

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  10. I am not sure the english word Saint will come close to meanings of 'immortal' as used in various ancient text.


    A saint is one who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness. While the English term "saint" originated in Christianity, historians of religion now use the term "in a more general way to refer to the state of special holiness that many religions attribute to certain people,"[1] with the Jewish Tzadik, the Islamic Mu'min, the Hindu rishi or guru, and the Buddhist arhat orbodhisattva also referred to as saints.


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  11. Cos the earthly sage dies eventually.

    IMO the clue's in that word 'immortal'.





    thats not bad for a top of the head explanation but stil could use more detail. You see xian 仙人 (which is translated as immortal) means a special kind of spiritual beings, who may or may not have been mortal at some point in time. Same with the sages 圣人 or 聖人, they might have been mortal or not, regardless of what happened to their physical bodies. Also TTC does not contain 仙人, only 聖人. On the other hand, Zhuangzi contains several appellations: an utter man至人a spiritual man 神人,a sage man 聖人; but no 仙人. In my translations i translate 仙人 as a saint, not an immortal, the latter being misleading.

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  12. 或命之或所屬

    見素保樸 少私寡欲 Cherish simplicity, lessen selfishness and desire


    That's what i've got so far. Not satisfied with anything i've come up with for the missing part.

    所屬 is a combo meaning 'vassals, subordinates'





    《道德經》: 絕聖棄智,民利百倍;絕仁棄義,民復孝慈;絕巧棄利,盜賊無有。


    《老子河上公章句·還淳》: 絕聖棄智,民利百倍。絕仁棄義,民復孝慈。絕巧棄利,盜賊無有。此三者,以為文不足,故令有所屬。見素抱樸,少私寡欲。

    《郭店·老子甲》: 絕智棄辯,民利百倍。絕巧棄利,盜賊亡有。絕偽棄慮,民復季子。三言以為文不足,或令之或乎屬。視素保樸,少私寡欲。

    《馬王堆·老子甲道經》: 絕聲棄知,民利百負;絕仁棄義,民復畜茲;絕巧棄利,盜賊無有。此三言也,以為文未足。故令之有所屬:見素抱□□□□□。

    《馬王堆·老子乙道經》: 絕聖棄知,而民利百倍;絕仁棄義,而民復孝茲;絕巧棄利,盜賊無有。此三言也,以為文未足。故令之有所屬:見素抱樸,少□而寡欲。


    此三者,以為文不足,These three tactics make up for insufficiency of culture

    故令有所屬。Therefore to make your vassals obedient

    見素抱樸,少私寡欲。Observe your own simplicity, lessen your desires.

  13. 道德經46















    The idea is that when everything 僉that could have been desired and obtained IS obtained, then there is no other way further but downhill. Therefore:

    A. that eventuality is the moment of greatest, inevitable danger.

    B. One should stop before that point of no return is reached, that’s how one knows when to stop – before sufficiency is reached.

    C. If stopping BEFORE sufficiency (obtaining everything obtainable) is optimal, then it follows that one should be ALWAYS in a stopping mode. (pun: sufficiency=stopping).

  14. The variations of the first char. in diff. copies




    are 有,所 , 乎



    to me that char. looks a lot more like suo than hu






    a variation of the above.



    As to the second char., this being a complicated char. on a meager bamboo slip, the scribe simplified it to the fullest retaining only the 2 base elements and discarding the top completely.




    Note the retained middle roundel and the supporting vertical strokes.

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    If you know where the dantien really is and how it is really created - then why not share it?


    If you have knowledge that some people do not possess regarding the functions and workings of Yuan Qi in the development of Dan - then why not share it?


    If you know what is beyond the usual energy body, then why not share?



    "If" seems to be the operative word here;)