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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Nah ... sorry, I am way to scared to peek ... scared shitless ... quakin in me boots . Errmmm ... you arent supposed to claim a bongo until after the other person ..... Oh allright ! I will play a along. ME ? ? ? Scared ? ? ? Why you little ..... just you wait till I let go of this mat ! Thats the shot ... always be jovial and make women laugh, if a man is light hearted and happy it feels there is less chance he may go violent and beat her - sorry, - sad but true . Why be on guard in the first place? Be happy, relaxed, warm friendly and exude an air of total but subtle confidence. Pffft ..... dude ! I just merely posted a pic of an Aphrodite altar in you thread, now look what has happened ! I tiod you to get out there and she would show up ! Of course not ! There is always Granny .... Now ... the next part is to somehow initiate the next contact ( which you should have got at that first meeting Without coming off like a stalker or creepy or something. Use what you have learnt to initiate another 'coincidental' meeting. See .... I dont even have to look at your OK profile .... because that isnt gonna get you a date (but what you learn from that process and this one ... from your 'electronic wing men {and woman} ' will translate to helping you when do meet one .
  2. Watching The Birds

    Better than the one species ! The currawong took a ferocious hit in the middle of breakfast , he was pecking up a cracker and this little black and white flash came in at from low altitude, (Butcher Bird), hit him right in the side of the head, he went down and took a roll. Got up and stood there frozen. I even thought I was going to be able to pick him up, but he ran off and hid under a bush for about half and hour. Some business to do with eggs or nest raiding I assume.
  3. The Cool Picture Thread

    How to look 'cool' at the beach
  4. Strategic Sorcery Course

    I have to disagree totally about ties though ! How does a man know how close to happiness he is? Get all your ties and lay them on the ground end to end, Now stand at one end. The other end is how far from happiness you are.
  5. I just did a quick check, it is when the Moon crosses the ecliptic that is a bad agricultural day, so Moon's Nodes are the days of not doing any agriculture; " The Moon while crossing in front of the Sun will negate the Sun's beneficient influence for this brief period. This negative influence works into soil being freshly cultivated at the time of the node. Therefore biodynamic farmers do not cultivate the soil, sow any seeds, transplant, prune trees or shrubs, or do any other agricultural or horticultural work on the Node Day. The effect is similar to that of an eclipse of the Sun by the Moon. " ... " Activities Connected with the Moon Nodes 1. AVOID any agricultural or horticultural work during this time . "
  6. Oh, I left this out in my response and you asked about it
  7. " I figured that Nungali and Michael Sternbach would weigh in here and overload your mental circuits " Really ? Perhaps what is meant that is if we try to understand something that is based on principles other than what our understanding is based on, and use that to try and understand the dynamics of astrology and other 'old' arts and /or 'sciences' .... its a bit apples and oranges. The old model saw earth at the centre of the Sphere of The Moon , and the Moon at the centre of the next sphere, then inside the Sun and so on, out into the cosmos, and ultimately God (or some such principle), no 'escape' at all. No question of the yolk not being influenced by the white and the shell. Nowadays .... Saturn is waaaay out there, across a vast expanse of near nothingness, with the only connection being reflected light, some feeble radio noise, and a gravitational influence on celestial mechanics. How on earth could it influence people?
  8. Some of these other cycles are quiet old, in some S.E. Asian agriculture there are 'bad moon' days when no agricultural work is done at all. (I think it is when the Moon crosses the Celestial Equator - I am a bit rusty on all this, its been some time since I was 'into it' - for the job I was doing years back ). I tracked those days on the calendar , a few times international disasters happened on those days - coincidence ? In any case, I could never figure the 'location' aspect . Often it is a combo of Sun and Moon cycles - as a good fisherman will know " We can distinguish two types of solunar periods: Major periods: have approximately 2 hours duration although on certain occasions they may exceed 3 hours. They begin the moment of the lunar transit (when the moon is overhead) and the opposing lunar transit (when the moon is under our feet). Normally these are the moments of greatest fish activity during each day. The most fervent supporters of this theory state that there is not one species of sport fish that cannot be found eating during a major Solunar Period. Minor periods: are intermediate periods of lesser duration (approximately 1 hour) which coincide with the rising and the setting of the moon. During these periods there is also an increase in fish activity in relation to the rest of the day." I think it is based on the idea (I will try to be 'simple' here) that Saturn is the receptor of 'cosmic forces' and these are received by the Moon that cyclically regulates the energy and distributes it to the Earth. In a Saturn Moon Opposition the earth sits between these two and becomes more of a receiver for 'archetypal' energy (to do with flower, fruit and seed formation - so when one uses a preparation, fertiliser ( P or K based ) or process to do with this cycle or function ) that would be the best time to do it as opposed to ' natural' or 'rampant' growth, regulated by Moon and related more to water and moisture, when different treatments and fertilizer are used ( N based) . I cant see 'modern physical forces' such as gravity having an influence with Saturn ... but then again, our understanding of 'gravity' may be lacking ? All animals have a similar cycle, what is interesting is that the four 'stations of the Moon' regulate a lot of it . But again that goes in variant cycles .... sometimes a 'quiet period' can last a long time . I have been making interesting observations in my fish tanks and ponds with this, (once I got rid of the goldfish , they never seem to stop going manic, and only have types of catfish. Some times they cant seem to stop eating, other times they have no interest in it at all.
  9. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Struth! Now I am imagining what my honest profile would be ! 'Likes gardening naked,and getting covered with dirt and mud ... may disappear occasionally for days on end and come back covered in soot, grime and kangaroo fat ... " Agreed! Change it to .... woman of all nationalities accepted. "Must hold first-aid certificate."
  10. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Dont take Nungali too seriously ... he is full of crap a lot of the time
  11. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    yeah ... I thought having fun was actually the whole idea behind it ! Yep. Social ( and maybe family and religious ) conditioning ! As you say below .... ' Nice girls dont stop out the front of houses and talk to strange boys ! " My mother to me, at about 7 years old, when I asked why she called me inside when I was talking to the new Aboriginal girl in the street at our letterbox. Now there is a double can of worms !
  12. 混沌

