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Texts of Taoism Book VIII "Webbed Toes" Section 1

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Would anybody who is familiar with the texts of taoism care to help me with an interpretation of Book VIII section 1 (pretty much the first paragraph) in the texts of taoism? I understand that its basically saying that benevolence and righteousness are not natural growths of humanity, but excrescences on it, like the extra finger on the hand and the membranous web of the toe, but that is all i can come up with for the moment. Please, any help would be appreciated. I have a group presentation tomorrow and i would like to say more than a couple sentences!



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Do your hands feel big after practice?


Not sure what you mean. I know the whole webbed toe/extra finger thing sounds weird, but it is what it is.

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"Would anybody who is familiar with the texts of taoism" I am not but if its not to late


Chuang Tzu Chapter 8 trans Victor Mair chapter heading


Metaphors of physical superfluity are used to criticize Confucian virtues and regulations. Keen vision and hearing are said to be maintained by paying attention to one's inner self instead of becoming subservient to external qualities.


Perhaps that will help. You are on the right track with "benevolence and righteousness are.... excrescences on [nature], like an extra finger on the hand" the same as debauchery and perversion. Why is one who sacrifices himself to the first pair a "superior man"but too the second pair a"petty man" Both are identical sacrifices, both are diversions from the integral way.


The second argument of the chapter is nicely summed up here.

He who does not see himself but only sees other things, and who does not realize himself but only realizes other things, is one who realizes what others realize but does not himself realize what he realizes. He strives to delight others but does nothing to delight himself. He who strives to delight others but does nothing to delight himself, be he a [hero or criminal] is equally debauched and perverted.


Have fun I love Chuang Tzu

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Forgot the important one :)

Do your hands feel big after practice?

Fingers can feel like fat sausages but usually just heavy / tingly, rather than bigger.

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