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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. In black magic

    I remember that book from a loooong time ago . 'Lovely' chap Although the allegations of him about being a serial rapist may be slander, he himself admitted in his autobiography, The Invisible Writing, to having denounced Nadezhda Smirnova, with whom he was having a relationship, to the Soviet secret police. Thats a considerate lover for ya ! Jewish by birth, but not by practice . he didnt seem to want Jews or Jewish culture to be anywhere but in Israel ; In an interview published in the (London) Jewish Chronicle in 1950 he argued that Jews should either emigrate to Israel or assimilate completely into the majority cultures they lived in .
  2. What are you listening to?

    On another musical note , I am still working every day on our festival site for the upcoming 3 day event . Its all starting to look familiar like it did in the old days when we had one nearly ever year. Got nearly all the grass cut and the main area looking nice and green in front of the stage and market place. A lot of building and carpentry gt oing on. I am still skinning the frame work of the toilet blocks and showers in bamboo. There are several huge trees scattered about and occasional clumping bamboo groves , a huge running grove of bamboo along the river front. The stage is set back on the south side facing the river on the north side, then it goes up an escarpment to cliffs and waterfalls ..amazing acoustics ! Was playing some of the above there yesterday when working - awesome ! Might take this opportunity for another plug
  3. What are you listening to?

    a lovely voice from 50:00
  4. What are you listening to?

    last track particularly good !
  5. In black magic

    The basics of magic are the same as the basics of science , its just that a particular limited view of how nature worked (back in the past ) became attached to those basics, instead if people seeing how they applied to the new science , as the new science shattered the old limited view. Also a few other things came in, like people thinking science was not quiet the study of 'nature' and learned from 'natural processes' , of course it is ... and does. Gravity, sub atomic interactions, formations of solar systems and herbal medicines are all part of 'nature' .
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

    Well, if that cat is alive ... what keeps the cats head warm .... thats so cruel for cats .... wait up , this ? Cruel .... for cats .
  7. In black magic

    Huh ? Magic works fine for me and I know exactly what is happening . But then again, it depends on one's definition of magic ..... doesn't it ? Hmmmm ...... I've seen it work on someone who had no idea what was afoot . I suppose it could be put down to 'coincidence' ( the best perceived result a black magician can expect .... if they were silly enough to give away what they were up to ... but then again, there is that definition thingo ... this time complicated by the potential meaning of 'black' . Its relative ..... what may be magic for for me, might not fit your definition or visa versa I always liked this one ; "Magic is the Highest, most Absolute, and most Divine Knowledge of Natural Philosophy, advanced in its works and wonderful operations by a right understanding of the inward and occult virtue of things; so that true Agents being applied to proper Patients, strange and admirable effects will thereby be produced. Whence magicians are profound and diligent searchers into Nature; they, because of their skill, know how to anticipate an effect, the which to the vulgar shall seem to be a miracle." The Goetia of the Lemegeton of King Solomon. And going along with this , the '4th theorem' ; " The first requisite for causing any change is thorough qualitative and quantitative understanding of the conditions. " Understanding the 23rd theorem seems essential; " Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one's conditions "
  8. The Cool Picture Thread

    for a moment there I thought ...... he was wearing a catskin hat .
  9. The Cool Picture Thread

    Okay, how was that done fast enough so it didnt go brown ?
  10. In black magic

    Great stuff ! I loved the way it slowly built up to a crescendo of crankiness and rousing If you want to know the real secret of the Philosopher's Stone ... I highly recommend this book ; If you want to experience the Philosopher's Stone yourself , I recommend this
  11. need healthy criticism

    It sounded like the inside of my head when I had too many Avil tablets ... unpleasant and i wish it would go away . Fortunately, unlike the avil tablets, I could just turn it off. The picture looks like its made up of small cylindrical beads strung horizontally , reminds me of one of those 'bead curtains'; I actually dont mind it, as I like those colours, I would like it better as an abstract , without the suggestion of images. To me it looks like two images on a screen that were put through some type of 'art effect' program . In short , neither seem human or creative, more like someone playing with the buttons.
  12. Blood type and personalty

    I would suggest you don't try to make your particular type of ' sense ' out of genetic information .... its far too complex for you .
  13. Blood type and personalty

    Indeed ! An another corny name change as well ... sounds like something a teenage goth would come up with ..... Menes - first Pharaoh of Egypt .
  14. In black magic

    Put chicken soup on the stove and make it warm ... then PM get better
  15. In black magic

    No ... that cant be it, because the oven was off . or maybe its a type of reverse thingo ..... if the oven was on PM gets a cold ? I'm not going to do any analysis of the Jimi Live 69 though !
  16. Blood type and personalty

    'Modern humans ' eh ? or did you mean AMH ? otherwise , this could go to ..... 'undesirable' destinations .....
  17. Blood type and personalty

    Dont B negative
  18. When a war game gets out of control

    Oneone was a racehorse Twotwo was one too Oneone won a race one day and 2 2 1 1 2 !
  19. Blood type and personalty

    I think it is better to b positive .
  20. What happens to suicides

    All of us ? Nah ..... only the rich and the 'extremely in debt' .
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Well .... I couldnt resist it , could I ; a group of women talking about coffee ; W1; "Oh I am hopeless in the morning before I have had coffee, cant do anything ! " W2; " I am worse ! I cant even talk or get my pants on before I have a coffee ." Me ; "Well, as you know, I have had lots of girl friends . " W2; " So ? " Me; " I never found the need for them to be able to accomplish either of those things ."
  22. Telekinesis

    I'll stay here thanks - pretty happy to be 'left behind' (Hint ... when you already in the Promised Land , best not to tell anyone about it ) Promised Land from 3:10