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funny ass quote from steve cotter at dragondoor

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"There is no one system that is full-proof for all circumstances. I.e. the superpowerful dude who is a social misfit is out of balance and the correct ratio evades him, he is not soft enough; likewise, the granola-eating tai chi enthusiast who is kind to animals, lives in a tree and smokes only organic pot is probably a bit too soft and is equally out of balance). "

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Steve Cotter is THE MAN. His posts are always awesome . He is also one of the only guys I know that does Qigong and is a legitamate MA badass. His Kettlebell workouts are sick. Definetly on my list of stuff to check out.

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I got a 20 lb kettlbell on ebay for $60. However, I should have splurged on the rea deal due to the fact that this thing has too small a hand grip, crushing my hand if it is to move around, rather than moving my wrist, but I suppose it is workable. I wonder if I should cop the Cotter dvd's, or if I should get the RKC. I got the video for woman, From Russia with tough love, lol! Found it on amazon used for a dub-$20! :)


Gotta thank trunk for directing us all (me, at least) to check this stuff out...glad I did! Because although it is not perfect (like the theory of tai chi is) the soft is within the hard and the hard is within the soft style, that's for sure! :lol:


Gotta pack up and I'm off to college Sunday, hope to/look forward to finding some cool tribe members or kettlebellers around there.


Im so pissed off right now about Katrina, it is unbeleivable nobody could use their 3rd eyes, we have SRI LANKA and other tsunami victim countries, POOR AS FUCK offering to give us money back we donated to them, for our suffering black people with no food or water or toilets or air conditioning, being raped, people have nothing, there is shit everywhere. I know this seems to be the worst natural disaster in American history, but still, we should have homeland security, not homeland, let the minorities starve to death without water, shitting on the ground for a week while we complain nature is fucking us!

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Here's another good one from Steve Cotter. He is investigating how to combine western and eastern fitness modalities to be the ultimate fighting machine. Dragondoor moves so fast, that I can't keep track of it, but I occationally search the site for Cotter, Maxwell, Ducane, Pavel for ideas.


He's advocating standing meditation between KB sets. He says that the world of qigong for MA is as hush hush as it ever was. He's replying to Bud Jeffries, a world class athlete, getting into qigong as a support to his strength training. The Dragondoor superheroes have astounding energy levels.




I wouldn't say what I do is more or less advanced. The degree of advancement is more a matter of depth, not complexity. Simple is generally good. I am experimenting with various postures, both static and moving, although the mainframe comes from zhang zuan and wuji standing nei gong. I hold the postures. Sometimes in conjunction with visualizations, sometimes 'empty'. I also will do some sitting qiging, and some variations of bone breating, combining with BOSU or taiji/IMA. I let the moment move me. The main thing is to maximize the time I can use for training, emphasize quality even over quantity, and to try to find the 'perfect balance' of work:productive recovery. Most breath control and recovery as I am applying in conjuction with the KB training.


There is no doubt that your incorporation of qigong has much to do with recent PRs. Stronger, clearer focus will have that effect.


I don't know of anyone in the modern era that has effectively combined S&C with qigong on a high level. I know there are people out there, but they are keeping the info to themselves, by and large. I see that there is a huge area for discovery in this area and I must continue to test these principles upon myself, so that I can help to better refine this process for the 'average person'. There is truly a source of great potential in the combo of qigong + KB, especially now that DD has heavy KBs ;-).

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