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Everything posted by SonOfTheGods

  1. LoneMan Pai

  2. Effective Scrying 101

    This is a good bridge between both subforums. Pack yourself well with Qi. Circulate well. Close your eyes, and move it into middle of your head. When you feel the optic nerve pulse, the lights begin to twinkle. The haze you see when you scry with soft eyes, is the progenitor to this. At this point, mentally affirm where/what you want to see, or if you are using a sigil, light it up - trace it with light in your mind's eye. A good tool is to keep a tape recorder, recording next to you. When you speak softly, it serves as an artifical witness/scribe.
  3. Why LonemanPai is just another fake alchemy website

    There's quite a few, new people, signing up on my forum, mentioning this thread. Here is the (now perm-pinned) 2 year old thread in question- examine it and draw your own conclusions. Drew, I have- Personally- invited you, Twice, to my forum, over the past 3 years. It is a Forum, like TaoBums- with rules and Admin- there is no collecting of private information.. everything is for Free. Most sign up on proxies with fake throwaway emails. I do not participate with any banners/click for dollars, such as Google Adsense, Amazon etc I do desire member participation, so if someone signs up- I want them to pull their weight since I am taking my personal time to help them, for Free. This is also told to new members via email confirmation upon approval. There are scores of member logs to confirm what I said, repeatedly, for the last 3+ years. Thank you for your time, everyone
  4. LoneMan Pai

    Still alive, still free- happy to aid anyone who has a problem and/or needs help... just stop by This July, I will be a TaoBum member for 4 years... time flies
  5. I posted on Tao Bums about Pine Pollen, awhile back, and some of you said it worked for you Here is another natural Jing Booster for those who are "older" I have discussed this on my forum also: _____________ _____________ If you are 30ish years old .. this might help you Use at your own risk, as with all the other Jing Boosters I have discussed,.... such as Pine Pollen and Arginine/Nitric Oxide Also Knox Gelatin.. or any unflavoured gelatin.............*collagen, helps with joint discomfort from WeiGong and/or old age lol... *this is the active ingredient I have also discussed here - per Ox Tail Broth Read more:
  6. Taobums Q&A with Kosta Danaos

