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About maki

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  1. Types of breathing

    I have the first book, I got it yesterday, and for the 2nd I will look today. Thank You. That means that the breathing with heels is actualy sending the breath tho the lower dan tien?
  2. Types of breathing

    I don't have any experience with the embryonic and whole body breathing, but I heard that those 2 types are really special. So, I wanted to learn something about that.
  3. Types of breathing

    steve what is the difference between the embryonic breathing and turtle breathing? and what is crane breathing?
  4. Types of breathing

    Ok, thanks for the advices. Is it true that you don't need reverse and normal breathing after you start to train the turtle (embryonic) breathing? dawei, I have read that link before. It is really interesting. But thanks for the link. I'll look that site once again. Bearded Dragon, I was asking how to practice the heel breathing because I have read few times how to practice that and every time it was a different explanation.
  5. Types of breathing

    I'm trying to find another method of breathing, but it's hard. I want to find the original type of breathing from the heels. I guess that You really have a lot of experience.
  6. Types of breathing

    I meant more linear. Like, You inhale, the breath goes first to the heels, and then you move it through to the brain etc. But you don't exhale until the breath didn't pass all the places in the body. I didn't mean that that is wrong, I meant that I think that there's another way to do it. But maybe I'm wrong. Where did You learn that type of breathing? You learned it from te Taoist Yoga book? I heard that all high level practitioners use breathing from the heels.
  7. Types of breathing

    Thank You a lot. I'm not sure is that the heel breathing that I'm searching for. How i heard, when you do the heel breathing, the breathe goes through the whole body. You don't take it first to the brain, then to the base of the penis, then exale and continue. But maybe I have misunderstood something. From where did You find that type of breathing?
  8. Types of breathing

    Hi, does anybody know how to do the breathing from heels and turtle breathing? Any information is welcome.
  9. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    I think he didn't do that because he killed a lot of people, he just wanted to heal those people. I mean, if you would have those abilities, wouldn't you use them for healing people?
  10. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    Nobody wrote on the internet that he's level 72. It was an text about some older mo pai practitioners. Your chakras open when you fill them with energy. I have read somewhere that mo pai just opens all the chakras. And the only level that we know that fuses yin and yang energy is level 4.
  11. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    On a way it can be useful. So we can reach the same thing as people on level 72 in mo pai with other exercises
  12. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    Of course he won't. I have just said that i read that, not that it is true. That's why I asked this questions here.
  13. soaring crane thanks for the recommendation, I will look for that book. Seeker of the Tao thanks for the explanation. I have read stuff about that a year ago, and forgotten some important facts. I guess that deities can be both good and bad, depends about the deity. Bagua and Isimsiz I guess that you both were right.
  14. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    No it's not from Costas books. I have read that somewhere on the internet. I think that I found on this forum somewhere that a person succeeded to achieve level 72, without really training mo pai.
  15. Thank You but I have read that. Here's written that they can interact positively or negatively. Not just positively or negatively. That's why am I asking. Isimsiz says it will be a negative spirit, and You Bagua say it will be a positive spirit.