silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Process Appreciation

    Unintended dragon theme... but the manner in which the details are revealed by her process... staggering... mesmerizing.
  2. Bums I am missing

    New tactic @BaguaKicksAss Miss your awesome presence here!
  3. Voidisyinyang

    Rabbit Hole perhaps?
  4. Alien encounters during dream

    Yup the materialist paradigm of last century's ceramic model is melting in the face of awakening. Donald Hoffman, Bernardo Kastrup, Iain McGuilcrest just off the top of my head are all making strides through scientific method and mathematical modeling to present consciousness/awareness as the baseline of reality. Idealism is alive and well and what twenty years ago would be disastrous for your career in Neurochemistry, Physics, Neurobiology is becoming the frontier of exciting developments and is gaining traction as fantastic minds grapple with the basic premise of the nature of reality.
  5. AI is little more than pieced together plagiarism. It has no gravity for my awareness.
  6. The chakra system is genderless

    Upon what basis do you derive your claim to know what is difficult or simple on another's path?
  7. An Assortment of Golden Flower Questions

    That's a rich projection of your own posting style mate!
  8. My Experience With Black Magic

    Skittle Rainbow Magick!
  9. Voidisyinyang

    He stopped posting when he received pushback over his claims of using his subtle body techniques derived from sitting full lotus and flexing his vagus nerve to sexually stimulate/assault teen girls in public places... He read as highly imbalanced and delusional, over time it became more extreme.
  10. Arrested Development and Martial Artists

    Fundamentalism is being recognized and categorized as a form of mental illness in psychiatry of late...
  11. Alien encounters during dream

    The anitquated yet mildly quaintand laughable 19th century ceramic model notion that brains are responsible for awareness and consciousness, so the bigger the brain the more awareness...
  12. Most accurate Golden Flower translation?

    Your comment redolently reeks of a perspective mired in naive realism, projection and assumption. Pure story time.
  13. Most accurate Golden Flower translation?

    And have you interviewed and tested each one who read it TT? You have some whoppers maye but this one is top tier. The Naive Realism is flowing on da bums today...
  14. Stranger things

    I lean in to the foods that helped my ancestors get me here... processed foods seemed fine in my earlier decades but at this point they ring alarm bells. Some are ok occasionally, others are a hard never.
  15. Alien encounters during dream

    Many could lucidly argue that it was a version of him... or an aspect.
  16. The Idiots Way

    Dropping Pearls @steve! Thank you
  17. Spotting a fake master

    Great points about fake versus fallen. And not throwing the baby out with the bath water with the undesirable aspects of some we encounter or even follow for a time. Again I'm re-minded of the realization that when one is present and listening all of life becomes a teacher. Not just humans. Everything and non things as well. But among human teachers... Even a fake or poor teacher can and has taught me much of value over the years. Often not perhaps what they intended to offer, or were even aware they were imparting, but valuable on my path none the less.
  18. The Idiots Way

    I'm re-minded of the zen saying regarding awakening. Awakening occurs as if by accident. Practice makes us more accident prone. Realization for my own local awareness arose in the midst of the most paralyzing depression. As i lay down in complete and utter despondency and released all notion of living, dying or association with anything... after releasing everything... what remained was true nature paradoxical that in complete surrender of any notion of will or desire for life or even death absolute bouyancy of true nature should finally be revealed
  19. Spotting a fake master

    People seem to seek out a hero to worship, and a villain to despise. I suspect it has something to do with coming to know our own true nature through the process of neti neti... I come to realize my nature by comparing it to what i think i am not. That has been how it came to attention in my own process anyway. Often the role also seems to be the same person over time... and also whether or not the person seeks such attention. After all, get to know any person well enough and we'll inevitably find aspects of them that we do not relish, or actively dislike. That's more than reason enough to leap from worship to hazing for most it seems. Pedestalize and worship a person. Build them upwith or without their consent through grand praise and shared stories until an egregore of sorts arises around the reified mental object of the person in the minds of 'the followers'. The mental object having little to do with the actual person; yet followers will swear by the reality of it and through their dedication and passion of pursuit, it takes on an inertia of its own... or of their own. Even when the hero tries to assuage notions of sainthood or grand achievement, it seems to only fuel the worship more... such is life. Folks will find something, someone to pedestalize. They seem to need it. I'm reminded of @Brian and the film he takes his avatar from... The Pythons had their finger on the pulse of this very process when they crafted that film. And then the inevitable shift occurs and the high of the worship becomes the even more adrenaline pumped fuel of vitriol and hate when the shift to villain takes place. This game plays out in varying degrees in the media every day with all public personas... but within the more closed systems of dedicated spiritual pursuants... it becomes highly intensified. Such is life.
  20. My Experience With Black Magic

    I wonder which books leapt...
  21. Alien encounters during dream

    Dreaming has always been an essential, core aspect of my experience of being a localized self in awareness. I find the revelations afforded through dream contact/experience to be endlessly useful and fascinating. Thanks for the enticing topic! My first memory in this life was a dream so intense, it induced an obe. I was three or four when it occured and it's impacted my approach to consciousness my entire life, shaping my exploration of consciousness, shamanic trance, the nature of lucidity in awareness and trance in waking life/dreaming/liminal awareness. Dreams are capable of revealing so much of our true nature in my experience and they've always been as vital, impacting and rich as waking life, and in many cases, far more so. As for encounters with aliens as I sense is implied in the original post (Greys, Pleiadians, etc) are rather rare for mea handful... but if by alien you also imply entities from alternate frequencies/dimensions/shadow beings/alternate planes/ascended masters, and being encountered including open eyed and full hypnogogic visions and waking dreams then encounters abound. I made a habit of keeping journals for dreams and though some have been lost, the act of writing them down often results in cementing them for long term recall. There are myriad encounters that were seemingly with fully autonomous and seperate awarenesses and many have transpired over the five decades of my life with recurring visits. Really enjoying the topic and although so far nothing's risen up to the foreground to share now, perhaps I'll revisit one of the hypnogogic encounters when I have some time. Cheers all for sharing... the topic is incredibly vital and fascinating to me.
  22. Dao Bums (here i am)

    Good Morning! The blond w/bangs suit you nicely.
  23. The Idiots Way

  24. Most accurate Golden Flower translation?

    please take the Abrahamic stuff to the correct section... thank you.
  25. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    @Cobie your fundamentalism is showing again...