    That reminded me .... eating others food. A friend of mine got banned from one of the cafes in town. A couple of times we commented how people leave so much food on their plate uneaten. One time this guy hardly touched his lunch and and gets up and walks off, so my friend thinks, what a waste, and goes over there and sits down and starts eating it, Then the guy comes back from the toilet .
  13. 混沌

    glad you added the bracketed comment
  14. Watching The Birds

    @ 3.14
  15. Watching The Birds

    Currawongs eat tofu . Blackie, my feral pet one, usually comes for breakfast. I put some tofu on his plate rock and he gives me the weirdest look. Then pecks it, pecks it some more more, eats a bit and then gathers it all up in his beak and flys off with it - good enough to take home. I get these little micro-bats here, a clutch ( ? ... a nestle of bats ? ... a coffin {'coven' } of bats ? ) lived in the wall for a while. Sometimes they fly around inside a bit, and at times land on the central pole in the cabin, if you are really slow and gentle you can pat them with the tip of the finger Here is a baby flying fox bat ... just for fun.
  16. Joseph Campbell experts please?

    My view is that they are all a metaphorical or symbolic language way of looking at things ( or 'reality') ... why should the modern scientific way of looking at things be considered the sole model for defining reality? Other culture take their 'myths' seriously' ( literally) and so do many with 'science'. Until it gets real deep in there, or real far out there, then the quantum world of slot experiments, postulated black holes and all the rest seems a different world - or at least a different view or set of 'physical rules'. The thing is 'science' is a great view for the intellect and mentation and physical accomplishments ... part of (or one view of) 'reality'. Mythological dynamics seem a great view and way to approach the imaginative and emotive world of the psyche / soul . Why should that view or side of 'reality' not be 'real' ... I feel it is real , in its world, just as physical science is real in its world and quantum physics may be 'real' in the sub-atomic world. I have met people that are dualistically in 'either camp' (science or a more 'fantasy world') but the problematic issues seems to be for both sides, they take it 'literally'. I see great value in myths as models of the 'human adventure' and hence, very valuable parts of our reality, but I have no need to accept them literally, nor except that science is the be all or end all of what we need to know. I dont think we can actually model our 'reality' ....all views are but interpretations, the closest we can get is to incorporate as many views and facets as we can and try to develop a bigger picture (or understand something 7 ways - as the Sufis say ) . Spiritual authority ? Hmmm ... he may have been a religious authority, to some extent, as Cultural Anthropologists are ( or should be) , no, I would not call him a spiritual authority ... but then again, he knows a bit about the role of the Shaman and Priest. I often just assume that people have come to the same conclusions as me ... I have supposed that Campbell and many others have had this'multiple reality' view .... I mean, isnt it a crucial central view of many systems ? The elephant in the dark room and all that ! But I cant remember Campbell espousing that view. Maybe he did - maybe he said that science was just another model ... or way of looking at things.
  17. 混沌

