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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    It does to me . There is an essential pattern through nature, some can see it, others cant and are stuck on its varied individual manifestations . You seem to have got caught on a few individual manifestation cultural words ..... just eliminate them then and look for the basic internal principles that are being described. The essential art of what I was trying to convey is in tha arrangement , not specific cultural terms . If it isnt clear yo you you are not understanding ... its pretty clear to me , I have also run it past others , its clear to some of them too ... and not clear to others . Well, of course its different , different cultural understandings of underlying universal principles . Dao does nt have the monopoly on it, you know ... thats just one cultural expression of an independent Universal force that manifests in many different ways and is known by different methods. Humans (in this example ) are one thing , but are expressed in 'duality' - man and woman There is the triad again Human - man and woman ... Dao - yin and yang the '4th thing' - children .... the 4th thing - '10,000 things ' Maybe he wants it clear and didnt want to miss step . Is Laozi mistaken here ... or is it the readers confusion ? Well, if I could go back to my kabbalah diagram, without causing too much confusion , you will see there are levels between the ideal triad , below the abyss , it is not until after those 'condensations' that we get to the last sphere of material manifestation eg spanning the last vertical line is Hod and Netzach ; intelligence and love ... and each polarity is a reflection of the original above the abyss, hence it is already there in 'seed form' , or basic form, or 'arcetypically ' 'before you begin' . Phew ! .... -yes -yes and no - It doesnt need one . I dont know . - no - no , unless 'dimension' is qualified . See the Tol model . before, intelligence is a lower manifestation (apparently ) yeah, I agree .... I am at armchair and mulling stage myself same here ! Regarding peoples completions of their journey; Unto them from whose eyes the veil of life hath fallen may there be granted the accomplishment of their true Wills; whether they will absorption in the Infinite, or to be united with their chosen and preferred, or to be in contemplation, or to be at peace, or to achieve the labour and heroism of incarnation on this planet or another, or in any Star, or aught else, unto them may there be granted the accomplishment of their wills. ;
  2. Soooooo funny !

    It wont go out the driveway ... too low, and tractor and grader blade is broken ... getting a bobcat in soon . But I am hankerin to go for a cruze today, might take a detour through neighbours, but gotta go through their carport. vroom vrooooooom
  3. Soooooo funny !

    I am not a post and run sorta guy
  4. Soooooo funny !

    I hope you acknowledge the fact that although it was a sexist a joke ... I didnt make the obvious one about ' Small things may be easier to let go of '
  5. Soooooo funny !

    Ohhhh ... so thats why you butted in ! lets see ... I usually got a joke or two up my sleeve .... This woman is getting ready for work , she looks in the mirror "Gosh I look great for 37 ! " At the bus stop she can;t help herself and says to the woman sitting next to her "How old would you say I am ?" " Oh .... around early 30s." "Actually, I am 37 ! " "Really ! Well, you dont look it . " " I know " - Then sitting on the bus, to the woman sitting alongside her : "How old do you think i look ?" " About 30 . " " Well, I am really 37 . " " Thats amazing ! " " Yessss .... ..... I know . " -Then she gets off the bus and walks to work, but on the way there she stops in at McDonalds to get a take away coffee. In front of her on the line is another woman from work, they start talking and she " By the way, how old do you think i am ?" " Ummmm .... late 20s ? " " Actually I am 37 ." "What ? 37 ? I dont believe it ." "Yes, I know its hard to believe, but its true, I am actually 37 years old . " Then she goes to work ..... and is sitting at her desk, mail boy comes in and she ... " Billy, how old do you think I am ? " "Oh I can tell exactly how old a woman is ... to the exact year ! " . "Go on then ." "Oh .... well, I cant do that here , I can just do it ... under 'certain circumstances' . " "What do you mean ?" " Like, with a woman I am with, or down the beach and stuff." "What do you mean ?" "Well, I do it by looking at their breasts, I can tell the exact age of a woman by looking at her breasts ." "Go on then , tell me how old I look. " "No, you dont understand, I mean with a girl friend or woman at the beach ... I cant tell through clothes , and those bra things change everything . " "Ohhhh I get it now ... ah what the heck ... I go to the topless beach on the weekend , its just the mail boy ." So she takes her jacket off as she has no bra on and opens the front of her shirt . "Okay, what do you think ? " " Hmmmmm ... turn sideways ...... okay , juggle up and down a bit ..... now side to side ..... up and down again ........ 37 ! " "OMG! How did you do that ! " "Its a secret " "Oh no, I have to know! Did you see something, is there some imperfection how did you do that, you have to tell me ! " "No, I cant. " "Oh come one, you have to ! " "Nope ! - secret men;s business ! " "I'll give you $50 " "I cant, you will get angry and probably get me the sack . " "I promise you that will not happen, I swear ... and I will give you $200 , I have to know . " " $200 ! ... and you promise you will not get angry or tell on me ? "Yes, I swear on it , here is $200, now tell me Billy , how you could tell I was 37 ." "Okay then ..... I was standing behind you on the coffee line at McDonalds this morning ." " Why you look so happy Billy ?" "I got 200 bucks AND a free titty show ! "
  6. Soooooo funny !

