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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Thats right ... to paraphrase Einstein - he believes " God does not play dice with the Universe . ' and to further paraphrase him " God does not use telepathy with the Universe ."
  2. The HOW and WHY of it all

    Perhaps they do ... are you familiar with this lady ? I dont think it is banishing the question ... it is giving insight into the context in which the question is posed, which is an important realisation - if you can get it .
  3. The HOW and WHY of it all

    You have to ask Slarty Bartfast about that one Yes. I can explain what air is .... but if you keep asking deeper and penetrating questions about my 'knowledge' of air , we will get to a place where eventually I will have to confess 'I dont know' - what is a 'particle' without mass? or a 'charge' ? ... or light even .... how does gravity 'work' ... blah blah blah ( couldnt be bothered using all the technical terms ) . YES! Even though we may not understand the indepth 'why' we can learn to operate and navigate through it all . Ummm .... sure , why not The how and not the why . It a bit like my approach to magic ..... if I 'for example' invoke a spirit to assist me to get something done ... and it gets done remarkably well and in short time , I dont bother with the 'was it a spirit or unconscious reinforcement that released my inner potential ' ? - issue . It doesnt matter , IMO its the result that mattered . Perceptions are just different ways of looking at things , methods (ways) that seem valid at the moment ... might just be 'fashion' ?
  4. After your above 'self immolation ' why would anyone believe anything you wrote ?
  5. I think you missed 'something' in your eagerness to believe yourself and laugh at others ..... Yep he said the idea that God uses telepathy is something he cant believe for a moment . Now. lets look at what you claimed he said ; " Report post Posted Monday at 08:00 AM Spooky Action at a Distance through Telepathic Methods - to quote Einstein....
  6. No ... a simple ' see @ 0:00 unless you want to continue laughing at my stupidity for not watching all these hour long vids you are putting up.
  7. Roderich Tumulka, 2017 O.K. I'll watch that Maudlin vid and get you the exact Einstein quote on telepathic means. The usual fluster .... colours ... large print , reference to hour long vids with no time specifics of where in the vid the info is . In other words .... you cant cough up can ya ! ? Just another load of
  8. Thanks for that . I note Mr E went to one seance , that failed and had no result ( with the old ; "here are unbelievers present " scam ) and he noted from other claims of 'research' results ; " This suggests to me a very strong indication that a non-recognised source of systematic errors may have been involved, "
  9. what exactly is "God"?

    Perhaps you could enlighten me with your own misunderstandings about it ? در راه طلب عاقل و دیوانه یکی است
  10. I guess you are not familiar with VYY ? But its good you can still keep to the central claim ... and just hop over that pile of red herrings that got dumped on the path
  11. "Cosmos and Consciousness," in Science and Consciousness: Two Views of the Universe, 1980. So Einstein didnt say it all , you added it because another researcher suggested something, and someone related to him as 'protege' used the term telepathy (which 'frightened ' ) Einstein and so you mashed it all together and claimed Einstein said it . if Einstein said it was about telepathy and any other parapsychology .... just put the quote here straight from Einstein . I would love to see it
  12. Ah yes .... the addition of the 'through telepathic methods' addition scam and claiming that was from Einstein as well threw me off
  13. Who was born today 129 years ago

    Dastardly on one side . Do-right on the other
  14. what exactly is "God"?

    Nuit ; Hadit ..... RaHoorKhuit
  15. what exactly is "God"?

    That God is nowhere else other than as conceived or held by the projections of men . OR God created Man ... but Man also created God . Or 'God' is the deified projection of the local socio-cultural collective superego of mores and taboos. Or God is a love affair you have with your own higher aspects . Or .... Sufism has to be understood as a 'Bhakti approach'
  16. Zoroastrianism

    If you can tell me reference so I can read it I might be able to tell more . or quote the passage here . Its a concept I am not otherwise (than what I wrote above ) familiar with . Pahlarvi is a language, dynasty , script, type of recension of a collection of Zoroastrian books . It represents 'one school of ' (sorta ) Zoroastrian beliefs.
  17. Zoroastrianism

