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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. yes, my body feels pretty physical You know what Mullah Nasrudin says about that ; A philosopher approached Nasrudin and said " The body is not real, it is an illusion. " So Nasrudin punched him in the nose ,
  2. What the **** just happened ... I hit post and ^
  3. Marbles ! You seem so sure about it . I am not . But thanks for the advice - its good advice . I already do make the best of it and I live as if I only get one chance and I also live as if this one chance might end at any moment . I am good with that - I have had a great innings . Its just that I am not so absolutely sure without a doubt that I know all about this xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * But if we do run into each other 'there' ... boy will I give you stick !
  4. Yeah , I agree ... thing is if it turns out I am wrong and 'amazing things await me ' 'afterwards'. I will shrug and say "Oh well, I was wrong there, only human. Now ... where are these goodies "
  5. Great stuff. To really move towards understanding things we need multiview. The Sufis say to look at something 7 ways. I decided to use the planetary model to understand that. Look at things in comprehension of different perspectives, experience them differently . PS loved the bolded bit !
  6. Back to memory training and different ways to access memory ; It is a way of visually structuring your mind as a type of 'filing cabinet' , Camillo built his like a theatre any version will do but we need a system , a symbol system is better , looking at this we can see the 'code' Its about how we 'categorize' things so we can find them, at will, in the system. It works like an interface with the unconscious, in that , it is capable of immense calculation, sifting, filing, collating, all without us being aware of it, and in another time zone ( that is, it works 'instantaneously ' ) and hence can deliver results and information instantly . To the observer, exhibiting 'phenomenal memory'. But this is still training, the process spreads to other areas, one 'memory savant' (it may have been Causabon ) could party all night with lots of guests, drink and rant and the next day repeat the whole conversations word for word that he had with all the people there , and he could do it in reverse with each word , fluently too , supposedly . That does not surprise too much . Tesla said he could look at an equation then it would appear on a screen inside his head, then the answer would flash up and he would read that out (from his inner head screen ) and it would be the right answer OR if he wanted to understand why it was the right answer he could do it slow and all the stages of equation would flow across the screen, if he missed a bit he could run it backwards and then examine it and , " Ohhhh I see now ." and then continue to the conclusion . But he wasnt consciously working out the maths . Going back to a classification system , this is exactly how the 'magical correspondences' work . Western magic mostly used the Kabbalah for this and their letters, so they had a division of 22 'categories' . other systems have different 'base numbers', some are based on elements and planets , so 4 or 5 and 7 interplay. 12 is an interesting one that seems to relate to some simple trade divisions and 'hand counting ' or even 60 and 64 . At one stage I had to learn the magical correspondences ( they are behind such things as why Mars is associated with iron and Moon with silver, or why we have 'birth stones', etc . and most of astrology. ) . Hopeless task , I couldnt do it. Because I was trying the ways I had been taught to do things ... and for me the X times tables were bad enough ! So I tried this different way. It relates to the method of the indigenous, perhaps all over the world, in ancient times ) associating things with features in the landscape, so when you look, or look along the horizon, the knowledge ' unfolds' or travel ( walkabout , song lines, etc ) vast amounts of knowledge 'downloads' . I used to have to do this long walk along a country road at that stage, about 4 times a week, thats when I learnt it all. This is a great book all about that ; There is also a lot 'up there' to 'map on to ' ; also combines with seasonal and geographical knowledge to unfurl a whole range of things; when, where, who, can move, go, do whatever ... in the above case, when lined up a certain way 'permission is given' to gather emu eggs for food. Such things, held in memory , with 'landscape triggers' helped these people to preserve their environment in a helthy and systainable way for over 40,000 years . The other way of learning and being able to achieve things more proficiently , I talked about elsewhere ; re the 'astral' martial arts training . How to gain control of other aspects of the mind than memory ? For a start, there is yoga Others can advise you on that. But I would suggest the first step is to ascertain your own level of control first. Try this quick test. Set an alarm for 15 minutes ... only 15 minutes, no wait, that may be too much to ask nowadays lets half it , 7 mins. Have a pen or pencil and paper ready, sit comfortably with them in hand , close you eyes and visualise and think about only ' some thing' , simple, for example like an unlit white candle in a brass candle stick. Every time the images changes or you mind wanders and you think of anything else, make a mark or stroke on the paper and quickly return to holding the original image and thought . When alarm goes of, stop the meditation and now count up the marks on the paper . There is no right number here, its just a gauge for you to look at and consider. I should add that if you really want to develop 'magic power' , cultivating the power of focused attention will be essential .
  7. I have read some interesting studies on 'oral memory' , pre literate people have a phenomenal memory , sometimes over thousands of years . It is held within stories songs and chants , often keyed in to landscape features or the variations in the visible horizon from particular points. “Say I’m a man from central Australia, my father teaches me stories about my country,” Reid said. “My sister’s children, my nephews and nieces, are explicitly tasked with the kin-based responsibility for ensuring I know those stories properly. They take those responsibilities seriously. At any given point in time my father is telling the stories to me and his grandkids are checking. Three generations are hearing the story at once … that’s a kind of scaffolding that can keep stories true. “When you have three generations constantly in the know, and tasked with checking as a cultural responsibility, that creates the kind of mechanism that could explain why [Indigenous Australians] seem to have done something that hasn’t been achieved elsewhere in the world: telling stories for 10,000 years.” Then, in literate societies have people like Causabon .... visitor - gotta go - more later
  8. Watching The Birds

