silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. Its soooo hot ....

    I think marble's idea has merit. Cover the blades in rubber... should keep the weight to a minimum and would maintain the flexibility while never having an 'exposed blade' for the fussy, complaining onlookers.
  2. I've loved reading this dialogue. Thanks to all.
  3. simplify

  4. simplify

    three in one
  5. What a wonderful exchange! I'm reminded of an insight that dawned on me one moment while lying on a cliff watching hawks effortlessly glide on the thermals overhead. In any given moment, I can focus on what I hate, or what I love. The only shift is me. In this world... all of the things I despise and all that I love, stem from one source... so the determining factor in love and hate, must lie inside me. In my thinking, judging, comparing and from my projections of how I think things 'should be'. When the Buddha said, take care what you think... it becomes your reality. This is as palpable to me now as my own flesh. When I first returned to cultivation years ago now, approaching life to become more in tune and awake and healthy, I was obsessed over what to eat. I became a very fundamentalist type with what I could and could not eat to become whole and healed. It worked well and naturally led me to focus as well on what soaps and toothpastes I used, moving away from toxic chemicals to more natural options. These had a remarkable effect on my overall health and reinforced the next and by far most impacting and powerful realization. That far more important to my health, cultivation and natural beingness, was not what I put in, or on my body, but what I allowed my mind to ruminate on, what I chose to consume mentally and where I allowed my mind to resonate on the whole. When this realization occured we got rid of broadcast/sat/cable television, my time in stillness increased and soon after my computer broke, I decided to not bother replacing it and took several months off for a total media fast to see how I was affected in not having a steady barrage of the things that I inevitably would not approve of and would hence cause me to inevitably focus on what I despised. The effects were remarkable. Bouyancy, Clarity, Stillness, Loving Kindness. Effortlessness. I have since returned obviously to using a computer, though I only have four bookmarks on my son's laptop of sites that I am willing to consume with my thoughts and emotions regularly. I have relaxed in my fundamentalist food tendencies, though the shifts have remained and some foods and drinks simply no longer have any gravity, though there is no more stressing about what is horrible and what is beneficial. I have so much energy in my day, in my awareness and in my life. I cultivate to use that energy on what I love, no longer feeding what I despise. Next step, a very recent one... is in simply giving thanks. Very neutral thanks, to any phenomena, pleasant and not. The most apt word to describe the effects is... unfolding. LOVE!
  6. simplify

  7. simplify

    spiral dance
  8. simplify

    Magic: The Gathering!
  9. Buddhist Historical Narrative

    Really appreciate the thread guys... thanks for the informative chat.
  10. emerging

    Yup Anand is right... *raises hand* I'm a Creighton, (wild born but house broken on occasion )
  11. Grief; Coping with the death of a spouse

    One truth for me about love and grief has come very clear through the loss of parents/friends. When I share my grief, it lessens a bit... and when I share my love, it grows. So I share, reach out and connect while also allowing plenty of space to withdraw and just be me, whatever that may be...
  12. emerging

    Isolation Connection phasing has been with me all my life and reminds me of the saying that The Dao moves like a bellows. Like many actions in my life. Breathing, sleeping, blinking, heartbeating... and like my own awareness reaching out in expansion to connect, then contracting into self to evaluate, synthesize, assimilate... before expansion again.
  13. emerging

    I arrived here some years ago for the very same purpose. Most welcome friend!
  14. I Ching and Music

    Ha! Just talking with my gal about Yi Jing this morning at the beach... come home to find this waiting! Thanks mate.
  15. simplify

    I would dearly love to hear the conversation that brought this song into existence...
  16. simplify

    Porcupine Teddy the talking Porcupine to be specific...
  17. Grief; Coping with the death of a spouse

    Such a gift Tolle's perspective and teaching! He was a wedge for me, who widened the initial cracks in my old trance state and illusory beliefs. Right back at you Sister! And just remember, you are never alone. All those with whom you foster a connection and love you are always linked and with you in a matrix of light that is unbreakable and beyond the bounds of space.
  18. Grief; Coping with the death of a spouse

    So much Love for you Manitou. I have had almost no words to offer you in this process, all I can do is hold space for you in my heart when you come to mind, which I assure you, is often... all I have found in manners of this type of loss, is that time is a real healer. After some time, the pain loses its teeth a bit, then I could poke my head out of the grief for brief forays into intent. But really, just love. Love and acceptance and respect for the depth of your love and the reality of your connection to your dear one who has shifted.
  19. simplify

    LSHIDMT (laughing so hard I dropped my taco)
  20. simplify

    vitamin vitality
  21. simplify

  22. simplify

  23. simplify

    work (not universal work... I just work there sometimes)
  24. simplify

    whirling in spirals
  25. simplify

    may pole