    Full Lotus- No Hands...
  7. Pine Pollen

    “In short, pine pollen is a potent source of natural androgens, including testosterone androgen mimics, it is a great nutritional source, especially of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and it is an excellent general tonic for the human body, useful in preventing or alleviating a number of conditions common to aging” – Stephen Harrod Buhner We all want to feel more energy, sleep better, have a healthy libido plus that drive to live life to the fullest. Alot of that is connected to the amount of testosterone you have or as they call it in Chinese medicine, your Jing. Hard to believe that the yellow dust we see each spring time coating our cars and streets is actually one of nature’s premier superfoods and contains natural testosterone plus other androgens. I recently read the book Pine Pollen: Ancient Medicine for a Modern World by Stephen Harrod Buhner. Here are the 9 biggest takeaways I learned from him. Be sure to check out his book for more detail. Testosterone Booster – Pine pollen contains human androgens like testosterone and by using it as a tincture you can boost your testosterone levels within minutes. For this reason testosterone has gained a lot of attention especially from men in middle age. As testosterone levels start to dip using pine pollen as a therapy is a great way to maintain healthy energy levels and well being. Prostate Regulator – Pine pollen contains a sterol or plant steroid called Gibberlins which regulate the size of the prostate meaning that if it is too large it will shrink it and if it is too small it will increase its size. Raises SOD (superoxide dismutase) levels in heart, liver and brain - Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme that helps protect the body from free radicals by breaking down oxygen molecules in cells which might prevent damage to tissues. Potent Anti-inflammatory - Gibberlins are also responsible for pine pollens anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-tumour without affecting healthy cells. Stimulates Antiviral Activity – Due to two plant sterols – brassinolide and castasterone – pine pollen is strong anitviral against such viruses as Herpes 1, measels , area viruses plus others. “They have been found to be 10 to 18 times stonger than ribavirun – the main pharmaceutical antiviral” Helps rid the body of foreign chemicals – Pine pollen contains the plant sterol brassinosteroid brassinolide. “This has been found to enhance the function of liver microsomes which are crucial to the safe disposal of xenobiotics (foreign chemicals that end up in the body” – SB Improves fertility, erectile dysfunction and sperm count – Pine pollen contains the amino acid Arginine which a precursor for nitric oxide which helps increase blood flow to the penis. Arginine also boost growth hormone, improves fertility and is spermigenic. Stimulates the Immune System – Pine pollen contains polysaccharides which are sugars that are like food for the immune system. and are also found in superherbs like Chaga mushroom Anti-aging – Pine pollen contains DHEA. “DHEA has been shown to be associated with high levels of energy and well being, low obesity, enhanced libido and erectile ability, reduced depression, enhanced cognition, reduced death from coronary heart disease, improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance” - SB With all these amazing health benefits it surprises me pine pollen isnt as popular as Goji berries. As our environment and then our bodies become increasingly estrogen dominant pine pollen will be an powerful ally in living a hormonally balanced life. Some other interesting facts about pine pollen are: You can collect pine pollen on your own quite easily and then make your own tincture. The season for collecting pollen from the catkins is usually March till May. The species used in the US and Canada is generally Pinus sylvestris and Pinu nigra Alternatively two companies we support that sell pine pollen are Surthrival and Harmonic Arts. I’ve tried tinctures from both companies. The Harmonic Arts one is alot more affordable but I found the taste a little stronger and harder to manage when held under the tongue – the good thing about Harmonic Arts is that the pine pollen is harvested locally each year and the alcohol tinctures they use are fair trade organic cane sugar derived. I talked with Yarrow the owner at Epic Fest and he said that they can barely keep the stuff in stock. The Surthrival gold pine pollen tincture tastes good and is cell wall cracked. You will pay more for the Surthrival tincture For the testosterone benefits take it as a tincture – learn how to make a tincture Cracking the cell wall is not necessary except …..Stephen found that when eating the pine pollen in large amounts that it wasn’t necessary to have the cell walls cracked. Also with tinctures it wasn’t necessary. If you are eating it though in small amounts as in a supplement form or pill form then it would be beneficial to have cell wall cracked pine pollen because one study showed it resulted a 20% higher absorption rate in mice. If you collect your own pine pollen and tincture it dont worry about cracking the cell wall. Ideal times to take it would be upon rising, again at noon and then just before bed It has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years as natural health tonic and adaptogen. It was first mentioned by Shen Nong in The Pandects of Materia Medica over 2000 years ago. Pine pollen as a testosterone booster is great for men over 30 but probably not necessary for men under 30. It is still beneficial though as a nutritive. I’ve personally found pine pollen to be an exceptional superfood and have noticed an increase in energy and Jing. You have to try it for yourself though to really know the effects.
  8. A public school in Louisiana allegedly advised a Buddhist family to change their beliefs if they didn’t want their child to face harassment from zealous teachers. The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Louisiana on Wednesday filed a federal lawsuit against Negreet High School in Sabine Parish on behalf of two parents, Scott and Sharon Lane, and their son, “C.C.” The lawsuit claims the school has “a longstanding custom, policy, and practice of promoting and inculcating Christian beliefs,” including the teaching of creationism. Sixth-grade teacher Rita Roark has told her students that the universe was created by God about 6,000 years ago, and taught that both the Big Bang theory and evolution are false, according to the lawsuit. She told her students that “if evolution was real, it would still be happening: Apes would be turning into humans today.” One test she gave to students asked: “ISN’T IT AMAZING WHAT THE _____________ HAS MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The correct answer was “Lord,” but C.C. wrote in something else. Roark responded by scolding the boy in front of the entire class. When informed that C.C. was a Buddhist and therefore didn’t believe in God, Roark allegedly responded, “you’re stupid if you don’t believe in God.” On another accusation, she allegedly described both Buddhism and Hinduism as “stupid.” When the outraged parents confronted Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb about the incidents, she allegedly told them “this is the Bible belt” and that they “shouldn’t be offended” to “see God here.” Ebarb advised that C.C. should either change his faith or be transferred to another District school where “there are more Asians.” The parents, “hoping to save him from suffering additional psychological harm,” decided to transfer their son to another school, according to the lawsuit. The school is 25 miles away from their home. “The treatment this child and his family have endured is not only disgraceful, it’s unconstitutional,” said Heather L. Weaver, senior staff attorney for the ACLU Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief. The lawsuit claims that other teachers and faculty members also push Christian beliefs on their students. Prayer is often lead by teachers in classrooms and during school events. Religious literature that denounces evolution and homosexuality has been distributed by faculty members to students. The school’s hallways are filled with Christian iconography and electronic marquee in front of the school scrolls Bible verses. “Public schools should be welcoming places for students of all backgrounds,” said Marjorie Esman, executive director of the ACLU of Louisiana. “No child should be harassed and made to feel like an outsider in his own classroom, and students should not have to endure school officials constantly imposing their religious beliefs on them while they are trying to learn.”
  9. Natural Jing Boosters - D-Aspartic acid and Testosterone

    Cold showers constrict your vessels, but Arginine will help with that
  10. Natural Jing Boosters - D-Aspartic acid and Testosterone

    L-Arginine/Nitric Oxide is natural Viagra I would recommend cycling off the Pine Pollen SLOWLY so you don't crash... then supplement with D-Aspartic acid
  11. Natural Jing Boosters - D-Aspartic acid and Testosterone

    That was on my might want to cycle it though I make my own Use 70% + grain alcohol and make a tincture with bulk powder Pine Pollen $40 will last a year
  12. Pine Pollen
  13. Natural Jing Boosters - D-Aspartic acid and Testosterone
  14. Happy Holidays