    Moments of extreme stillness
  9. Watching The Birds

    stock. I am a 'lo-tech' ... ( no smart phone, I can barely work a laptop, I dont even know what half those buttons on my TV remote are for . Electronics often frizz out around me ) The only pics of mine posted here I had to get a friend to set up ... even he had trouble doing it ... until I left the vicinity . Even talking to me about such things may cause your electronics to fail. I dont know how this lap top has survived ... I could even be a 'security risk'
  10. Watching The Birds

    Indeed. Two serpents ; Ungud of the earth - rainbow serpent (diamond python) , creator spirit . Wallenganda of the night sky , the stars and Milky Way - progenitor, the seed of life from the stars .
  11. Anyone sharing their secret sins?

    Hmmm .... lighting a bushfire ; I might consider that a sin !
  12. Anyone sharing their secret sins?

    Some people set ladies hearts on fire . Some do it to cars ..... mhe . ( A friend bough this guy here that was looking for somewhere to stay . He had a wild look in his eyes. he had a look around and said "This place needs a good burn off. " I agreed and commented how fire can be good ... as long as it doesnt get out of control . " And he , with a now wilder look in his eye goes " Ohhhh I dont mind that at all, if it gets out of control ! " Nope , sorry, no spare room for anyone here at all !
  13. We could have an interesting conversation conversation about the development of 'magical' (high functioning ) memory. OR actual 'magical memory' , a way of accessing reincarnation or genetic 'memories' . - Sorry, again, no short cuts , no skills offered up on a plate, no waving the magic wand . work and practice - again . But eventual gained benefit ? Oh yeah !
  14. Good advice L i T . A good approach is to start on something relatively simple and achievable , when that is done we get confidence to move onwards ; walk, run, ride a bike ... look 'no hands' ... then after practice training and drilling ; Try that first off, likely you will fail and give up the whole enterprise . I do realise this method is very unpopular with the youth of today. Like; they want to learn a flying spinning roundhouse kick like they see on computer game and ask me to teach that to them. I say " First of all you need to develop balance and stability and learn some basic ..... ." " Nah ! I just go back to doing it on my video game . " - The good thing about 'magic powers; is that it is a real easy way and good short cut to achieve difficult things
  15. What do 'witches call that again ? ..... oh yeah ; 'skyclad'
  16. Used to be ... until that full moon night you went for a walk in the garden and behind the back shed ......
  17. The eyes, chi and magnetism

    Ohhh that ! I can do that . < Ahem > .... (makes another long post )
  18. The eyes, chi and magnetism