    Well Marblehead, all I can say is, if we were ever in army together we would get along ... as my profession is a caterer .... and you seem happy to eat whatever I can 'serve up' ( I dont suppose the army was where you developed your palette .... hmmmm ? )
  18. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    There is a dating site advert on TV here; the woman goes to meet the guy and he is weirdosville . Next she is using the options for the new great site offered (which seems geared towards finding a partner). She is shown selecting from a range of answers ( very important , through to not important at all) and selecting in the 'How important is friendship to you .... ' and she selects middle range'. What ? Friendship isn't that important for a date or relationship ? ... then there would be the issue of me filing out a multiple choice questionnaire .... Here is the worst line that I ever used at a party ( deliberately - I had invaded a private space next to the punch bowl where two heavily made up bunnies have planted themselves in apparent frowning disdain of the company and the 'goings on' at the party ) . Me: " Blah blah blah ." Woman 1 ; " Ohh ? .... ... and what do you do ? " Me; " Me ? I am a professional male model ! " W 1; " What ? ? ? YOU ? ... What sort of model ? " Me; " You know how they have those inflatable women sex dolls? Well, they wanted to make a male version and needed the perfect body, so they used mine for the mold ." ......... ....... ... then they put their drinks down and left ... I actually think they thought I was trying to be serious ! Best line ? from a woman ( lets get a bit different ) At a nurses party, the gorgeous Welsh one I liked id sitting on a chair, in a low cut dress and her friend pushed me at her while she hooks her foot in front of mine. All I could do was fly headlong into her, spread my arms and hit the wall either side of her head and end up learning over her. I regrouped and turned to her friend "You're crazy ! Do you realise where I could have ended up ?" Welsh girl sticks her chest out ; "In heaven darlin' ... in heaven ! " - ( guess I should tell you what happened;her naughty friend got really drunk, needed a lift back to the Nurse's home. Insisted we stop on the way so she could get a hamburger (most of which I found in my car the next morning .... floor ... seat cracks .... sauce on seat cover ... ) , then spewed out the window and then passed out, and I had smuggle her to her to her room (men were supposed to be banned from all but the ground floor .... but we had sentries on the fire escapes ), put her to bed and set her alarm for her morning shift. .... then I went to my room and went to sleep ... all good clean fun ( except for the car)
  19. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    I would not go near a dating site ! No thanks ! I recommend making a special 'little garden' instead ... make sure you give fresh water. flowers and nice offerings there.
  20. Oh for joy ... someone finally stated the opposite for you lot !
  21. I have a lot of Cancerian / Moon energy in my chart and moon cycles are indeed interesting ( and I also show some physical signs of change at times ! ) but I have also found that, with myself, and working with nature ( agriculture and animal husbandry) that other cycles of the Moon seem to have more significance .... that is why (when they correlate with the 'Moon Phase' ) sometimes they seem associated to that phase ... but then it goes ' out of sync' . The most influential 6 Lunar cycles seem to be ; New / Full Moon - 29.5 days Perigee / apogee - 27.5 Moon opposition Saturn - 27.3 Asc /Dsc Moon - 27.3 Moon in Zodiac sign - 27.3 Moon's Nodes - 27.2 Here is an example of the influence of Moon in animal husbandry ; (hit the link on that page to 'cow cudding times'
  22. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    What a great post ! I find it really interesting when a woman shares her intelligent observations ! ( See DB it's all in the wording ... and I managed to flatter myself as well )
  23. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    ... a woman said I know what I am talking about ! And I was talking about women !!! < rushes to blue eyed snakes profile to check out who the hell this enlightened woman is > .... Ahhh ... she's Dutch ! That explains it .... I have had successful relationships with Dutch women. ( Aussie women can be quiet hung up ! ) yes, I was going to mention this. My boss had endless women trouble and lamented that he couldnt find a partner for a relationship. Eventually ... Me: "Are you sure it IS a relationship and long term commitment you want. A lot of the time it doesnt sound like that. It sounds like you want to have a bit of fun, recreation and sex, and then not be bothered with the rest of it because of work and your own family and your need to go and have your own fun as well ?" Him: " Yeah well, I cant just expect a woman to go along with that , woman want ..... ( blah blah ) " Me; " No ... not all women, why cant woman be allowed to seek that if that is what they want. If you are honest with yourself and put out for that, you may well get it, you shouldnt put out for and try to attract what you think you should want - you are all messed up with moral coding , your family expecting you to be married, etc. There are women out there like that ... and there is nothing wrong with that. A few of my female friends think the same way ." A couple of weeks later, he rushes up to me at work " I got one ! " Great approach ! I used to live for a while in a Nurse's residence attached to a Hospital ( with pool area, gym, squash courts, 15 mins from pristine beach ) ... that was the best approach .... even better, it would be "Can I bring some friends ? " Wahoo ! A great night out ( but that was with the import Nurse's from Europe, UK and Ireland ( lovely girls! They would buy me pints ) ... if I asked the Aussie nurses that they would go ; "No thankyou ! If I am going out to dinner, I will go with my boy friend ! " ..... I have been trying to encourage him to do that for some time ! Even to the extent of running into a tornado ! They made a movie in my town about a guy that one day tied some hot air balloons to an armchair, and floated off, to land in my local town. Maybe that ? Better check the wind direction first ( que music ;
  24. DreamBliss gears up for dating... HELP!

    Yeah but .....
  25. Watching The Birds

    Ah , what the heck ... I will stick this here as well