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Question about "Rotating" Qigong

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Have a question for someone(s) more experienced than I. Yesterday, someone began teaching me some qigong (I believe it's called wisdom qigong). Part of it involved getting down on the grass and rolling around like a log on the lawn, with arms overhead.


He would've liked me to do that for several minutes the first time. I lasted *maybe* 90 seconds before I had to quit. Couldn't remember ever being so thoroughly nauseous, but somehow unable to puke. Skipped dinner and felt like total garbage until the next morning, and I still feel a little off. He tells me that you build up to a half hour of this kind of rolling but that the results are worth it.


All I could tell, benefit-wise, was that it seemed to shake loose a fair amount of trapped gas in the intestines, I didn't feel gassy beforehand. I can imagine that the innards would get a bit of a massage from the rolling around. But I wanted to ask if anyone else had any experience with spinning around like this, or perhaps standing up doing dervish-type movements, and had any results they could share, or recommendations either way. I'm intrigued about it, but I've not to my recollection done any qigong where i'd felt like death warmed over, either.

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I would say to master spinning first, then progress to rolling. I don't know much about rolling, but it sounds more difficult. The 5 Tibetan book says not to overdo the spinning, but the dervishes seem to do fine with lots of it.

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Thanks Freeform and Yoda, I do appreciate the feedback. I've decided for other reasons to not to do any mre ground rolling for the time being, but I have played around a little bit with the standing & spinning (Just remembered that Furey had that as one of his CC exercises, and I avoided it for the same reason) I wss able to do that for about 10 spins before I let myself hit the ground and waited for the room to stop spinning. but... it didn't make me sick as it normally would, and i kinda felt like a little kid enjoying it, even giggling!


it occurred to me that i had a rather significantly unpleasant experience with regards to being spun around involuntarily when i was a kid. maybe there's still something buried in there over that incident.

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