    I think I know some of you I hope this thread finds everyone well. Happy holidays, across the board
  15. There are many theories on how an individual should eat, and many diets have been created as a result of these beliefs. Whether a person eats vegetarian, vegan, Paleo or intuitively, it is a very personal decision based on experience and individual needs. However, if someone prefers a more scientific approach, perhaps they should consider the potential merits of the blood type diet. Blood Type OThe type O diet focuses on lean, organic meats, vegetables and fruits and avoids wheat, corn, oats and dairy, which can be triggers for digestive and health issues in type Os. Also, type Os should avoid caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine can be particularly harmful because of its tendency to raise adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are already high for type Os. Type Os seem to have a higher need than other blood types for healthy fats. They tend to thrive on raw butter, coconut oil, cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, pumpkin seed oil and extra-virgin olive oils. Type Os tend to have sluggish thyroids, so it is advised to not eat members of the Brassica genus, such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and mustard greens, because they suppress the thyroid. However, if these vegetables are steamed or cultured, they appear to be permissible. Blood Type AType As flourish on a vegetarian diet due to the fact that they have an inadequate amount of stomach acid even from birth and do not digest animal protein or fats very well. If a type A is accustomed to eating meat, they will find that they have more energy once they eliminate them from their diet. It is particularly important for sensitive type As to eat their foods in as natural a state as possible: pure, fresh and organic. This is a critical dietary adjustment for the sensitive immune system of type As. It will help charge their immune system and potentially short-circuit the development of life-threatening diseases. Blood Type BFor type Bs, the biggest foods to avoid are corn, wheat, rye, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. Each of these foods affect the efficiency of their metabolic process, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention and hypoglycemia -- a severe drop in blood sugar after eating a meal. When they eliminate these foods and begin eating a diet that is right for their type, blood sugar levels should remain normal after meals. Type Bs should also avoid pork and chicken. These foods form a dangerous lectin that attacks your bloodstream. Opt for wild game, seafood, lamb, venison and beef on occasion. Type Bs can also enjoy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats such as olive oil, flax oil, ghee and almonds. Sunflower seeds are on the avoid list. Type Bs fare better than all the blood types when it comes to dairy foods. However, it's important to focus on quality and moderation. Blood Type ABType AB reflects the mixed inheritance of their A and B genes. They have low stomach acid, but also have type Bs adaptation to meats. Therefore, they lack enough stomach acid to metabolize them efficiently and the meat they eat tends to get stored as fat. Type ABs should avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially when they are in stressful situations. Type ABs should focus on foods such as tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables. Avoid all smoked or cured meats. These foods can cause stomach cancer in people with low levels of stomach acid. There is a wide variety of seafood that is good for type ABs, and it is an excellent source of protein. Some dairy is also beneficial for type ABs -- especially cultured dairy such as yogurt and kefir. Learn more:
  16. Yang/Electric Yin/Magnetic Is Electric Chi, really electric? Is Magnetic Chi, really magnetic? Some may say that the feeling of electricity, as well as some practitioners having the ability to light up a small red LED lamp- constitutes it "really is electric" If this is the case, then magnetic chi should provide the practitioner with the ability to have iron stick to them. Or repel them/levitate over a magnetic area. If magnetic chi can attract, then it should repel. (not as WeiQi, but in the literal sense) If an individual displays the ability to produce electric (Yang) then that same individual should also have at least some advanced ability to also harness magnetism (Yin). [and vice versa] If a practitioner can move objects at a distance- is this combined electric/magnetic chi? If it is, then he/she should be able to attract it and repel it [if it is Telekinesis, then it is Shen]
  17. Per Moderator message: Original Thread started in: CourtYard- Welcome from a new member: Obviously members still wanted to discuss this topic, but with all respect for Moderator message, I decided to take it to another forum (being this one)
  18. Energy Center Above the Crown

    LoneManPai has many, many techniques working with the multi energy conduits above the head (and below the feet) If interested PM me (everything is free)
  19. Are "past lives" actually from the past? Time doesn't 'really exist'... All events happen Simultaneously, rather than, Sequentially Think of how the dynamics alter, when you can send energy/thought currents- "Right Now" to you, in the future and the past. Also alternate time lines, which swing side to side, rather than the linear forward and backward- are also affected = Right Now. Some one can be alive currently, in the dark ages, and simultaneously, also be alive 1,00 years into the future In deep meditation, there can exist a "communion"- where these experiences are being shared I believe lucid dreaming, also, is such a communion of multiple fractured "selves" Premonitions, deja vu, etc can also be symptomatic of this "Astral travel", remote viewing, etc is transferring consciousness of the primary Focal point of view, from one fractal self/vehicle to another
  20. Life after Awakening

    The Journey is NOT the Path. Seek a different Path but continue the Journey > The Cross Roads
  21. Any new year's resolutions?

    YouTube that please
  22. Dim Mak

    Knowledge of Dim Mak can be used for healing too. This should be understood right along with the martial application
  23. Emitting light in Shaolin practices

    The Body, Electric. Photons.
  24. Ghost immortality

    Western Occultism/Mysticism/Spiritism/Sorcery is different from the Eastern POV