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Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:33 am Post subject: Sidhere




I am a retired clinical social worker,age 76,residing in Camarillo,California which is about 60 miles north of Los Angeles.


I became interested in issues of the right brain while early in my college years and majoring in psychology...because of emotional problems I was experiencing at that time,I also underwent several years of psychotherapy,but was generally disappointed in its effectiveness ...during my graduate studies I became interested in Oriental Philosophy,and this opened up a whole new way of my perceiving personalty and its problems...Taoism, perhaps the most deeply right brain orientation among the world religions, had a very significant influence on my thinking.


When in my mid twenties,during a period of deep despair over what I felt were failures in my life,I suddenly experienced a profound sensation of extraordinary freedom and lightness...all my negative feelings disappeared as if a tremendous weight had been taken off my was an awareness that helped me see that all my learned expectations and goals were simply social beliefs unnecessary to find peace and contentment.


This experience which I now interpret as finding my right brain has influence every aspect of my life...when seeing Jill Bolte Taylor's video on her stroke insights,I became motivated to explore the new pioneering thoughts on the right brain via an Internet is my feeling the Tao and the right brain are just 2 different metaphors for the same natural intelligence.

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Welcome Sidhere, glad to have your wisdom along, find a seat ... oops sorry you are already sitting :P ... how do you like your tea?

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