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Everything posted by SonOfTheGods

  1. Acute healing and energy work?

    Check for hernia. Or it could be one of those weird energy abnormalities, like I recently posted about here: ________________
  2. Written by someone who actually practices Magick and doesn't theorize about it If anyone wants to be a non-arm chair mage, this is the ideal approach and mental/emotional construct
  3. Is the crown chakra ,shen .
  4. Is the crown chakra ,shen .
  5. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    JinDan (Golden Elixir) - Yellow Court - Gold Shen Lux
  6. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    This is a misnomer- there is no leaking, nor leaking down the legs The Bio-energy vehicle/body is another system closely aligned to the physical body Conduits, reservoirs and nerve plexus find their consummate matches in the physical Watch my video on what happens when there is a surplus of Qi in the LDT = Qi is a vapor that rises- it doesn't leak nor sink It oveflows and this process then moves upward to the Middle Tan Tien From the LDT- the Qi rises and the Cinnabar field expands red lux to the Middle Tan Tien It starts out as red then stabilises into the Yellow Court Some books and schools might disagree - but I found this from my own experience
  7. Is the crown chakra ,shen .

    Shen is a process- so it isn't a linear "over here or over there" Active Chong Mai and the Niwan radiates- BaiHui is ripe and connects with "other celestial fields" You become a bridge betwixt heaven and earth- and Shen is the ability to grok this
  8. Do volunteer work, or helping animal shelters Get out into nature and send healing energy into Earth Go to a children's hospital and do Gong in the bathroom/hallways
  9. Knut A. Jacobsen, Ph.D. (1994) is Professor at the University of Bergen, Norway. ____ I also agree with his findings.. Like wise, I too, was also called Knut
  10. If this was an alchemical affect- it would happen with all females, the unattractive ones too. Older woman who are losing Jing would drain you further if *woman steal* Qi (as some allude to) Electric Qi feels like electric current- it comes in advanced stages (for some) Visions and such aren't important at this point though, for you are trying to cultivate your Yi (awareness) now, so the affect of meeting random attractive young females doesn't interfere with your Jing/Qi/Shen circulation
  11. Does this happen if you are around older ladies- like senior citizen age? Does it happen around women who you consider -Not attractive? Watch your mind and follow where the energy is flowing... Eyes and then straight down- creates heat Qi can be a vapor (advanced stages- "electric") Vapor/steam "rises" Fills the lower Tan Tien One option is to do a reverse MCO which is cooling and magnetic (Tiger) Always keep the flow, flowing Yi in all things
  12. What can you do without a teacher?

    Everything. ...who taught the first teacher?
  13. Those who are interested in the heavy duty versions to this can view - Summoning Entities Easily- LoneMan Paiâ„¢ Version It's become difficult keeping this thread on topic and I don't want it to go to the Pit
  14. Water is also Yin and Tiger related as well as flowing, balance, attraction (metaphysical is love, female) This is only a small part of why Magick and Summoning Entities is useful in Neidan
  15. Researching and Working the Fire elementals help with LDT building and all Yang and Dragon work
  16. Earth elementals, being Yin = will help you to be more magnetic In a metaphysical sense, this will help your "good luck with finances" In NeiDan it will help you in the magnetic Yin Qi aspects It will also help you to absorb and deflect blows
  17. Creating a trigger to allow an earth elemental to empower you- Heng Chuan (crossing fist) associated with the Earth Element. Once taking this stance- allow it to help you to engage that "trigger earth mode"
  18. Trying to get this thread back on track..... Another reason why Summoning Entities is useful in NeiDan Elements have sentient conscious streams. Personified elements have "Elemental hierarchies" Contacting these personalities bring you in touch with the elements Examples: -Earth elementals when summoned can bring you insight into adjusting your body weight, stance and solidity -Iron body conditioning can also be greatly improved through this element -Also Earth Yin, grounding etc also
  19. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing will bring similar results (mopai level 2) once the LDT is active
  20. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    Unfortunately we have "book mopai" and "western mopai" which has a road block after a couple of levels Real authentic MoPai is a whole different ballgame
  21. You are deliberately derailing this thread. You already created a thread for that sole purpose. Let's not have to get a Moderator on here This is the Second time I am asking you.
  22. Tarot Set for Advanced

    make you own set
  23. Per your thread recently, I expected that: Magick is Psychology Started by maldor, Apr 30 2015 So why continue it again on this thread- which sole purpose is discussing Summoning Entities? Kindly take that discussion back to your thread. Thank you
  24. Magus Of Java John Chang MoPai (from CourtYard)

    John Chang said certain TaiChi masters had comparable abilities as he. TaiChi, Baguazhang, use a similar stance, SanTi, as in Xing Yi Quan / Hsing-I (Chinese theory of the 5 Elements) There are a finite amount of breathes and postures the human body can employ So, "2+2 =" sort of case here.
  25. Personality after death

    This thread may help you = it is anti-linear ,1 time-line death/reincarnation thinking: How To Reckon "Past Lives" With Time