
Amazing Chinese Master

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See! What did i tell you guys? I was wondering if we should be saying these things about that master and founder of that new system of energy healing, we could be undermining the practice of his students by doing that.


Kidding aside, did people feel sick energy from the video or were they victims of suggestion due to the first posts about it?


I think the main thing to take from this is to know that a lot of healers are carrying around sick energy, and without even knowing it, because they aren't sensitive to it or won't work on themselves.


A lot of people think it's cool to go around sharing energy, but where I come from we care about the quality of our energy, not just the quantity so in order to keep that nice blissful feeling of our energy being as pure as the driven snow, we don't do much healing work.

Edited by Starjumper7

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His energy has a soporific effect in me. It's quite heavy and there is no sparkle to it. Perhaps he is accustomed to doing a lot of work with people that require slowing down.


Funny how sometimes you can have a glass of wine and feel effervescent from it, and sometimes you can have a glass of wine and feel sleepy from it. In Italy coffee is used as a wake up drink and a pre- bed drink.

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