    First of all it isnt a good source ... tv and all that (not mention Stan Lee ! ) 2nd, those critters , maybe Starjumper knows , they graze yeah, do they cud ? That is essential part of this trick . More on that when I get more info . We had a vid here a while back 'amazing ! Guy stands by fence and plays 'mystic flute' all the cows come over and stand opposite him and freeze , they just stand there . Actually, if you just go and stand near the cow fence, they will do that anyway . Eventually, if you stay there and even more so if you move further away , one by one they will go down until all are 'in a trance' / 'asleep' . Wait ... this Kanazawa Sensai .... that isnt the old " Kanazawa sensai from Shotokan ? Anywayz ... we all know us Aussies hold the supreme power here !
  19. The eyes, chi and magnetism

    Indeed . I am often on about 'sword face' in training. One time, I faced off against a guy , he is always training with us and he is a mate of mine, so no stranger to it and I am ' Attack ! " and he " Ummmmm .... no . " and turned around and actually ran a few steps into the undergrowth that abuts the park ! Its that look that i encourage at the beginning of ecu no gata , a';fighting oar' form . If one thinks really strongly and assuredly and in a balanced way something like ' Now I am going to rip your head off and stick it on the end of my spear as trophy ' It can be a little .... disconcerting . Especially when there is a mob of them !
  20. The eyes, chi and magnetism

    Careful there ! Some animals like eye contact but some see it as a threat ! I dont believe Osho knew jack shit about hunting ! Here is the test ; take everything away from you so you have nothing . Just you 'as you were born ' , and get 'released' naked in the wilderness ... and by the way , we expect you back before dark with our dinner . Well, I comically failed and nearly died I now a few guys that can do it . And I know their teacher that taught them to do it . I listen to him instead of Osho thanks . Now, eye power, IMO is best practised by 'streaming ki' - in 'elemental aikido ' one of the 4 principles is 'extend ki' and that includes out through the eyes. You do that and people will notice immediately .
  21. Thats 85 Lightseeker , dont believe him ! I visted Sterney last year to witness his goetic evocation ..... ... didnt fool me a bit !
  22. Nooooo way ! I am just old and practised in some areas of the western traditions. There are some Daoist magicians here as well . I might be different in that I have studied some of the process academically via cultural anthropology, I learnt and got experience, I followed a curriculum ( gotta learn to walk before run ) , made my own 'tools' ( 'magical weapons' ) , built my own temple, made temple furnishings, regalia, kept diaries of workings etc etc . A lotta people talk , but often cant deliver the goods re practical experience. Talk but no walk. I have walked a lot and talk a lot, But there could be people right under our noses that have walked very far and dont talk at all My speciality is in the initiation tradition ; cross culturally, that is , as an essential human dynamic and from an anthropological and practical view . We do have some interesting western tradition down here - I mean this is the place where Theosophical Society built an amphitheatre to watch Krishnamurti walk on the water across Sydney Harbour Hmmmm .... looks a little 'unattended' If you look really closely you can see Krishnamurti walking on the water , just upper left of dead centre, lower right up down - of the wet part in the image ^
  23. Watching The Birds

    Bassian Thrush .... a 'ground runner' . I wrote about them before , they are perfectly disguised amongst the forest litter floor . I can never see him until he does a little run ........................ stop - goes invisible , run ....................... stop again - invisible Anywayz, one got inside today , funny little guy. Most birds just fly for a window and flutter against it so I hand catch them very carefully and hold them and get a chance to check them out up close . Or the windows are open and they just fly out. Today all the windows were open. But not this guy, he is ground runner ; around the chairs, under the table - with me chasing him . Then he got under the bed . Eventually I herded him towards an open door and he gets to the door step and ... then he jumps up and flies away . I like it when the critters visit . Micro bats , grey thrushes, butcher birds, pythons, goanna (but he is a bit big and tends to go into a panic when he realises I am actually home and just sitting still and watching him , has big claws, goes into a panic and does the slippery floor thing )
  24. Anyone sharing their secret sins?

    NO ! And keep out of my basement !