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The Way of Shiva and Buddha

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What an arrogant deceptive misinterpretation of Buddhism from a commercial entertainer with warped views and shoddy ethics.


This doesn't belong in the Buddhist sub forum.

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An interesting perspective. Buddhism definitely does emphasize the usage of the logical mind and conscious awareness for transcendence. 

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You seem upset

During the parts where he talks about the numbers of followers each had, can't you see the desire for fame and influence ooze out of his eyes?


More analysis on this joker:


And this is disturbing too...

Edited by Tibetan_Ice

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During the parts where he talks about the numbers of followers each had, can't you see the desire for fame and influence ooze out of his eyes?


Sure, but I see that in all the rich Indian gurus - and they have really upped the game over there in recent years.  Its at a new level now, a modern commercialized industry to rival any other.  Also, in India, the whole guru scene is immersed in such things (money, sex, power, etc.) and has been since the whole thing began.  Its only "new" or "shocking" in the western world.  They arent all doing that stuff, just most of them.  And there are relative degrees of it.  Its just "normal" over there - like it is here, but the western world is still too naive and idealistic to accept it, even as it happens under their noses.  So they have to make a big big noise about it whenever it gets "revealed".


We are approaching the end of that era, in terms of its real efficacy.  The guru-disciple relationship in terms of satsang is absolutely crucial - but all the social and religious nonsense surrounding it has grown so far out of proportion that the standard model has become petrified in uselessness - at least in terms of the time table we must deal with at this point.  Its the same with the idea of the sadhu, the wandering dropout.  Thats not viable anymore.  Nobody gets to "drop out" of society and still make real progress in this day and age.  The only way to make real progress at this crucial time is to deal with society explicitly in terms of the dharma.  And let me tell you - it will be a challenge.


Our currently civilized humanity is reaching the end of its adolescence, which began thousands of years ago.  And as it is said in the Holy Holy Bible: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."


The global community is arriving sooner rather than later, the only question is if will we be able to survive it.  Forget about democracy - welcome to corporatocracy.



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