
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. I love Tacos

    Certainly ! I used to work on a catering crew, one of the chefs was Mexican, from a coastal area. His recipes were simple , light, fresh a lot of seafood , but ver good ! And very different from what sells in most Mexican restaurants here .
  2. I love Tacos

    and money ... my neighbour put in 'normal toilet' ... septic tank , piping etc ...... thousands of $$$$$$ I made my own dry composting toilet for around $40 . And you get compost . So far I have emptied two barrels of it ( about 6 years worth ) on a little collection of rainforest trees in the garden .
  3. I love Tacos

    Oooooo, some interesting geology there ! ( I am a geology fan ) Lots of silver and .......................... topaz ................................................. Calcite .......................... Atacamite-Boleite-Malachite and some impressive architecture in the city and archaeology ... love it ! and natural swimming pools ! and real estate available .... Momax Zacatecas, Mexico acreage There are cabins in front of the property that is separated by a natural hot spring. Excellent for turisim or water business. A little under two Acreages. Own hot springs !
  4. I love Tacos

    Typical Americans ! There was an international taco day but they had to make a national taco day and change the date . No wonder the country is going down the drain ! .... I mean , the flush toilet !
  5. I love Tacos

    I am jealous, food here is pretty boring , being away from big multicultural city , like Sydney (many different cultures and food there ) One of these just opened in the little city near here ; cant say I was impressed ..... pretty crappy actually . What sort of place has a bar in a drive through restaurant ? Seemed like a McMexican ' s
  6. I love Tacos

    Whereabouts ? (just the area , not your address )
  7. I love Tacos

    Oh no ! Its one of those crazy civilised toilets where you deficate into perfectly good water . And then it goes off and treated with chemicals , and dumped in the ocean or something , How primitive ! Water toilet is sooo primitive .... so polluting .... so upsetting ... that I think i need a drink ..... and some tacos .
  8. Well, its pretty close to Brú na Bóinne ;
  9. I love Tacos

    ..... Oh, and something to wash it down with
  10. I love Tacos

    Stayed at my sisters in a far away touro town , Mexican around the corner ... tacos galore, all types ! Is there an 'international taco day ' ?
  11. Not my place.

    Sometimes life is just about having fun
  12. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    I have long ships about it
  13. The Devil Finds Work For Idle Hands

    Well ... there is also sport, hobbies, family, intellectual pursuits, study, research, improving your education, charity work ..... There is more to life than working and jacking off all day ..... even if you have a crap job . I used to look after and wash old people, change their messy beds, etc AND study anthropology, soil science, divinity and comparative religions at Uni . (Yeah, all right then, during the time I did that, I might have jacked off a few times )
  14. 'Unused' sexual energy is fed upon by demons , especially on fridays ! Its all about ..... 'down there '
  15. What energies are there?

    'astral ' ... 'without going into detail ' <sigh> .... again
  16. Like I said .... English is a bad language for this . Most of the in depth 'research' on 'psychic anatomy', the terminology and understandings, comes from Vedanta, Buddhism, Daoism.
  17. Hmmm ... I think we got a crossed wire . I asked you a question and got a lot of questions back , I guess the point got lost - I WAS commenting on the uselessness of such terms without clear definitions ...... whatever. 'Qi' is something different and not always part of a cultures 'psychic anatomy' scheme. But , generally, Qi - the 'life force and relating to 'air' and breath , in Greek that would be 'pneuma ' ('spirit' or 'soul' ), in Kabbalah 'Ruach' in Egyptian it is trickier and spans a few concepts , one is magical power that imbues anything , some see the 'shm' as the living force or life-force of the soul , in Zoroastrianism I am not familiar with a term that equates to 'animating life force', that probably comes through 'Urvan' ( 'soul') , yet practices to develop 'chi' (aligning breath, movement and exercise for awareness ) could be found in their health practices.
  18. Or it becomes a general term that no one really understands but uses it anyway, and everyone nods in agreement like they know what is being talked about . I hit this big time when I worked in bio-dynamic agriculture . How does it work ? It 'balances the 'astral energies' , my boss said . yet he could not explain what astral was and got defensive ! Steiner writes stuff ( and I read his whole book on agriculture, no one else at work, including boss did ! he says things like ;' the farm is an entity with its head in the ground and its stomach in the air ' . I could eventually make sense of that, yes, its a great and helpful description, 'in the field' and when you understand the system in depth. But he also says birds are good to have as they create streams of astral energy when they fly , from one place to another . ...... and bats trail bad energy ...... < ahem ! > . I never found one BDer that could explain what their own terms meant . I often use the term 'psychic anatomy' , which is also misleading due to the psychic word . What it is referring to is the psyche and different aspects of it , but not any 'anatomy of a body' .
  19. I neglected to tag the quoting - wiki article on 'astral ' . The reason I let Wiki explain that particular part is because if I state things peeps often go "what would you know ! " Theosophy does explain it badly, for an in depth study I recommend Vedanta . I am not familiar with the Daoist concepts of it . But then, new terms and understandings need to be found . Part of the problem is English language - we just dont have the terms for in depth spirituality, or even psychology , thats why English borrows so many esoteric terms from other languages. ( English is however, a good language for commerce ) Is this the Daoist process of evocation ? I am still unclear what you mean about 'starting on the mental plane ' . Would not that be an internal process ? If so, that makes it very different from the western system which is most definitely supposed to be done externally ; ie, you are in the circle, the evoked spirit is outside the circle and in the triangle . Unless you are talking about some type of 'collective mental plane ' and not one's own personal one ? Do you mean ' visualise the ceremony or ritual' ? Also , considering 'other traditions' there are concepts like Akh, Ba, Ka , etc of the ancient Egyptians And mainyu, urvan, fraveshi, khvarana, etc of Zoroastrianism ( my preferred system as it seems the origin of much of the deeper more modern western magical concepts ) . But they all seem slightly different due to different cultural understandings. When one studies that ( the cultural differences via cultural anthropology, for example) one can distil certain essences that are similar and construct a system which seems most common .
  20. Yeah ! And such methods can effect how the physical body operates . For example , I learnt a LOT about how the martial arts forms ( 'sets') I have been studying ( 21 empty handed and 14 with various weapons and multiples of each moves application within each set) by practising them each night before I went to sleep by 'imagining' I had projected out of my physical body that lay on the bed and practised against another projection of myself . It worked really well as a memory aid and also revealed new and interesting applications which I would then try out on others physically at training. People would wonder how I learnt and retained so much and also where all this new stuff was coming from. teacher accused me of having another secret teacher ! One day I said to them ; "Dont you guys train in your imagination for kata and against others . " and I got And teacher said " Thats how I learnt all these katas, I would go over them in my mind and imagine myself ding them . " And he does know an awful lot of katas and bunkai ..... as that is what he practices, but he only does it by 'himself' , as a kata. hence he never comes up with new bunkai or variations and was mystified as to how I got mine . . . . . but he is only doing a 'solo visualisation' . Also, for want of better terms , he might be 'training' on the 'mental and physical' planes but not ....... wait for it ..... 'training on the astral ' .