    Naahhh ! He was still talking about 'that subject' ... that subject being ...... wait ! ... you arent gonna ask to get this moved to PPD are ya ?
  7. Soooooo funny !

    Ahhh good ! It wasnt lost to all then
  8. Soooooo funny !

    not on my ppd you won' t !
  9. The Cool Picture Thread

    ( what IS he ??? )
  10. 1914

    have you read that book ? I read some reviews on it . Did you find the 'Egytptian' groups that I told you about ? That started a Masonic Jewish secret agency occult group to encourage the Young Turk rebellion that turned into al-queda, then terrorism and bit them on the arse ? Todays number is TVC 15 .....
  11. Soooooo funny !

    and by the way, if anyone posts here something I do not like or disagrees with me ..... Mods, get ready to move this to ....
  12. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Yup !
  13. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Exactly marbles ! I believe it is describing a process .... wait ... the process - of how all things came into being / came to be .
  14. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    the 4th is , ' the myriad things' ; The 'Universe' of manifestation , or 'nature ' its all part of the 3 / 4 law the 3rd thing is yin or yang The 3 are the ideal supernal 'incomprehensible' principles ; from 0 comes THE Way 1 . Dao ) from that comes the yin and yang ( which all creatures must bear on the fronts and backs as we live in that manifest world ) - 2 . that is the 'Supernal triad', the 'ideal principle' that forms everything else. Dao , Yin and Yang the third thing automatically gerates form the 2nd thing, but they are dual so they make the 2nd and 3rd 'thing' Dao , yin yang - three things (or concepts ) ... out of these then comes the 4th thing - the myriad worlds , the '10,000 things' , the 'Universe' . In Kabbalah , it is Supernal triad ; below that is the 'abyss' ( the realm above the abyss is 'ideal' or 'incomprehensible' or 'veiled' ) ( a horizontal line through Daath ) and below that , the 4th principle, is everything else - 'manifestation' fully condensed in the lowest sphere of the physical Universe , 'The Kingdom' .
  15. Oz got new PM

    actually , they found when counting the ballots one of the party members, in the party room did a 'donkey vote ' .... it's getting that bad ! Actually, it wasnt even a donkey vote , it was a totally blank voting form , someone didnt even bother to fill out, just put in the box . I know we have had some slackers before but .....
  16. Can you add NO to my name

    'Fight' .... 'opponents' ? Mre like he went abso agro nuts and everyone was trying to stop him . he did okay (for a crazy ) until that guy did the mad sacrificial dive at him sword first and cut his thigh , that slowed him down . But he was a coward at heart ... when he met Lord Shimada - a real master .
  17. Can you add NO to my name

    Cant wait till NOONE does the kabbalah on this one
  18. Thought of the Day

  19. Oz got new PM

    now a youtube vid won;t show here ???? ......... fixed that .
  20. Oz got new PM

    .... see below
  21. Oz got new PM

    We are working on developing an 'Arnie' , that will do fine thanks
  22. Thought of the Day

    She doesnt . She used to ... when she was called Chris .
  23. Can you add NO to my name

    I'll have you all know, by the way, that I have a very 'broad' sense of humour, even if ' fun is made ' of me . As long as you can handle me having some 'fun' back ?