    It seems obvious ...... 'naturally' there is no good or bad or 'evil' there is only what we see as good or beneficial to us personally and within our own our socio-cultural system. This is clear in such books as the Zoroastrian Vendidad where different countries are listed along with their good and beneficial qualities and their 'evil' ones like ; a land of storms and floods, or a land with many biting insects , or snakes, etc . Anything that threatened the good order of their particular society and what they held sacred . As was the case in the ancient world such forces and many others were personified ... in this case as attributes of 'Ahriman' . Like ..... Ahura Mazda comes along and makes a beautiful country with green grass, fresh streams and dots it with cattle . Then Ahriman comes along after him and drops nasty slimy mud dwelling fish in the water, and sprinkles the grass with cattle diseases . ... thats the sort of 'fairy tale' version . (This is common with many belief systems, there is a simplistic level for the masses and children etc . and more complex and revealing ones for those with the capacity. This is even evident in Australian Aboriginal teachings ... most of what white people get here is the kindergarten level . People that show wisdom development and understanding are given the higher or more complex meanings, and initiates, higher still .
  18. Zoroastrianism

    What's the source? It sounds like an early version of what I posted above about how some see the elements . The modern classification is crust mantle core ..... did they have a core concept ?
  19. Zoroastrianism

    Dualism seemed to come and go through various stages of Zoroastrian development and interpretation . I read an interesting linguistic paper looking at some Avestan terms from the Gathas where it was claimed that such dualism was inserted via western interpretations and understandings. The stronger dualism seems to come from a latter time. The early dualism seems to relate to a human propensity of the 'mind' ... to go or do good or bad . . . . or , more precisely , to develop as Vohu or Angra (see how quickly we can slip into using our own words and concepts when we translate ! )
  20. Zoroastrianism

    The word magic itself comes from Magi - a type of Zoroastrian priest / class / tribe . See the above post with the comments about Hermetics. Hermetics gave birth to one type of 'magic' . A mantra or a prayer is also a type of magic - invocation . What we call magic I think Zoroastrians certainly believed in, But they may have not seen it the way we do . Before the 14 c in Europe (and still today in many places ) people had a type of 'non-dual' awareness; there was no distinction between 'reality' the 'material world' , 'magic' , the 'Gods' , etc . Most ancient languages dont actually have a word for 'religion' as we understand it , the words they use often mean 'law' . It isnt 'religion' or 'magic' as such ... its just the way things were .... or maybe even they saw it as we see science. Again ZHI ;
  21. Zoroastrianism

    Mostly because they had an old tradition, were invaded by another culture and suffered dispersal. They realised astronomical precession fairly early in their history (comparatively) . Each of the calendars still has some modern significance for them with special dates, seasons, festivities, etc . and there were updates as more knowledge came to them . There have been attempts at unification. For an overview (There is a similar thing in Vedanta , the original festivities and seasons got 'out of sync' due to precession as they are both such old systems, and new systems had to be developed.) People will find all sorts of things to fight over when religion is involved ... even a calendar ! " We record the kabisa controversy with a sad heart. Starting in the 1700s, the Zoroastrians of Surat engaged themselves in a dispute that has since divided the entire community - a division that was and is entirely unnecessary. Compounding this unnecessary division is the realization that both sides to the dispute were fighting over two errors - it was an absurd case of whose mistake was more sacred. "
  22. Zoroastrianism

    OR air is first . fire and water are the obvious opposites, so a base line is constructed ; fire ---------------- water . Air is the obvious mediator ; Air Fire Water All forces ( in their 'ideal state' ) are in a triangular relationship . Air is the obvious mediator . Out of this triangle of the 'ideal' , the 'real' is formed and projected as a 4th state ; 'earth' *. Now we have a four fold elemental arrangement that is projected through 'matter' ... on this level fire is first ; fire water air earth . The glyph for this process is the triangle with a cross beneath it . Or , if you like physics ; EMF SF WF | -- G -- | * But still, this arrangement is based on an 'old school' hermetic concept ; the earth seemed at the bottom or below everything, water lay upon the earth and the air was above both, fire rose up through the air - it was a type of 'specific gravity' arrangement, Wheeeeee !