silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    been pondering recently about the constitionality of mandated healthcare vs mandated vehicle insurance...
  2. addiction to air, food and water

    Yea, I can't forget sleep deprivation. One of the most effective ways of altering states and inducing obe.
  3. addiction to air, food and water

    The 'highest' I've ever been was from pranayama, not lsd. A good bowl of Ph'o will produce a high for hours after consumption. And drinking a glass of water when dehydrated is pure bliss. The high from the basic three, air food and water, is so pervasive that I am compelled to a point where I describe it as a need... yet sometimes I wonder.
  4. Justifying the nature of the carnivore

    Each organ in turn has its own awareness, its own agenda and territory The merging and menacing interplay of the organs is itself a drama and a comedy at once. In turns pulling, pushing, mangling, healing and snoozing. It's a wonder we can coordinate it all well enough to get out of bed in the morning and walk across the room. -Creighton
  5. singing bowl

    Mine sings daily, often and sometimes long...
  6. Yup. I prefer to arrive late to an avalanche for example.
  7. I want a diploma.

  8. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    *shudder* that is some effective motivation!
  9. and the compulsion to step in a calm puddle can be intense... i get to express experience my impact... my power... my realness...
  10. Irritated face is not true nature. Just one facet of a jewel with myriad faces.
  11. I find it almost impossible to say/see what I am. Much clearer is what I am not.
  12. *deep bow of respect*
  13. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    My uncle was CIA in the sixties. He left America (expatriate) in the late sixties and returned just once to visit. I met him one evening for about two hours when I was 17. Talk about opening up my eyes... military industrial complex federal reserve bank ugh That entire system is psychotic in nature. Fortunately for anything in our realm of 'reality'... anything that grows too yang will spontaneously shift to yin and vice versa. Just head to the beach and watch the waves. This system is one wave in an ocean.
  14. An Experiment in Buddhist Discussion

    I like Apech's answer of ignorance. In my experience the ignorance often manifests as attachment.
  15. An Experiment in Buddhist Discussion

    before birth, face is no-thing...
  16. I am partial to The Great Weaver for creator symbols myself.
  17. The eight forces of nature speak

    there will be plenty of mud at the bottom of the lake. jump in, the water's fine
  18. The Spiral Path

  19. I like the idea of a locked sub-forum, until you fulfill the requirements for entry and learn the secret handshake.
  20. The Tea Thread

    I've been into Spring Dragon of late... good vibrations...
  21. What are you listening to? Ok then...